Creating and Marking an Alternative Resource

This scenario describes how to to create an alternate resource in DPM. After alternate resources have been defined, they can be marked to indicate that they are valid for a given case.

Creating an alternative resource

  1. With a Manufacturing Hub project loaded in DPM, right-click on a resource in the PPR tree and select Create Alternative from the contextual menu:

  2. The Alternative Criteria dialog is displayed.

    The Alternative Criteria dialog is initialized with the values for the local and global labels that are already set for the selected resource. The label filter string is displayed in the “Current Label Filter” text field. If there are no labels defined for the selected resource, this field is empty.

  3. New values for the local and global label categories by clicking the button next to each category, as shown below:

  4. Click OK to create a new alternate for the selected resource with the specified label criteria. The newly created alternate is a copy of the selected resource and all its children, and replaces the original objects in the PPR tree. The names of the newly created alternate top level objects are prefixed with "Copy of". The behaviors owned by the selected resource and all its children are copied, as are all the output Manufacturing assemblies of the selected resource.


  • A new label effectivity must be specified that is different from the existing label effectivity.
  • Newly created alternatives are not saved in the Manufacturing Hub until the document is saved via File > Save.
  • The specified label criteria can be applied to only the selected resource or to the selected resource and all of its related components (child resources, behaviors and their child activities, and output Manufacturing Assemblies). This is determined by the Apply label effectivity to all components associated with Alternative option available via the Manufacturing Hub tab page of Tools > Options > Digital Process for Manufacturing.

Marking an alternative resource

  1. With a Manufacturing Hub project loaded in DPM, right-click on a resource in the PPR tree and select Mark Alternative from the contextual menu:

    The Alternative Criteria dialog is displayed (as shown in the Create alternative resource section, above).


  • Marked alternatives are not saved in the Manufacturing Hub until the document is saved via File > Save.