The Table of the Return Codes Detected by the CATDUA V5

The CATDUA V5 capabilities are to check structural data within a CATProduct, CATPart, CATDrawing, CATAnalysis, CATMaterial, CATProcess, and to clean (modify) the data structure.

You can find here a description of return codes detected by the CATDUA V5 including:

  • levels of severity of the detected errors,

  • symptoms (user view) of the detected errors,

  • technical problems,

  • CATDUA V5 operations,

  • results of the CATDUA V5 execution (user view).

Priority levels

Priority Level Legend:

  (1):  Priority One Return Code: cleaning action may lead to data deletion.
  (2):  Priority Two Return Code: cleaning action may lead to data modification (without deletion).
  (3):  Priority Three Return Code: Unimportant error. Cleaning action without huge impact on data.
  (*) This symbol means that the rule is not executed on a document coming from a PDM system (ENOVIAVPM, ENOVIA LCA).
Error Domain Symptom (User View) Technical Problem CATDUA Operation After CATDUA execution (User View)
AFI_1 (3) Assembly Design Ghost Link in SendTo command. Inconsistency of the list of features pointed by the Assembly Feature. Deletion of the list of pointed feature and rebuild it from other valid information. No more invalid assembly links in Send/To command.
AFI_2 (2) Assembly Design Some ghost links appear SendTo command. An instance of a Reuse Pattern feature was pointing into a wrong document, probably because of a problem during feature synchronization. Unset the pointing attribute on the instance. No more  ghost links in Send To command.
AFI_3 (3) Assembly Design Ghost links in File/SendTo command from a CATProduct. ASSYFEATPATTERN are feature extensions of CONNECTION feature. the whole product structure was instantiated in a CATWorkSceneProdCont (container dedicated to the old Scenes), and so was the CONNECTION and its ASSYFATPATTERN. But the instance->reference link of the ASSYFEATPATTERN had been corrupted and it was pointed to its Start-Up instead of the right reference.
Some links of the reference ASSYFEATPATTERN had been modified, but the instance ASSYFEATPATTERN could not be synchronized and still had links to unnecessary documents.
Plug the instance to the right reference and Reset/Synchronize it. Ghost links disappear; from the ASSYFEATPATTERN point of view there is no consequence because the instance are not seen by the user and aren't taken into account in the Update process.
AGG_1 (1) Aggregation Aggregated object does not know its aggregating object. Aggregated object does not know its aggregating object. Deletion of the aggregation. None.
AGG_2 (2) Aggregation Ghost links, Undeletable view, Copy Paste failure... Corruption of an aggregation link between two objects (reciprocity broken). An aggregated object does not know its aggregating object. Update of the aggregation link. No Ghost links any more, view is removed, Copy Paste works...
Document needs to be updated.
AGG_3 (2) Aggregation Nothing happens when deleting an instance in a product. A link Father-Son between an instance and the product is deleted, which disables the destruction of the instance. Use the Spec service CATSpecSetFather to reset the link. The instance can be deleted.
AGG_4 (2) Aggregation A constraint is broken when making a product flexible. Before making the product flexible there was no problem. The rule UAV_6 applied on documents instantiating this one detected the problem but did not resolve it. In the upper document, a connector was not known by the Product Instance, so it was not instantiated in other documents. Connector is set back on the right attribute of the Product, and instantiated on all referencing documents. Constraints instances pointing at connector instance can retrieve it and are not broken any more.
User might need to run the Cleaner in the documents that reference this one: UAV_6 rule might detect a problem and correction has to be made.
AGG_5 (1) ProductStructure Ghost link in File/SendTo command from a CATPart. PUBLISHING features are instanciated in Part container, without aggregation, which may lead to inst/ref links outside the scope of CATPart. These data are anyway not used. Deletion of the useless PUBLISHING features. No more Ghost link in file/SendTo command.
ASD_0 (1) Assembly Design Constraint is wrong displayed or ignored during update. The start up of constraint is not found. Load the AsmCst.feat catalog. Product is non up-to-date.
Document needs to be updated.
ASD_1 (1) Assembly Design Constraint is wrong displayed or ignored during update. Unused Constraint without connection are present (when a connection is deleted the constraint is not). Deletion of unused constraints. Product is non up-to-date.
Document needs to be updated.
ASD_2 (1) Assembly Design Constraint is wrong displayed or ignored during update. Constraint is defined in a wrong container. Deletion of the constraints. Product is non up-to-date.
Document needs to be updated.
ASD_3 (2) Assembly Design Constraint is not correctly displayed or ignored during the update. The type of a constraint is lost. Restore the type of the constraint. Constraint is correctly displayed or updated. Document needs to be updated.
ASD_4 (2) Assembly Design Constraint is wrong displayed or ignored during update. Bad quality of constraints attribute. Change the quality of attributes. Product is non up-to-date.
Document needs to be updated.
ASD_5 (1) Assembly Design The FixTogether node in the graph does not appear ; there is a blue CONNECTION node instead. Such data may cause a coredump at Open or at Close. This occurs on data containing a Fix Together created in V5R12 GA. Inconsistency between the feature catalog in V5R12 GA and the catalog in later versions or service packs. The corrupted Fix Together is deleted and replaced by a new Fix Together. The Fix Together node appears in the graph, there is no more CONNECTION node ; if the Fix Together was pointing another Fix Together, this information is lost. The name is lost too.
ASD_6 (1) Assembly Design A constraint can not be created. A Fix Together node without parent (connection). The corrupted Fix Together is deleted. The constraint can be created.
Document needs to be updated.
ASD_7 (2) Assembly Design Two parts linked with a contact constraint has wrong orientation. An attribute of a constraint contains a wrong value. Set the right value to the attribute of the constraint. The contact constraint is out of date. Document needs to be updated.
ASD_8 (3) Assembly Design Activity of the FixTogether is not displayed in F(x). Activity parameter of the FixTogether is not valuated. Valuate the Activity parameter of the FixTogether.

FixTogether is displayed in F(x).

ASD_9 (3) Assembly Design

Impossible to reorder constraints or set of constraints in Assembly Design.

Some old sets, existing in no more existing component, still present in the document, disrupt the management of set and constraints.

Delete of those old and not used set of constraints.

It is possible to reorder constraints or Set of constraints.
ASD_10 (2) Assembly Design Some constraints can be seen in the 3D window, but they do not appear in the specifications tree. When the user adds another constraint, lots of constraints appear in the specification tree, they disappear if the user deletes the new constraint.

Aggregation problem: the CONNECTION does not know the ConstraintASM, but the ConstraintASM knows that the CONNECTION is its parent.

