Checking the Operation When Renaming

This page deals with the options concerning:

Checking Operation When Renaming

Please refer to Infrastructure user's guide to know more about the Part Infrastructure Display options.

No name check

Use this option if you wish to allow all types of rename operations whatever the locations of the elements in the specification tree.
By default, this option is selected.

Under the same tree node

Check this option to prevent two elements belonging to a common node from having the same name. If you are giving an identical name, a warning message is issued informing you that the element you are renaming will be suffixed as 'Renamed'. The check operation in case-insensitive.
By default, this option is not selected.

In the main object

Check this option to prevent two elements belonging to the same main node from having the same name. The check operation in case-insensitive
By default, this option is not selected.