Instantiating a User Feature From a Macro  

This topic provides you with instructions concerning the instantiation of User Features from VB Macros. Two different protocols are available to instantiate User Features.


To instantiate a User Feature from a VB macro:

  1. Develop your macro in an editor and save it with the CATScript extension. (Read carefully the instructions below to know how to structure your script.)

  2. From the Tools>Macro>Macros... command, access the Macros dialog box in CATIA. Click Macro libraries....

  3. In the Macro libraries dialog box, select the Directories option from the Library type scrolling list.

  4. In the Open a directory of macros dialog box, select the directory that contains the VB script you have created. Click OK when done. Click Close in the Macro libraries dialog box:  The macro contained in this directory is displayed in the Macros dialog box.

  5. Click Run. Your macro is run and your User Feature is instantiated.

Note that:

First instantiation protocol

The first protocol is dedicated to User Feature instantiation only. It is defined by a single method: AddInstance (For more information about this method, see the Automation documentation).

Note that:

  • This method is to be used when you want to perform only one instantiation of the reference.
  • As the document containing the reference is released from the session at the end of the instantiation, it is not recommended to use this method if you want to perform several instantiations of the same reference in a loop. To perform a loop, use the second protocol.
The instantiation process can be broken down into the following steps:

'Instantiation of a User Feature Reference "UserFeature2"
' UserFeature2 is stored in the CATPart "e:\UserFeatureStartSweep.CATPart"
' It has ' 2 inputs: Center and Surface
' 2 published parameters: Height and Radius
' 1 output: Direction
CATIA.SystemService.Print "Retrieve the current part"

Dim PartDocumentDest As PartDocument
Set PartDocumentDest = CATIA.ActiveDocument

Dim PartDest As Part
Set PartDest = PartDocumentDest.Part

CATIA.SystemService.Print "Retrieve the User Feature Reference"

CATIA.DisplayFileAlerts = False

Dim PartDocumentStart As PartDocument
Set PartDocumentStart = CATIA.Documents.Read ("e:\UserFeatureStartSweep.CATPart")

Dim PartStart As Part
Set PartStart = PartDocumentStart.Part

Dim reference As Object
Set reference = PartStart.FindObjectByName("UserFeature2")

CATIA.SystemService.Print "Instantiate the reference in the current part"

Dim factory As InstanceFactory
Set factory = PartDest.GetCustomerFactory("InstanceFactory")

Dim instance As ShapeInstance
Set instance = factory.AddInstance(reference)

CATIA.SystemService.Print "Set Inputs"

Dim Center As Object
Set Center = PartDest.FindObjectByName("Point.1")

Dim Surface As Object
Set Surface = PartDest.FindObjectByName("Surface.1")

instance.PutInput "Center", Center
instance.PutInput "Surface", Surface

CATIA.SystemService.Print "Modify Parameters"

Dim param1 As Parameter
Set param1 = instance.GetParameter("Height")

Dim param2 As Parameter
Set param2 = instance.GetParameter("Radius")

CATIA.SystemService.Print "Update"

CATIA.SystemService.Print "Retrieves Inputs and Outputs"

Dim inputCenter As Object
Set inputCenter = instance.GetInput("Center")
Dim inputSurface As Object
Set inputSurface = instance.GetInput("Surface")

CATIA.SystemService.Print "Recuperation des outputs"
Dim outputDirection As Object
Set outputDirection = instance.GetOutput("Direction")

CATIA.SystemService.Print "Close the CATPart containing the reference"

  • Instantiation: The current part is first retrieved then the Part is read. Use the FindObjectByName method to retrieve the inputs.
    Then the User feature is instantiated using the AddInstance method.
  • Valuation of inputs: Use the FindObjectByName method to retrieve the inputs and the PutInput method to valuate the inputs

To get an example, see Instantiating a User Feature From a VB Macro.

Second instantiation protocol

The second protocol is dedicated to User Features and Power Copies instantiation. It is defined by several methods that must be called in order.

Note that it is recommended to use this protocol to perform several instantiations of the same reference in a loop.