ChangeFather of the ConstraintASM and reconnect it properly to the CONNECTION.

If CATDUA is launched in a CATIA session, the user will need to refresh the specification tree to see the constraints (e.g. launch command 'Window/New Windows, or Save and Reopen the CATProduct). CATProduct needs to be updated.

ASD_11 (1) Assembly Design There are unusable constraints, which cannot be deleted. Moreover, the CATProduct has some ghost links.

The corrupted constraints are instance constraints which are instantiated under a reference product. This is theoretically not possible, a reference constraint can only be instantiated when its owning product is instantiated. The instance constraints cannot be correctly removed.

Delete corrupted constraints.

Corrupted constraints disappear from the specification tree. Some ghost links disappear. Some unfixable errors (like HIE_6) may disappear thanks to related objects deletion. In an interactive session, if the Constraints node is expanded, the user may have to refresh its view by collapsing or expanding the node.

ASD_12 (3) Assembly Design Some constraint are not visible in the Specification tree. There is less constraints displayed in the Specification tree than in the 'Analyze -> Constraints' command. Only constraints attached to an internal RootSet are displayed in the Specification tree. Therefore, with some scenarios, the end user managed to keep some constraints out of this RootSet. The scenario could have been as follows:
  1. When the document is opened with LCA, if all of its parts are not loaded, then constraints dependent on those parts will not be loaded as well.
  2. As not all constraints are present at that moment, only the present constraints become child of the RootSet.
  3. Then, if the user opens the other parts, the constraints would not be part of the RootSet. And even if we save and close the part next time, the constraints are not visible.
Make the missing constraints, child of "RootSet", and then refresh the specification tree, so that the constraints become visible again. The user gets the same number of constraints in the specification tree and from the "Analyze -> Constraints" command.
ATT_2 (3) Product Structure No visibility (can appear when an assembly update fails). Internal (and unnecessary) attribute incorrectly valuated. Unset the value of this attribute. No visibility.
ATT_3 (1) Product Structure Send To command shows a link to a CGR in V5Cache (concern only V5R1 CATProducts). Internal (and unnecessary ) attribute incorrectly valuated. Deletion of unnecessary link. Send To command does not show this link.
ATT_4 (2) Product Structure The result of an update (in terms of position) is not correct even if no error is reported. Internal value to determine whether an update (in position) is needed is incorrectly valuated. Set the internal attribute to the correct value. Document needs to be updated. After the update the part is correctly positioned.

ATT_6 (2)

Product Structure

An external reference is up-to-date whereas its target has changed. There is missing information in the contextual links: the modifiers timestamps have not been set. Sets the link as Not UpToDate, and initializes the timestamp list. All impacted external references must be updated. To be able to do the Update only one time, external links should be resolved before update.
Document needs to be updated.
ATT_11 (1) Product Structure Ghost links are visible through File/Send to. Some attributes of a Product has only a sense for the Reference Product. They are only defined on the Reference Product. The rule is detected when one of these attributes is defined on a Product Instance. This overloading may lead to the creation of ghost links. Delete the overloaded attribute on the Product instance. Attributes on the Product instance may have disappeared.
No more Ghost Link in the File/SendTo command.
ATT_12 (2) Product Structure Problem of synchronisation of external Parameter pointing a Publication of Parameter. Several pointing attributes of a Port are valuated at the same time. Keep only one pointing attribute valuated, with priority to the resolved one. Document needs to be updated, and all documents pointing this publication to synchronize correctly external references.
BDR_0 (3) PlantShip Modeler The user will be prompt with error window if an old version of 2D/3D modeling exist. New 2D/3D modeling would eliminate the dependency of schematic documents, reduce data size, support ENOVIA LCA revision and configuration. Cleaning exists, 2D/3D modeling without direct pointing to schematic/fake functions. No more error window and reduced model size.

BOL_0 (2)

Part Design Visualization problems due to Boolean between Solid body (old) and hybrid body (new). Boolean operation between solid body (old) and hybrid body (new). The operand body is moved under the part. Specification tree changes since operand body is moved from under Boolean to under part.

BOL_1 (2)

PartDesign Visualization problems due to Boolean between two hybrid (new) bodies.

Boolean operation between two hybrid (new) bodies with operand body not aggregated to the Boolean feature however displayed under it leads to visualization problems.

The operand body will be moved under the part.

Specification tree would change since operand body would be moved from under Boolean to under part.

BRK_0 (1) Product Structure Ghost link. CATIA announces that a document can not be retrieved, and the link does not appears in Edit/Links or File/Desk. Object owner of the link is not aggregated and CATIA does not find information about object type. In this case the internal link owner is supposed to be unused. Delete this is performed on this broken object No more Ghost Link in the command.
BST_0 (3) PlantShip Modeler A document created with a previous version can not be loaded Without the declaration of backup startup class, the document cannot be loaded without the associated CATfct. Declare object's backup startup class. The document can be loaded.
BST_1 (3) Mechanical Modeler An external user can not see CAA features created with a previous version. When the startup catalog for CAA features is not present, the features cannot be displayed. Declare object's backup startup class. An external user can see the CAA features.
CAT_0 (2) SpecsModeler A core-dump may occur when accessing some data. A CatalogManager does not point a catalog document. The pointing to the document that is not a catalog is removed. No more core-dump when accessing data.
CCL_0 (3) SpecsModeler The description's name and the "Name" keyword value are different. The description's name is wrong. The description's name is set with the "Name" keyword value. The description is renamed.
CCL_1 (3) SpecsModeler The same chapter appears with a name in the Specifications tree and with another name in the definition list. The chapter's name is wrong. The chapter's name is set with the name that appears in the definition list. The chapter is renamed.
CCL_2 (3) SpecsModeler Some ghost links appear in the SendTo or Save in ENOVIA commands. When a chapter's keyword is deleted, some internal data associated with the chapter's keyword are not deleted and remain in descriptions. Useless internal data are now removed. No more  ghost links in Send To command and in Save in ENOVIA.
CCL_4 (3) SpecsModeler A description's keyword value may be unlinked with its chapter's keyword in rare cases (CAA). An unlinked keyword value is not removed if its keyword is removed. Removing a keyword may create ghost links if its keywords values are unlinked. The keyword value is re-linked with its keyword. Removing a keyword will remove its keywords values.
CCL_5 (2) SpecsModeler Chapters cannot be viewed in the catalog Editor despite they are  found by batch.

No descriptions are pointing to the chapter, so it is not taken into account in the viewer.

Create a new description under the root chapter that points to the chapter.

