View Dress-up parameters  

View dress-up parameters are located in the Drafting > ViewDressup node of the generative view style XML file (available via Tools > Standard > generativeparameters category > *.XML file).

These parameters define the style of the various parameters which deal with the dress-up of the view.

This section deals with the following subjects:

All generative view styles apply to views generated in exact mode. On top of that, some generative view style parameters also apply when creating other view types (CGR, Approximate and Raster), as specified for each concerned view dress-up element.

Dress-up Parameters

  There are various kinds of dress-up parameters:





Parameter Name



Visible yes/no Specifies whether or not the section profile should be visible.
Color color Determines the color of the section profile.
Linetype integer Determines the linetype used for the section profile.
Thickness integer Determines the line thickness used for the section profile.

The section profile parameter is displayed in red.

Section > SkinSection Color color Determines the color of the skin section profile.
Linetype integer Determines the linetype used for the skin section profile.
Thickness integer Determines the line thickness used for the skin section profile.
Section > SolidSection Color color Determines the color of the solid section profile.
Linetype integer Determines the linetype used for the solid section profile.
Thickness integer Determines the line thickness used for the solid section profile.

Remark: all parameters also apply to CGR, Approximate and Raster view types.

Visible yes/no Specifies whether or not the detail profile should be visible.
Color color Determines the color of the detail profile.
Linetype integer Determines the linetype used for the detail profile.
Thickness integer Determines the line thickness used for the detail profile.

Remark: all parameters also apply to CGR, Approximate and Raster view types.

Visible yes/no Specifies whether or not the break profile should be visible.
Color color Determines the color of the break profile.
Linetype integer Determines the linetype used for the break profile.
Thickness integer Determines the line thickness used for the break profile.
Visible yes/no Specifies whether or not the breakout/3D clipping profile should be visible.
Color color Determines the color of the breakout/3D clipping profile.
Linetype integer Determines the linetype used for the breakout/3D clipping profile.
Thickness integer Determines the line thickness used for the breakout/3D clipping profile.





Parameter Name



Color yes/no Specifies whether wireframe color should be inherited from 3D.
Linetype yes/no Specifies whether wireframe linetype should be inherited from 3D.
Thickness yes/no Specifies whether wireframe thickness should be inherited from 3D.

Remark: all parameters also apply to Raster view types.

Color yes/no Specifies whether solid color should be inherited from 3D.
Linetype yes/no Specifies whether solid linetype should be inherited from 3D.
Thickness yes/no Specifies whether solid thickness should be inherited from 3D.
3D Points Color yes/no Specifies whether generated points color should be inherited from 3D.
Symbol yes/no Specifies whether generated points symbol should be inherited from 3D.
Name yes/no

Specifies whether generated points name should be inherited from 3D.






Parameter Name




Remark: all parameters apply to CGR and Approximate view types.

Color color Determines the color of vivid edges.
Linetype integer Determines the linetype used for vivid edges.
Thickness integer Determines the line thickness used for vivid edges.

Remark: all parameters apply to CGR and Approximate view types.

Color color Determines the color of hidden edges.
Linetype integer Determines the linetype used for hidden edges.
Thickness integer Determines the line thickness used for hidden edges.
Fillets Color color Determines the color of fillets.
Linetype integer Determines the linetype used for fillets.
Thickness integer Determines the line thickness used for fillets.
Color color Determines the color of wireframe.
Linetype integer Determines the linetype used for wireframe.
Thickness integer Determines the line thickness used for wireframe.
Symbols integer Determines the symbol used for 3D points.
Use O to inherit from the 3D symbol,
use 1 to 8 to choose a custom symbol.

How are dress-up parameters computed?

  Dress-up parameters are computed according to the following process and cases:



Dress-up parameters computation process

  When computed, dress-up parameters are either retrieved from the 3D graphic attributes, or depend on the type of projected element. The graph below explains this in detail:

Inheritance versus 3D type


Inheritance versus fillets and hidden lines


Inheritance versus wireframe


Properties versus "functional" role (1)


Properties versus "functional" role (2)