From the Instance Factory (A), the instantiation process can be broken down into 3 major steps, the second step itself being broken down into 5 different steps.
  • Initialization: It is the step where you define which User Feature is to be instantiated. To perform several instantiations in a loop, the reference document is locked in the CATIA session. It will be unlocked in the final step. This step must be called only once at the beginning of the instantiation whatever the number of instantiations.
  • Instantiation: It is the major step in which the data are copied/instantiated. It is made up of 5 different steps that must be called in the order given below.
    • Inputs valuation: Each input of the User Feature has to be valuated with a feature of the destination document.
    • End of instantiation: After this call, the instantiation is ended, and all the links to the reference are broken.
  • Conclusion: This is the last step: The reference document is unlocked and released from the session.
' Instantiation of a User Feature Reference "MyUserFeature2"
' MyUserFeature2 is stored in the CATPart "e:\tmp\UserFeatureStartSweep.CATPart"
' It has
' 2 inputs: Center and Surface
' 2 published parameters: Height and Radius
' 1 output: Direction

CATIA.SystemService.Print "Retrieve the current part"

Dim PartDocumentDest As PartDocument
Set PartDocumentDest = CATIA.ActiveDocument

Dim PartDest As Part
Set PartDest = PartDocumentDest.Part
CATIA.SystemService.Print "Retrieve the factory of the current part"

Dim factory As InstanceFactory
Set factory = PartDest.GetCustomerFactory("InstanceFactory")
CATIA.SystemService.Print "BeginInstanceFactory"

factory.BeginInstanceFactory "MyUserFeature2",
(1) "e:\tmp\UserFeatureStartSweep.CATPart"
CATIA.SystemService.Print "Begin Instantiation"

CATIA.SystemService.Print "Set Inputs"

Dim Center As Object
Set Center = PartDest.FindObjectByName("Point.1")

Dim Surface As Object
Set Surface = PartDest.FindObjectByName("Surface.1")

factory.PutInputData "Point.1", Center
factory.PutInputData "Surface.1", Surface
CATIA.SystemService.Print "Modify Parameters"

Dim param1 As Parameter
Set param1 = factory.GetParameter("Height")

Dim param2 As Parameter
Set param2 = factory.GetParameter("Radius")
CATIA.SystemService.Print "Instantiate"

Dim Instance As ShapeInstance
Set Instance = factory.Instantiate
CATIA.SystemService.Print "End of Instantiation"
CATIA.SystemService.Print "Release the reference document"

CATIA.SystemService.Print "Update"
  • Initialization (1): Use the BeginInstanceFactory method of the CATIAInstanceFactory interface. The first argument must be the name of the User Feature. The second argument is the name of the document where this reference is stored.
    For example: InstanceFactory.BeginInstanceFactory ("name_of_reference","name_of_document")
  • Instantiation: It is the most important part. It is broken down into 5 other steps that must be executed in the following order. These steps can be called in a loop to perform several instantiations:
    • Begin of instantiation: Use the BeginInstantiate method (2) of the CATIAInstanceFactory interface to initialize the data of the reference.
      For example: InstanceFactory.BeginInstantiate
    • Valuation of inputs: Use the PutInputData method (3) of the CATIAInstanceFactory interface to set a value to any input of the reference.
      For example: InstanceFactory.PutInputData "input1", selected_feature1
    • Parameter modification: Retrieve the published parameter using the GetParameter method (4) of the CATIAInstanceFactory interface to modify its value using the ValuateFromString method of the CATIAParameter interface.
      For example: Set param = InstanceFactory.GetParameter ("published_parameter1")
      param.ValuateFromString ("length1")
    • Instantiation: Use the Instantiate method (5) of the CATIAInstanceFactory interface. It returns the created instance when it exists.
      For example: Set Instance = InstanceFactory.Instantiate
    • End of instantiation: Use the EndInstantiate method (6) of the CATIAInstanceFactory interface to indicate that the instantiation is done.
      For example: InstanceFactory.EndInstantiate
  • Conclusion: Use the EndInstanceFactory method (7) of the CATIAInstanceFactory interface to end the instantiation and clean the InstanceFactory. When performing several instantiations in a loop, this step must be called only once at the end of all instantiations.
    For example: InstanceFactory.EndInstanceFactory

To get an example, see Instantiating a User Feature From a VB Macro.