Chapters are correctly displayed in the tree of the catalog Editor.
CDC_0 (1) PlantShip Modeler The user will be prompt with error window if an invalid version of cross document connections exists. Publication based on cross document connection would support ENOVIA LCA revision and configuration. Use publication to support cross document connections. No more error window.
CPF_0 (3) Part Design

Size of a CATPart is abnormally huge comparatively to the number of elements.

Unreferenced BREP features in the Part design Feature.

Delete the Unreferenced BREP features.

Reduce the size of the model.

CRV_0 (2) Sketcher Modeler Curves created outside the Sketcher workbench with no endpoints. The resulting geometry associated to the sketch is not consistent. Required endpoints are added. Sketches are seen as non up-to-date. Document needs to be updated.

CRV_1 (3)

Sketcher Modeler

Update result is not right because update propagation is wrong. Some features are not impacted by geometries modifications. Ex: Output features.

Attributes of several features are set to sp_NEUTRAL instead of sp_IN.

Set quality of curves attributes to sp_IN.

No impact, except when cleaned geometries are published by output features.
Then Document needs to be updated.

CRV_2 (2)

Sketcher Modeler

Ghost link is visible in SendTo command. "Start Point" attribute and "End Point" attribute of a "2D Curve" feature reference "2D Point" features in an external document. Unset "StartPoint" and "EndPoint" attributes. Then create new limit points and set these attributes with new limit points. In CATDrawing document, the representation of the limit points is visualized in the 2D viewer. In CATPart document, document needs to be updated and the representation of limit points is visualized.
CST_1 (2) Sketcher Some sketcher constraints are not usable anymore (always broken). Internal attribute to determine the type of the constraint is not valuated. Set the internal attribute to the correct value. Document needs to be updated. The constraint can be used again.
CST_2 (2) Sketcher CPU loop or problem with activation/deactivation of a constraint. Bad quality of constraints attribute. Change the quality of attribute. Document needs to be updated. The constraint can be used again.
CST_3 (1) Sketcher Some sketcher constraints are wrong displayed or ignored during update. Value of a constraints attribute is lost. Deletion of the constraint. Document needs to be updated. The constraint can be used again.
CST_4 (1) Sketcher Ghostlink on a CATDrawing in SendTo command. Ghost Link on a CATDrawing document due to an invalid "blocs" attribute of a constraint. Valuate the "blocs" attributes of the constraint. No more Ghost link in Send To command. Document needs to be updated.
CTX_1 (3) (*) Mechanical Modeler Part is contextual to several products, which is not supported by several tools (Edit Links, Define Contextual Links, etc). Part is contextual to several products, which is not supported by several tools (Edit Links, Define Contextual Links, etc). Deletion of all contexts except first one. Some external references may be isolated.
DAC_0 (1) Drafting Ghost link on another document from annotation. The leader of the annotation belongs to another document. Delete the annotation and its leader. No more annotation, no more ghost Link.
DAC_1 (1) Drafting The number of graphical dimensions found by search command is higher than the number of graphical dimensions seen by the user. The representation of the graphical dimension (dimension imported from V4) cannot be found.

Deletion of each graphical dimension that is not visualized in the view.

Only the visualized graphical dimensions can be found by search command.

DAC_2 (1) Drafting Annotation with font size equal to 0.0 are not seen in the drawing but while printing the same annotation is seen with a heigth equal to 10. If an annotation has a font size lower or equal to 0.0001 then the heigth text is initialized to 10. The anntotation is still not visualized in the drawing but while printing it will be display with a font zize equal to 10. Deletion of all annotation with a font zise lower or equal to 0.0001. Reduce the size of the document. The visualisation of the drawing will not change because those annotation are not seen in the sheet.
DAF_0 (3) Drafting AreaFill is an empty space. AreaFill not associated to any geometrical elements. Deletion of the AreaFill. AreaFill has disappeared.
DAF_1 (3) (*) Drafting An AreaFill can not be selected. AreaFill non aggregated. Deletion of the AreaFill. AreaFill has disappeared.
DAF_2 (3) (*) Drafting An AreaFill disappears when updating the view. AreaFill with a missing curve. Deletion of the AreaFill. AreaFill has disappeared.
DAF_3 (3) Drafting The drawing contains some AreaFills that the user can not see (only by using the Search function). Areafill without pattern. Deletion of the AreaFill. AreaFill has disappeared.
DAF_4 (1) Drafting A document contains Area Fills with ghost links to other documents. Ghost link is visible in SendTo command.

Some Area Fill points other drawing after copy/ paste from a document to another.

Delete these AreaFills.

One or more AreaFills are deleted.

DAO_0 (3) Drafting Ghost link visible in SendTo command and when opening the document. An object is erroneously referencing another document. Deletion of the link without behavior modification. No more ghost link.
DAO_1 (3) Drafting Ghost link visible in SendTo command and when opening the document. A useless drafting data is erroneously referencing another document. Deletion of the useless drafting data and thus its links pointing others documents. No behavior modification except no more ghost link when opening the document.
DAS_0 (1) Generative Drafting

Unrelated document can be pointed by the drawing document (it appears using Send To). Ghost Link.

A object managing view axis origin has an invalid link to a 3D document.

Deletion of the invalid link.

No more Ghost Link in Send to command.

DBA_0 (2) Drafting Ghost link in SentTo command. Bad link on a default feature. Deletion of the invalid link. No more invalid links in  SendTo command.
DCH_0 (1) Drafting Not up-to-date driving dimension or invalid constraint between 2D and 3D. 3D link of constraint between 2D and 3D lost. Delete constraint between 2D and 3D. Dimension still not up-to-date and constraint between 2D and 3D deleted.
DCH_1 (2) Drafting Driving dimension or constraint between 2D and 3D doesn't update at CATDrawing update. Bad object subscription. Add subscription on dimension or constraint to 3D geometry. Driving dimension or constraint between 2D and 3D updates correctly. Document needs to be updated.
DCH_2 (2) (*) Drafting Sent to command shows that an isolated view is still linked to its part (concern views isolated before R13).

The hybrid constraints (constraint between 2D and generated element) of the view have not been deleted after isolate: an interactive view should not contain hybrid constraints.

Deletion of each hybrid constraints which can be found in an interactive view.

The drawing is no more linked to 3D.

DCR_0 (2) Drafting Not up-to-date dimension or invalid constraint between 2D and 3D in section view. An invalid section operator is stored. Locate right section operator. Dimension becomes up-to-date and constraint between 2D and 3D becomes valid. Document needs to be updated.
DCR_1 (3) Drafting Ghost link or excessive CATDrawing data size. Useless object with 3D link not deleted. Delete useless object. Smaller CATDrawing and no more ghost links.
DCR_2 (1) Drafting Broken dimension, associative dress-up or constraint between 3D assembly projection and interactive geometry. Or ghost link on a CATPart in Send To command.

