Generative Functions
Make sure that you have the KT1 license
to use the functions listed here below. |
This method is only used in the Knowledge
Pattern Feature. For more information about this feature, see Product
Knowledge Template User's Guide. |
Enables you to instantiate a User Feature. You can access and modify the inputs
of this User Feature by using the type attributes (xxx.input name or xxx. output
name) and the published name.
TemplateId : Indicates the name of the feature.
- If the templates are stored in catalogs, the
first part of the argument is the ARM path or the
catalog name. The second part is the name of the
User Feature.
- If the template that you want to instantiate
is contained in the current document, the name of
the user feature.
Destination : Indicates the destination feature
(PartBody, ...).
PatternList : Indicates the pattern list.
IndexInPatternList : Indicates the index number
in the pattern list.
udf = CreateOrModifyTemplate("PktARMcatalog2|BoxUDF", PartBody, Boxes,
udf = CreateOrModifyTemplate("UserFeature1", `Geometrical Set.1` , Boxes,
Enables you to launch the update of the instantiated feature after modifying
its inputs.
Featuree : object returned by the CreateOrModifyTemplate
The EndModifyTemplate function
can only be used together with the CreateOrModifyTemplate and
the InstantiateTemplate ones. |
This method is only used in the Knowledge
Pattern Feature. For more information about this feature, see Product
Knowledge Template User's Guide. |
Enables you to create or modify a datum.
datumType : Indicates the datum type: Point, Line, Curve,
Circle, Surface, Plane, Volume..
Destination : Indicates the destination feature (PartBody,
PatternList : Indicates the pattern list.
IndexInPatternList : Indicates the index number in the
pattern list.
This method is only used in the Knowledge
Pattern Feature. For more information about this feature, see Product
Knowledge Template User's Guide. |
Enables you to lock the instance instantiated by the
functions hence
avoiding the modification of this instance. A new affectation or an attribute modification
does not modify the instance.
patterninstance : Indicates the pattern.
If set to true, the instance is locked. If set to false, the
instance is not locked.
This method is only used in the Knowledge
Pattern Feature. For more information about this feature, see Product
Knowledge Template User's Guide. |
Enables you to specify if an instance is locked.
if set to true, the instance is locked. if set to false, the instance is not locked.
Enables you to instantiate any type of template. This method is available in
the Actions editor and in BKT. The input of this method is an ARM catalog which
can contain any type of templates (PowerCopies, User Features and Document Templates)
and the second argument being the destination in the Part or the Product.
Enables you to launch a Generative Script from an Expert Rule.
is the path of the .CATGScript
PartName is the argument declared in the CATGScript file
Function is the value of the argument
if (pa.Name == pa.Name)
GenerateScript("....script.CATGScript","PartName","Function","PartName2","MyPart") |
Enables you to generate a path
string in order to access either a feature or a publication for a given assembly.
Product :
Indicates the path of the top root product
Instance :
Indicates the product instance to which the final element belongs to.
Element :
Indicates the final element. This element can be either a Feature or
a Publication Name.
"Plane") |
CreatePublication ((Instance:Product,
Element:Feature/String, Name:String)
Enables you to publish either a
feature or a publication for a given product.
Product :
Indicates the Product to which the created publications belongs to.
Instance :
Indicates the Product Instance to which the published element belongs
Element :
Indicates the final element. This element can be either a Feature or
a Publication Name.
Name :
Indicates the name of the new Publication.
If a publication with the
same name exists, it is replaced by the new one.
If the publication name is
missing, the pointed element name is used instead.
Product->CreateConstraint (Type:String,
Name:String, element1:String, element2:String, …):Constraint
Enables you to create a constraint
for a given product.
Product :
Indicates the Product to which the created constraint belongs to.
Type :
Indicates the Assembly Constraint type. For example, an Offset
Indicates the name of the created constraint.
If a constraint with
the same name already exists, it is replaced by the new one.
If the constraint name is
missing, the default constraint name is used instead.
ElementN :
Indicates the list of elements to be constrained. The string of an element
argument matches the path from the destination to the element i.e. The
path string from a Product to an Element.
Function: It
returns the created constraint.
