This task shows how to store a design table in a power
copy for later use. In this scenario, you want to instantiate the inner and
the outer cages of a ball bearing in a different context. To do so, you
create a power copy only containing the outer and the inner cages of an
already existing ball bearing. This scenario is divided into the
following steps:
To perform this scenario, the Product Knowledge Template
license is required. |
To perform this scenario, you will need the following
To store a design table in a Power Copy, remember to
select the parameters pointed by the design table. |
Open the
KwrBallBearing1.CATPart file. The following image is displayed.
Insert the Design Table into the CATPart File
Click the Design Table icon (
in the Standard toolbar. The Creation of a Design Table dialog
box is displayed.
Select the Create a design table from a pre-existing
file option and click OK. The File Selection
dialog box is displayed.
Select the
KwrBearingDesignTable.xls and click Open.
Click Yes when asked for automatic
associations and click OK. The Design table is displayed below
the Relations node.
Create the Power Copy
From the Start->Knowledgeware menu, access the
Product Knowledge Template workbench (if need be) and click
the Create a PowerCopy icon. The Power Copy Definition dialog
box is displayed.
In the Specification tree, click the following items:
Click OK when done. The Power Copy is
displayed below the PowerCopy node in the specification tree. |
Save your file and close it.
Instantiate the Power Copy
From the File->New menu, select Part
from the List of Types and click OK.
If need be, from the Start->Knowledgeware
menu, access the Product Knowledge Template workbench and
click the Instantiate From Document icon. The File
Selection dialog box is displayed.
Select the KwrBallBearing1.CATPart file and click
Open. The Insert Object dialog box is displayed.
Click the yz plane in the specification tree and click
OK. The Design Table is instantiated.