Information of associative dress-up (dimension, annotation, constraint,...) for assembly positioning has been lost.

Deletion of element.

No more GhostLink in SendTo command.

DCR_3 (1) Drafting

Sent To command shows that an isolated view in a drawing is still linked to its part.

A link to a 3D connector has not been deleted after isolate.

Deletion of each 3D connector which can be found in an interactive view

No more GhostLink in SentTo command.

DCR_4 (3)

Drafting A CATDrawing document has an abnormally huge data size.

A useless object responsible of associativity still exist.

Deletion of useless element Reduce the size of the CATDrawing
DCR_5 (1) Drafting The "Send to" command shows that a drawing is linked to another drawing. The problem disappears if constraints or dimensions on 2D element are deleted. A link with a 2D drafting element is pointing outside the document. Deletion of this link. The element which uses this link (constraint or dimension) can lose its associativity.
Document needs to be updated.
DCR_6 (1) Drafting The File/SendTo command shows that a drawing is linked to another drawing. view has a useless link to an external drawing. Deletion of this link. No more GhostLink in File/SendTo command.
Document needs to be updated.
DCR_7 (2) Drafting Ghostlink appears in document pointing to a CATPart. The problem dissapears if constraints or dimensions on 2D element are deleted. A link has not been correctly treated during File/SaveManagement. The link is updated. No more Ghostlink appears in panel "File/SendTo".
Document needs to be updated.
DCS_1 (2) Drafting

Some constraints are not taken into account (geometries can be moved though they should be fixed).

Constraints are not correctly aggregated in some cases and the view solver cannot find them and take them into account.

Change the place where the constraints are aggregated. Constraints are taken into account. Document needs to be updated.
DCT_0 (1) Drafting Drawing too large in regard of what is actually useful. Data model with the V4 format became useless but are nevertheless still stored. Delete the useless data. Reduce the size of the CATDrawing.
DCT_1 (2) Drafting Bad display of fonts, diameter symbol or not visualization of datum feature. An important feature for the annotations visualization is missing.

The visualization of the previous elements should be reestablish. Note that it can modify visualization dimensions as well (font display impact).

AfterFix Reduce the size of the model.
Document needs to be updated.
DCT_2 (1) Drafting Ghost links appear in SendTo command. There are some features in the CATDrwCont that should have a father but that are actually not aggregated anywhere: these corrupted/useless features are not visualized but can have links to external documents. Delete the non-aggregated feature. No more Ghost Link in SendTo command.
DCT_3 (2) Drafting

Only concerns documents containing both FTA and 2DLayout data. Dimensions and some annotations can not be built in the 2DL or FTA workbench on the given document. Some of the existing objects are not updated normally.

One of the two containers (second container created) was not initialized correctly on previous release.

The defective containers are re-initialized so that it can contain all the necessary data.

All dimensions and annotations are available for creation.

DCT_4 (3) Drafting An error panel is triggered when opening the document saying that a used font is not available although this font is not used by any annotation.
A DrwMappingTable Feature keeps a reference to a no more used font.


The reference to the font is removed from the document. No more error panel when opening the document.
DDI_0 (2) Drafting Chamfer dimension badly positioned after update. Invalid positioning data is stored. Positioning data corrected. Chamfer dimension moves correctly after update.
DDI_1 (1) Drafting Ghost link on another document from chamfer dimension. Chamfer dimension has a link to an external document instead of an internal link. Deletion of Chamfer dimension. No more chamfer dimension, no more ghost Link.
DDI_2 (1) (*) Drafting Not up-to-date driving dimension or invalid constraint between 2D and 3D. Constraint data is corrupted. Delete dimension or constraint. No more not up to date dimension or constraint.
DDI_3 (3) Drafting Dimension not displayed but accessible from search command. Non aggregated dimensions. Deletion of the useless dimension. Document is the same but smaller.
DDI_4 (2) Drafting An attribute of dimension is not valuated. The dimension display does not match dimension properties. Update dimension properties. Dimension value does not go any more on the line of dimension after view update.
DDI_5 (1) Drafting The number of dimension found by the search command is higher than the number of dimension seen by the user. After copy-paste, update or isolate, dimensions can reappear.

After Undo command, dimensions can disappear from the view because of a problem of update. This problem is corrected in R15 level.

Deletion of each dimension which is not visualized in the view.

Only the visualized dimensions can be found by search command.

DDI_6 (1) Drafting A ghost link appears in File / SendTo from a drawing even if there is no dimension in any visible views.

The dimension used as "SetAsDefault" has an external link.

Deletion of the external link. No more ghost link in the File / SendTo command.
DDI_7 (1) Drafting A ghost link appears in the File / SendTo command from a drawing. A dimension created interactively using "SetAsDefault" has an external link.

Deletion of the external link on dimension.

No more ghost links in the File / SendTo command.
DDI_8 (1) Drafting A warning appears when opening a CATDrawing: "The files in the following list could not be found or contain the wrong information for the active document", or a ghost link appears in File / SendTo command from a CATDrawing. A useless link exists on the view of an external document. Deletion of the dimension with invalid link. No more message when opening the CATDrawing, nor ghost links in File / SendTo command.
DDI_9 (1) Drafting A warning pop-up appears when opening a CATDrawing: "The files in the following list could not be found or contain the wrong information for the active document", or a ghost link appears in File / SendTo command from a CATDrawing. A useless link exists on the view to an external document. Remove of the useless link. No more pop-up when opening the CATDrawing, nor ghost links in File / SendTo command.
DDU_0 (2) Drafting Ghost Link in SendTo command. Useless data (connector, 3D feature) is erroneously referencing another document (CATPart). Remove this data and thus its links pointing other documents. No more Ghost Link in SendTo command.
DDU_1 (2) Drafting

Open a Drafting document displays a panel with an invalid link to another drawing. Document has a ghost link.

After a Copy/Paste operation, some copied dress-up elements keep their link to first drawing.