List of available constraints
Constraint type
let pathstring1 (String)
let pathstring2 (String)
pathstring1 = Root->CreatePathString(Part3.1,Part3\PartBody\Plane.1 )
pathstring2 = Root->CreatePathString(Product1.1\Part2.1 ,Part2\PartBody\Plane.2
let pathPubPlane(String)
let ctr(MfLengthConstraint)
Product1.1->CreatePublication(Product1.1\Part2.1 , Part2\PartBody\Plane.2
, "Plane")
pathPubPlane=Root->CreatePathString(Product1.1, "Plane")
ctr = Root->CreateConstraint("MyOffsetConstraint","Offset", pathPubPlane,
"Part3.1\Part3\PartBody\Plane.1") ctr.MfLength = 50mm
let pathstring1 (String)
let pathstring2 (String)
pathstring1 = Root ->CreatePathString(Part3.1,Part3\PartBody\Plane.1 )
pathstring2 = Root ->CreatePathString(Product1.1\Part2.1 ,Part2\PartBody\Plane.2
let pathstring1 (String)
let pathstring2 (String)
pathstring1 = Root ->CreatePathString(Part3.1,Part3\PartBody\Plane.1 )
pathstring2 = Root ->CreatePathString(Product1.1\Part2.1 ,Part2\PartBody\Plane.2
let pathstring1 (String)
let pathstring2 (String)
let pathstring3 (String)
pathstring1 = Root->CreatePathString(Part3.1,Part3\PartBody\Plane.1 )
pathstring2 = Root->CreatePathString(Product1.1\Part2.1 ,Part2\PartBody\Plane.2
pathstring3 = Root->CreatePathString(Product1.1\Part2.1 ,Part2\PartBody\Sketch.2
Message("# | #",pathstring1, pathstring2, pathstring3)
pathstring2, pathstring3)
let pathstring1 (String)
let pathstring2 (String)
pathstring1 = Root ->CreatePathString(Part3.1,Part3\PartBody\Plane.1 )
pathstring2 = Root ->CreatePathString(Product1.1\Part2.1 ,Part2\PartBody\Plane.2
let pathstring1 (String)
let pathstring2 (String)
pathstring1 = Root ->CreatePathString(Part3.1,Part3\PartBody\Plane.1 )
pathstring2 = Root ->CreatePathString(Product1.1\Part2.1 ,Part2\PartBody\Plane.2
) Root->CreateConstraint("MyPerpendicularityConstraint","Perpendicularity",pathstring1,pathstring2)
let pathstring1 (String)
let pathstring2 (String)
pathstring1 = Root ->CreatePathString(Product1.1\Part2.1 ,Part3\PartBody\Pad.1
pathstring2 = Root ->CreatePathString(Product1.1\Part2.1 ,Part2\PartBody\Pad.1
let pathstring1 (String)
let pathstring2 (String)
pathstring1 = Root ->CreatePathString(Product1.1\Part2.1 ,Part3\PartBody\Line.1
pathstring2 = Root ->CreatePathString(Product1.1\Part2.1 ,Part2\PartBody\Line.1
let pathstring1 (String)
let pathstring2 (String)
pathstring1 = Root ->CreatePathString(Product1.1\Part2.1 ,Part3\PartBody\Point.1
pathstring2 = Root ->CreatePathString(Product1.1\Part2.1 ,Part2\PartBody\Point.1
let pathstring1 (String)
let pathstring2 (String)
pathstring1 = Root ->CreatePathString(Product1.1\Part2.1 ,Part3\PartBody\Line.1
pathstring2 = Root ->CreatePathString(Product1.1\Part2.1 ,Part2\PartBody\Line.1
Product->;ManageInstance(arm: String, chapterName : String, query : String, instanceName
: String): Product
It returns the created or replaced product instance. The Product or Part reference
document has to be either directly linked by a ARM catalog description or a resolved
part family element.
arm :
This argument is an Application Resource Management string. It is composed
of two parts separated by "|" (pipe) : “<catalogName>|<value of the
keyworld “Logical Name” of a catalog description>”. The catalog description
has to reference either a CATPart document or a CATProduct document
(case 1), or a catalog document (case 2).
chapterName :
This argument is only used in
case 2. In that case, the ARM resource is a catalog document, and if
the chapterName argument is specified, the system looks for the catalog
chapter of this name.
query :
This argument is only used in case 2. in that case, the query is used
to retrieve the part family elements that fit this query, either in
a specific chapter i.e. the chapterName argument is filled, or in the
whole catalog.
instanceName :
The ManageInstance method
either creates or replaces a product instance. This argument is used
to retrieve the existing instance, if any. It is also used to rename
the created instance.
let newInstance (Product)
/* Creates or replace the instance under Product1 of name "Instance of MyPart"
This instance is the instance of the part pointed by the catalog description
MyPart in the catalog ARM. */
= Product1 ->ManageInstance("ARM|MyPart", "", "", "Instance of MyPart) |
In this case, second and third arguments are
useless. |
Case 2:
let newInstance (Product)
/* Creates or replace the instance under Product1 of name "Instance of Bolt
part family item"
This instance is a part family instance, found in family ISO_4014_GRADES_A_B_HEXAGON_HEAD_BOLT
in the catalog pointed by the ARM description in the catalog ARM */
set newInstance
= Product1 ->ManageInstance("ARM|Bolt", "ISO_4014_GRADES_A_B_HEXAGON_HEAD_BOLT",
"x.PartNumber == \"ISO 4014 BOLT M2x16 STEEL GRADE A HEXAGON HEAD\"", "Instance
of Bolt part family item") |
Keep in mind that
is used to specify a string within a string |
Indicates the name of
the product instance to remove.
It removes the instance created in the example given in Case
1 to illustrate the ManageInstance
product1.removeinstance("instance of MyPart")