Electrical Harness Flattening Parameters  

Electrical harness flattening parameters are located in the Electrical node of the Generative View Style XML file (available via Tools > Tools > Standard > generativeparameters category > DefaultGenerativeStyle.XML file).

Customizing these parameters affects the appearance of your drawings.

Note: Generative View Styles only work on Electrical Harness Flattening data, that is to say after extraction from the 3D data.

This section deals with the following subjects:

All generative view styles apply to views generated in exact mode. On top of that, some generative view style parameters also apply when creating other view types (CGR, Approximate and Raster), as specified for each concerned view dress-up element.

Bundle Segments


Parameter Name



GraphicRepresentation GraphicRepresentation DoubleLine /SingleLine Determines the linetype used for bundle segments.
Default value: DoubleLine
AutomaticGeneration > TextTemplate Generation yes/no Specifies whether or not to generate an associated text template.
CatalogName character string Specifies the name of the catalog containing text templates.

The catalog is the one identified in the Electrical Drawing Catalog box (Tools > Options > Equipment & Systems > Electrical Harness Flattening). If no catalog is specified, the system scans all catalogs defined in Tools > Options.

TextTemplateName character string Specifies the name of the text template.
AutomaticGeneration > WireAnnotation Generation yes/no Specifies whether or not to generate wire annotations.
Attributes, for example, InstanceName, PartNumber, Diameter Integer Identifies the order in which wire attributes are generated. A "0" value means that no annotation for the selected attribute is generated.
AutomaticGeneration > TechnologicalFeatureDimension Generation yes/no Specifies whether or not to automatically generate dimensions for technological features.
Default value: No

Protective Coverings


There are two kinds of protective covering:

  • Tape
  • Corrugated tube

Parameters are the same for both kinds of protective covering.


Parameter Name



Tape or Corrugated tube GraphicRepresentation DoubleLine /SingleLine Determines the linetype used for protective covering.
Default value: DoubleLine
Thickness yes/no Determines whether or not the customized line type standard is taken into account.
Default value: No
2DdetailOnExtremities Generation yes/no Specifies whether or not to generate a 2D detail on ends of protective coverings.
Default value: No
Coefficient integer Specifies a coefficient that sizes the 2D detail according to the layer of protective covering.
Default value: 1.1
CatalogName character string Specifies the name of the catalog containing 2D details.

The catalog is the one identified in the Electrical Drawing Catalog box (Tools > Options > Equipment & Systems > Electrical Harness Flattening). If no catalog is specified, the system scans all catalogs defined in Tools > Options.

AutomaticGeneration > TextTemplate Generation yes/no Specifies whether or not to generate an associated text template.
CatalogName character string Specifies the name of the catalog containing text templates.

The catalog is the one identified in the Electrical Drawing Catalog box (Tools > Options > Equipment & Systems > Electrical Harness Flattening). If no catalog is specified, the system scans all catalogs defined in Tools > Options.

TextTemplateName character string Specifies the name of the text template.
AutomaticGeneration > TechnologicalFeatureDimension Generation yes/no Specifies whether or not to automatically generate dimensions for technological features.
Default value: No



There are various kinds of device:

  • Single insert connectors
  • Ground studs
  • Terminal strips
  • Terminal blocks
  • External splices
  • Internal splices
  • Equipment
  • Back shells

Parameters are the same for each of the above devices.


Parameter Name



GraphicReplacement Type 3Dprojection/2D detail Specifies whether to generate a 3D representation or a 2D detail representing the device.
Default value: 3D projection.
2DDetailOrientation yes/no Specifies how to orient 2D detail.
No (default value): 2D detail is oriented with respect to main drawing view.
Yes: 2D detail is oriented with respect to bundle segment (BNS) tangency.
CatalogName character string Specifies the name of the catalog containing the 2D details.

The catalog is the one identified in the Electrical Drawing Catalog box (Tools > Options > Equipment & Systems > Electrical Harness Flattening). If no catalog is specified, the system scans all catalogs defined in Tools > Options.



AutomaticGeneration > TextTemplate Generation yes/no Specifies whether or not to generate an associated text template.
CatalogName character string Specifies the name of the catalog containing the text templates.

The catalog is the one identified in the Electrical Drawing Catalog box (Tools > Options > Equipment & Systems > Electrical Harness Flattening). If no catalog is specified, the system scans all catalogs defined in Tools > Options.

TextTemplateName character string Specifies the name of the text template.
AutomaticGeneration > WireAnnotation Generation yes/no Specifies whether or not to generate wire annotations.
Attributes, for example, InstanceName, PartNumber, Diameter Integer Identifies the order in which wire attributes are generated. A "0" value means that no annotation for the selected attribute is generated.



Parameter Name



Graphic replacement Type 3Dprojection/2D detail/ 3DprojectionAND2Ddetail Specifies whether to generate a 3D representation (default value), a 2D detail representing the support, or both.
CatalogName character string Specifies the name of the catalog containing the 2D details.

The catalog is the one identified in the Electrical Drawing Catalog box (Tools > Options > Equipment & Systems > Electrical Harness Flattening). If no catalog is specified, the system scans all catalogs defined in Tools > Options.

Graphic replacement> Section of support Generation yes/no Specifies whether or not to generate an associated support section.
Numbering>Use common ditto yes/no Specifies whether or not to share a detail. The detail can only be shared if supports have the same External Reference and same orientation in 3D.
Numbering>Prefix on section name character string Defines prefix to be used for section details.
Default value: Section
Layout>Origin position length > 0 Defines the XY coordinates of the first detail on the grid.
Default value for X and Y: -400mm
Layout>Grid size length > 0 Defines the spacing between details in the X and Y directions.
Default value: 40mm
Layout>Number of section on X Integer Defines the number of details placed along the X direction.
Default value: 10

O = origin
a = Y step (grid size in Y direction)
b = X step (grid size in X direction)
number of sections along X = 4 in above image

AutomaticGeneration > TextTemplate Generation yes/no Specifies whether or not to generate an associated text template.
CatalogName character string Specifies the name of the catalog containing the text templates.

The catalog is the one identified in the Electrical Drawing Catalog box (Tools > Options > Equipment & Systems > Electrical Harness Flattening). If no catalog is specified, the system scans all catalogs defined in Tools > Options.

TextTemplateName character string Specifies the name of the text template.

Mechanical Parts


Parameter Name



DashedGreenLine LineType Integer Determines the line type used for the dashed green line representing the mechanical part.
Thickness Integer Determines the line thickness used for the dashed green line.