Remove the invalid links. These dress-up elements are isolated from other CATDrawing. They are still visualized. No more panel when opening the document.
DDU_2 (1) Drafting A ghost link on a CATDrawing document leads to the detection of the problem. A feature (that leads to the ghost link) is set under of the DrwCont container instead of being aggregated under a view. Deletion of the axis lines, center lines or thread that are directly under the DrwCont container. No more ghost links in Send To command.
DEB_0 (2) Part Design The File / SendTo command shows a ghost link. The external attributes "listErrorGeom1 and listErrorGeom2" gets created when feature goes in error. These attributes does not gets deleted while deactivation of the feature and hence it results in a ghost link in the CATPart. Remove improper external attributes "listErrorGeom1 and listErrorGeom2". No more Ghost Link in File / SendTo.
DET_0 (3) Drafting Document too big or/and extra links in Edit/Links. 2D component not used anymore. Deletion of the unused 2D component. Document is the same but smaller.
DET_1 (3) Drafting Document contains unusable elements and / or extra links. 2D component non typed through interface. They cannot be used anymore. Deletion of the unused 2D component. Document is the same but smaller. Extra links can disappear
DET_2 (2) (*) Drafting 2D Component instance has its reference outside its document. Cut Copy Paste problems during V5R11 and V5R12. The 2D component reference is created inside the same document and replace the wrong one. The document is self-content again. No problem if external document disappears.
DET_3 (1) Drafting 2D Component instance has too big or too small scale. Cut Copy Paste problems during V5R11 and V5R12. Deletion of the scale. The view that was containing such object recover his frame.
DET_4 (2) Drafting After exploding all 2D component instances (i.e. dittos) in a CATDrawing, Edit/Links shows residual external links to catalog.

Redundant local reference exists in the model. They cannot be deleted by user.

Instances of the redundant local reference are redirected to the good one and redundant local reference is deleted.

Document size decrease. No more ghost link after exploding dittos.

DET_6 (1) Drafting

Unpredictable behavior when using a drafting detail/ditto.

There is 2D component instance that is not structurally valid and must be discarded. The invalid 2D component instance is deleted.

2D Component instance can be exploded without error or crash.

DET_7 (2) Drafting

Open a CATDrawing document, a warning with the following error message appears: "The files in the following list could not be found or contain the wrong information for the active document", but a document mentioned in the list does not appear when using File/Desk or Edit/links command. The user cannot correct the ghost link.

During the explode operation of a 2DComponent instance, some instance/reference links were kept between some elements in the 2DComponent and the document where the 2DComponent was originally created.

The fixing action consists in unplugging the View sub-components with ghost links from their "ghost" reference and to plug them again to their startups in current document.

No more warning pop-up when opening the document, and no more GhostLink in SendTo command.

DET_8 (2) Drafting Some ghost links are detected when trying to use "Send to" command, when some 2D Component instances are present in the CATDrawing document. There is a document in "Send to" command that is not seen in Edit/Links. The link is modified so that it points to the correct internal object. The fixing action consists in unplugging the View sub-components with ghost links from their "ghost" reference and to replug them to their startups in current document. No more GhostLink in File/SendTo command.
DFM_0 (2) Drafting
When opening a document which was created with a previous version, the sheets' format is flipped.
Check/Clean DrwFormats whose width should not be strictly greater that height.
Indeed, in documents with post R14 embedded standards, every DrwFormat's characteristics should be width >= height.
DrwFormats that can be cleaned must match the following criteria (otherwise they are ignored):
  • they are aggregated by a Sheet (DrwFormats in the Drawing list are ignored).
  • they are in a document with a post R14 embedded standard.

Note: the code which produced such corrupted DrwFormat has been fixed.

Cleaning such corrupted DrwFormats involves the following operations:
  • Retrieving the width, height and orientation stored in the DrwFormat.
  • According to the retrieved data, compute and set new values for those attributes.
The corrupted formats of the sheet are flipped back to normal.
DOB_0 (1) Drafting

A CATDrawing containing isolated views has still some links to 3D parts/product. This is detected when using File/SendTo.

The breakout operator in Generative Drafting isolated views maintains some links to 3D documents, despite the fact that the view is isolated and no link should exist.

The CATDUA modifies the breakout operator and deletes the links to 3D documents.

No link to 3D will exist anymore on this operator - File / SendTo will not detect these links.
DOC_1 (2) SpecsModeler A pointed document can not be loaded. The type of the pointed document is not specified in the symbolic link. The type is set according to the extension of the pointed document. Pointed document can be loaded.
DOC_3 (2) SpecsModeler No visibility (can lead to the lost of a link until V5R10). Internal counter to determine whether a link to a document has to be kept not correctly valuated. Set the counter to the correct value. No visibility.
DOC_4 (3) SpecsModeler Unused external links shown in Edit Links. Internal counter not correctly valuated. Set the counter to the correct value. In Edit Links, there are no more unused external links.
DOC_5 (2) SpecsModeler Objects located in a pointed documents can not be accessed. A link to a container in a pointed document has been lost. The link to the container is rebuilt. Objects of the pointed document are accessible.
DOC_6 (3) SpecsModeler A document cannot be stored in ENOVIAVPM. Applicative container with no stream in the document. Creation of an empty stream for this applicative container. The document can be stored in ENOVIAVPM.
DOC_7 (2) (*) Product Structure When working in context of corrupted CATProduct, changes made to a pointed sub-product or part are not saved. Undo is not working on this sub-product or part. Need to save information is corrupted. Establishes correct Need to save information in the link.. After close and reopen of data, modification will be taken into account.
DOC_8 (3) Product Structure Bad performance when opening a document. When link counters in the index table of inter-document, it goes down to 0 (link no more seen by the user), ObjectModeler does not delete this link in Session, only CATDUA is authorized to perform this operation. The link that does not appear to end-user is deleted in table of inter-document links, the table is just compacted. Better performance at open.
DOC_9 (3) Product Structure Update of a CATPart cannot be completed if there are more than one Ref-Ref link federator in the Ref-Ref link container. Only one object should federate the different pointed documents by Ref-Ref link for a given CATPart. If there is more than one, Ref-Ref links cannot be solved. Data contained in all federators are put into one federator and empty federators are deleted. Update is now possible.
DOC_10 (1) SpecsModeler Some applicative containers have the same user id. A warning may be displayed when an affected document is opened, or some data is not visible. Some applicative containers have the same user id exist in the document. Extensions' activation API using the user id of the container may fail. Only the feature extensions of the "first" container can be accessed. The data found on all containers is merged into a single container, according to applicative rules, and extraneous containers are removed. The cleaned document can be opened with no warning, and data is displayed properly.
DOC_11 (3) SpecsModeler SendTo on a CATPart shows a GhostLink to an useless CATPart. The Ref-Ref links repository contains no Input or Inputs that are no more pointed, so the link to the other CATPart owned by the repository is useless. The meaningless repository is deleted. SendTo does not show a link to a useless CATPart.
DOC_12 (1) ObjectModelerBase File -> Can not open a document Doc2 after File/Open Doc1, File/SaveAs Doc2). Some storages included in the initial document are corrupted. They are discarded at Open. During SaveAs, one tries to regenerate them, but the correction is only partial (some data cannot be recovered) and the reopen fails. Delete corrupted storages.
Warning, cleaning operation may fail when document contains also DOC_6 errors. Then, you have to clean first the DOC_6 errors.
The second open will be successful. Corrupted data have been discarded.
DOP_0 (1) Generative Drafting A CATDrawing containing isolated views has still some links to 3D parts/product. This is detected when using File/SendTo. The projection operator in Generative Drafting isolated views maintains some links to 3D documents, despite the fact that the view is isolated and no link should exist. The CATDUA modifies the projection operator and deletes the links to 3D documents. No link to 3D will exist anymore on this operator - File / SendTo will not detect these links.
DOS_0 (1) Generative Drafting

Unrelated document can be pointed by the drawing document (it appears using Send To). Ghost Link.

