This section discusses the different ways of
integrating surface modeling into solid modeling.
Using Surface-based
Features to Integrate Surface Modeling into Solid Modeling
Using surface-based features (Split
Thick Surface
Close Surface
Sew Surface
is not a new way of integrating surfaces into solid modeling. However, what
hybrid design changes is the fact that surfaces can now be included in the
same body as the features they support. Here is an example of what you can
now obtain: |
In such a case, surfaces are necessarily
defined prior to defining the feature. Indeed, this is because that the
order principle inherent to hybrid design must be respected. If you modify
these surfaces, the solid features located after the modifications will be
affected by those modifications.
Using Boolean Operations to Integrate Volume
Design Into Solid Design
You can use Boolean operations (Assemble
to integrate volumes into bodies. Boolean features are the only features
that can reference volumes. |
This task shows you how to integrate a volume via an
Intersection operation. |
Open the
HybridDesign.CATPart document. |
Select Insert > Boolean Operations > Intersect...
The Intersect dialog appears.
Select Volume Extrude.1. to create the
intersection between the volume and the solid.
Click OK to compute the result:
The intersection is visible, and you can note that Intersect.1 has no
children, it references Volume Extrude1. If you wish to, just use the
Parents/Children command onto it to
Using Insert Added Volume to Integrate Volume
Design into Solid Design
This task shows you how it is now possible to apply
Part Design capabilities onto volumes created in Generative Shape
Optimizer product. Prior to applying these capabilities, you need to
perform just one operation as illustrated in this scenario. |
To perform this scenario, create the volume
of your choice. |
Select the extrude volume you have just
Right-click and select the Volume Extrude.1
object-> Insert Added Volume...
contextual command.
The result is immediate. The Add.3 entity has been
created. It contains a body on which you can apply Part Design
Now set Body.2 as the current object by using the
Define in Work Object capability.
For example, you can now chamfer the volume using the
Part Design Chamfer capability