A section operator has an invalid link.

Deletion of the invalid link.

No more Ghost Link in Send to command.

DOS_1 (1)

Generative Drafting

Unrelated document can be pointed by the drawing document (it appears using Send To).

A section operator is not aggregated.

Deletion of the object. No more ghost links in Send To command.
DRF_0 (3) PartDesign When deleting the draft, some related data are left in the document. Data model Inconsistency. Remove Rsur Features from Geometrical Set to PartBody under Draft feature. Data model inconsistency is now solved for this draft feature. If deleting the draft the life cycle management will be better.
Document needs to be updated.
DRF_1 (3) PartDesign When creating a new draft feature the geometry selected to define the pulling direction is inconsistent with the pulling direction vector. Inconsistency between the vector and the selected object in the definition of default values. Default pulling direction in object and vector is reset. Default draft pulling direction is changed. The next created draft will use this new default pulling direction.
DRW_0 (1) (*) Drafting No visibility. More than one drawing in the document. Others drawings are useless. Deletion of the useless drawings. No impact, reduce the size of the document.
DRW_1 (1) Drafting

Ghost links might be visible in a part document via edit links, or a Part document's size might be strangely big.

A DrwDrawing with external links is inside the CATPrtCont. It is not visible in the specstree. Removal of the DrwDrawing. Document's size is reduced, no more Ghost links in SendTo command.
DST_0 (1) Drafting Balloon, datum feature, datum target, roughness symbol and coordinate dimension not displayed. A simple text must aggregate at least one sub-text. Delete annotation. No more annotation.
DST_1 (1) Drafting A ghost link appears in the old drawing containing a section view. The callout text kept old links after a copy-paste. Removes the link but keeps the text as it was. There isn't any ghost link anymore. The functionality that links the section view name to the callout text will not work on cleaned models, as it was already the case.
DST_2 (1) Drafting The number of annotations, based on simple text and found by search command, is higher than the number of annotations based on simple text seen by the user. After copy / paste, update or isolate, annotations can reappear. After Copy/Paste annotations based on a simple text between two Drawing documents, the annotations were incorrectly created. This Copy/Paste problem is corrected with R15 level. Deletion of each annotation based on simple text which is not visualized. Only the visualized annotation can be found by search command.
DTE_0 (3) Drafting Ghost link visible in SendTo command and when opening the document. An internal drafting data is erroneously referencing another document. Deletion of the link. No behavior modification except no more ghost link when opening the document.
DTE_1 (2) Drafting File/Send to Command shows a Ghost link. A pointed document is erroneously referenced in File/Send To and is not visible in Edit/Links or File/Desk. A DrwText Feature created in a level inferior to V5R8 was handling a link through "Variable" attribute and the migration process failed on it. The link is unset. No more ghost Link in File/SendTo.
DVB_0 (3) Part Design

An Applicative Design Table cannot be deleted. Edit->Link command shows a link on a standard file which should not be shown.

A Design table link found even when no feature was using it. In Part Document Design table link exists even though the Hole/ Thread feature using the standard is not available.

The design table link is deleted.

No more link in Edit/Link command. Applicative Design Table can be deleted.

DVB_1 (3) Part Design File / SendTo command displays a Ghost Link in the CATPart. The attribute "Hole_StandardTable" of DefaultValuesBag points to a SpecObject of another CATPart. Such pointing link could not be resolved, puting a ghost link in the CATPart. The improper attribute "Hole_StandardTable" of DefaultValuesBag is unset. No more GhostLink in File / SendTo command.
DVM_0 (2) Drafting Error when saving a CATDrawing. Useless viewmakeup detected. Deletion of the useless viewmakeup. CATDrawing is correctly saved. Reduce the size of the document.
DWA_1 (3) Drafting Associativity between 3D and section (cut) views can be wrong. An object managing cut-views associativity is isolated and no more used by a view (it should have been removed). Deletion of the useless object. No impact, reduce the size of the document.
DWC_1 (3) Drafting An incorrect profile section can be visualized in the drawing document. A profile section is isolated and no more used by a view (it should have been removed). Deletion of the useless object. No impact, reduce the size of the document.
DWE_0 (1) Generative Drafting Ghost Link in SendTo command. Unrelated document can be pointed by the drawing document (using SendTo). An object managing links between Views and 3D document points an unrelated document. This can happen after replacing an assembly, if this assembly contains different structures. Deletion of the useless object. No more  ghost links in Send To command.
DWG_0 (1) Drafting Unrelated part document is pointed by the drawing document. An object managing dimensions generation is no more used by a view (it should have been removed). Deletion of the constraint. Document needs to be updated. The constraint can be used again.
DWG_1 (3) Drafting Unrelated part document can be pointed by the drawing document. An object managing dimensions generation is isolated (it should have been removed). Deletion of the useless object. No impact, reduce the size of the document.
DWH_1 (3) Drafting Unrelated part document can be pointed by the drawing document. A generative hatching pattern is isolated (it should have been removed). Deletion of the useless object. No impact, reduce the size of the document.
DWP_0 (3) Drafting No visibility. A not referenced pattern mapping table is useless. Deletion of useless pattern mapping table. No impact, reduce the size of the document.
DWP_1 (1) Drafting No visibility. A pattern mapping table is not aggregated. Deletion of the pattern mapping table. No impact, reduce the size of the document.
DWR_0 (3) Drafting No visibility. An useless relation has been detected: either the in or the out of the relation is (are) not valuated. Deletion of the useless DrwRelation. No impact, reduce the size of the document.
DWS_0 (2) Drafting Impossible to select a view (not allowed), Grid disappear, or impossible to activate Drafting workbench. Internal value which determines the order of the views is not set correctly. Internal value set correctly : order of the views is correct. The view can be selected.
DWS_1 (1) (*) Drafting No visibility. A corrupted sheet has been detected: either it has not the minimum required views (background and main view) or it is not under the drawing. Deletion of the corrupted sheet. No impact, reduce the size of the document.
DWT_1 (3) Drafting Ghost Link in SendTo command. Pattern not aggregated correctly. Deletion of the Pattern. No more Ghost Link in SendTo command.
DWV_0 (1) (*) Drafting No visibility. One or several rules for a view in the drawing is not respected:
(1) a view must have a parent
(2) a view of type Pure_sketch must not have a sheet as its parent
(3) a view which is not of type Pure_sketch must have a sheet as its parent.
Deletion of the View. CATDrawing is correctly saved. Reduce the size of the document.
DWV_1 (2) Drafting Ghost Link in SendTo command. A View is linked with another Drawing. Deletion of the Link. No more Ghost Link in SendTo command.
DWV_2 (2) Drafting When opening a CATDrawing document, a warning with the following error message appears: "The files in the following list could not be found or contain the wrong information for the active document", but a document mentioned in the list does not appear when using File/Desk or Edit/links command. The user cannot correct the ghost link. During the explode operation of a 2DComponent instance, some instance/reference links were kept between some elements in the 2DComponent and the document where the 2DComponent was originally created. The fixing action consists in unplugging the View sub-components with ghost links from their "ghost" reference and to replug them to their startups in current document. No more warning pop-up when opening the document
DWV_3 (3) Drafting The local transformations of geometries in views (like translations, scaling, rotations, offset) do not work, usually when some 2D Component instances have been exploded or exposed in the CATDrawing. The geometrical result of the axis component of a view has been lost. These geometries are necessary to perform operations on other geometries in the view. Update of the SketchSupport in order to rebuild the result.

Local transformations are available again on geometries. Reduce the size of the model.
Document needs to be updated.

DWV_4 (3) Drafting Axis elements of the sketch support associated with a view that have been put in the no-show space before CXR14 cannot be visualized in the show space anymore.

The sketch support is in the no-show space.

The sketch support is put in the show-space and its axis elements are put in the no-show space.

The sketch support axis elements can be seen in the show space (provided the user puts them in it).

DWV_5 (3)

Drafting Ghost links appear in File/SendTo command from a CATDrawing.

A useless link exist on the view to an external document.

Remove the invalid link.

No more ghost link from the drawing in File/SendTo/Directory.

DWV_6 (3) Drafting The file size for CATDrawing or CATPart containing some 2DLayoutData is unexpectedly important. The Update mechanism has been corrected in R14 to avoid the creation of the Geometrical result of Drafting/2DLayout Views and 2D Component references. When correction has been performed, no corrective action has been done to manage former level models that had been updated with a software level that was creating some useless geometrical results. Useless Geometrical results are removed from CGM container data.
These data can represent MB of file size.
Reduce the size of the document.
EDL_1 (3) Electrical Electrical part document is modified during the Instantiation from catalog. Electrical features in part need to be updated. Update is performed during instantiation and the part is modified. Update electrical features in the part. Electrical part document is not modified during the instantiation from catalog.
EDL_2 (2) Electrical When the user attempts to replace a device that is connected to other electrical elements by another one, the links becomes broken. Electrical connection points are modeled by electrically derived connector (Product Structure connector). Some of these connectors aren't published (mainly connectors created before V5R8). Add publication objects publishing the unpublished connectors of an electrical connection point. Publication has been created. No more broken link after replacing a device that is connected to other electrical elements by another one.
EDL_3 (3) Electrical The positionning matrix of an internal splice inside a geometrical harness does not correspond to its 3D visualization. The internal splice positionning is determined by its connectivty with a bundle segment extremity and its 'offset' instance attribute value: The corresponding 3D representation is built according to these parameters but is incoherent with its 3D positionning matrix: it remains the identity matrix. Using the link established between the internal splice and the bundle segment with the defined offset value, the internal splice positionning matrix is calculated and set. The positionning matrix of the internal splice is now coherent and is correctly set.
EDL_4 (2) Electrical A Ghost Link appears in File/SendTo command. Corruption of an attribute namely "_Elec_GeoDefinition" of the Electrical Device Connector' Instance wrt to its Parent Product/s. This attribute on the Device Connector Instance(s) point to a Old/Ghost CATPart document. Then the attribute is not synchronized (has a different value) on the Connector instance compared to the attribute's value on the Connector's reference. Synchronizes the Electrical Device Connector instances' attribute of "_Elec_GeoDefinition": i.e. the value of the reference is reported on the instance. No more Ghost link in File/SendTo command.
EDL_5 (2) Electrical Certain types of Electrical Devices which are valid to be used in Wire Routing Functionalities, fail to get routed through. Those especially being electrical devices like Terminal Blocks, Studs, etc. Absence of an electrical connector namely "ElecLogicalTermination" on certain Electrical Device(s). While performing actions like Wire Routing, these "connectors" of type "ElecLogicalTermination" are retrieved from the Devices and a link between the Wire Extremity and this "ElecLogicalTermination" connector of Device is performed. Currently due to the missing "ElecLogicalTermination" on the Device, the Linking fails which in turn causes the Wire Routing to fail. Creates a new connector of type "ElecLogicalTermination" on all concerned Electrical Device references in the data in session. new publication of "Logical Pin" will be seen created under the Concerned Electrical Device. Actions such as Wire Routing performed work as desired.
EHI_1 (3) Electrical Update error window "Sketch is not valid for feature you want to create" when updating Bundle Segment of MultiBranchable part. Flexible curve attributes are not correctly valuated. Set the flexible curve attributes to correct value. No more error window.
EHI_2 (2) Electrical The display of the names of electrical harness features ( Branch and Bundle Segments ) are not NLS (National Language Support) compatible. The display of the name of electrical harness features is given by Reference Designator attribute value and is not NLS compatible. Unset Reference Designator attribute value for Branch and Bundle Segments. New names are displayed for electrical harness features (Branch and Bundle Segments) , enabling NLS. compatibility.
EHI_3 (2) (*) Electrical

In file mode, if the root document is moved in another directory and the geometrical bundle document opened, electrical knowledge formula will not be visible.

Electrical knowledge formulas under a geometrical bundle are not correctly created.

If all formulas under the geometrical bundle are electrical, the relation set will be recreated correctly with the correct formulas.

The root and geometrical bundle documents needs to be saved.

EHI_4 (1)

Electrical Bundle segments lead to twisted configuration if minimum bend radius is smaller than the diameter.

The standard Rib geometrical feature cannot be collapsed.

Replace the standard Rib by a collapsible one.

No more update error (twisted configuration) for bundle segments have a bend radius smaller than the diameter.

EHI_5 (2) Electrical The branch point positions are not coherent when editing branchable. The bundle segment lengths are not coherent with their geometrical definitions. Bundle segment extremities are not linked to the right branch points after adding or removing branch point. Reconnects the bundle segment extremities to the right points. Branch point positions are correctly displayed in branchable definition panel.
EHI_6 (2) Electrical When a bundle Segment diameter attribute is changed via the panel, the document doesn't get updated. Every Bundle Segment is composed of a rib. This rib uses a Circle (when Multiprofile is OFF) to create itself. A SymmetricRelations relates the Bundle Segment diameter to the circle radius. In some case, the link between the Bundle Segment diameter and the the circle radius can be broken (input parameter missin). Broken relations between Circle Radius and ElecDiameter are repaired. Activate the root product and activate.
Document needs to be updated.
EHI_7 (2)


Ribs or Lofts are in Multi-Branchable but cannot be edited as branchable and cannot be seen as bundle segments in branchable edition. Ribs or Lofts are associated to ghost bundle segments which are not linked to any branchable. Reconnects the bundle segment to right branchable. Bundle segments are displayed in branchable definition panel and in product tree.
EHI_8 (1) Electrical A Bundle Segment representation is available, but the bundleSegment itself is missing in the Spec Tree. A rib or loft is visible in the data but the Bundle Segment feature link in the spec tree is missing. This might have happended while Operations like Remove Branch Point. Corrupted Bundle Segment is deleted. Document needs to be updated.
EHI_9 (1) Electrical When expanding the Node of the Multibranchables, any branchable does not have the node for a BundleSegment. The links between the Branchable and its corresponding BundleSegmets are broken so the Branchable is a corrupt one. Even if we try to edit the Branchable a message pops saying, this Branchable has to be deleted as no Electrical curve is found under it. The problem has occured due to deletion of ElecLog Term from the Publications. The ElecLog term is unique for a BundleSegment and when a ElecLog term is deleted the link between the BundleSegment and its corresponding Branchable is broken. Now if the branchable which is the parent of this corrupted BundleSegment has other BundleSegments then the corrupted BundleSegment can be relinked to the branchable using EHI_7. But if no other BundleSegments are linked to the branchable relinking is not possible. Such a branchable -BNS pair is of no use and cannot even be edited. So such a branchable is deleted. The corrupted Branchables are permenantly deleted from the container. All the dependent objects like publications, connections, ... etc are also deleted. Document needs to be updated.
EHI_10 (2) Electrical Ghost links appear in File/SendTo command from a CATProduct. An attribute namely "_Elec_GeoDefinition" of the Electrical Device Connector' Instance wrt to its Parent Products is corrupted. This attribute on the Device Connector Instance(s) point to an old CATPart Document, i.e. the attribute is not synchronized (has a different value !) on the Connector instance compared to the attribute's value on the Connector's reference. Synchronize the Electrical Device Connector instances' attribute of "_Elec_GeoDefinition": i.e. the value of the reference is reported on the instance. No more Ghost Link in the File/SendTo command.
EXT_0 (3) Specs Modeler Ghost Link in SendTo command. A link still exists to the pointing documents due to unused extensions feature. Unused extensions feature are deleted. Document needs to be updated.
No more ghost links
EXT_1 (3) Specs Modeler A Material is lost when opening a CATProduct. A warning is generally displayed when an affected document is opened. Several instances of a same feature extension extend the same feature. Two extensions of the same type are on the same instance of a base feature: one put directly the instance on the other by synchronizing it. The data found on all extensions is merged into a single extension, according to applicative rules, and extraneous extensions are deleted. Document can be opened with no warning.
EXT_2 (3) Specs Modeler

Ghost links when opening a CATProduct. A Pop up message is displayed.

The reference of an extension is not in the same document that the reference of its base feature (probably after a replace).

The startup of the extension becomes also the reference of the extension. No data lost, only rerouting a link.

No more ghost links to documents containing the old reference.
FGM_1 (3) Topological Objects Size of CATPart abnormally huge comparatively to the number of elements. Some vertices have unnecessary geometric data (linked curves / surfaces). Some surfaces are over defined (unnecessarily extrapolated). Remove unnecessary geometric data. Part is the same but smaller.
FIL_0 (2) Part Design During the edition of the fillet, an error "Internal error in mechanical modeler" is flashed.

Support of some PointOnEdges (used to define radius for variable fillet) belongs to a ribbon different from the one to which the PointOnEdge itself belongs. Hence when the support edge is removed by the user (de-selection from UI), the corresponding PointOnEdge is not removed. This PointOnEdge then remains without support and gives an error "Internal error in mechanical modeler" when we try to access its support.

Move the PointOnEdge (FilletRadius object containing it) to appropriate the ribbon.

Some objects (the fillet concerned and its impacted features) are seen non-updated. The Document needs to be updated.

FMP_1 (2) Part Design

The user wants to change the body thickness on the divide source part and the divide part's body thickness will not be up to date.

The shell dependency pointer and the divide target body shell properties feature do not match.

Set shell dependency to match divide.

Part is red (not up to date). The Document needs to be updated.

FMP_2 (2) Part Design

The feature' s sibling feature (Divide, Lip, Join, Clip, Flange) will not be up to date when the features' parameters are changed.

The feature's has sibling flag and sibling deleted flag; the sibling pointer needs to be consistent.

Sibling flags are made consistent with the sibling pointer.

Part is red (not up to date). The Document needs to be updated.

FMP_4 (2) Part Design

A functional feature using a "to-shell" length does not correct the track of the shell.

A wrong shape is referenced by the feature. Reference is changed according to the correct shape.

Part is red (not up to date). Document needs to be updated.

FMP_5 (2) Part Design Feature is not updated. The "Ignore update" flag is incorrectly set. Clear the "Ignore update" flag.

Part is red (not up to date). Document needs to be updated.

FMP_6 (2) Part Design

A functional feature using body thickness for its "wall" value is not updated when the body thickness is changed.

Incorrect parameter is referenced by the feature. Reference is changed to the correct parameter. Part is red (not up to date). Document needs to be updated.
FMP_7 (2) Part Design

A "shell-able" feature does not change the "wall" direction when the part's shell properties ("wall" direction: inward / outward) is changed.

Incorrect parameter is referenced by the feature.

The Reference is changed with the correct parameter.

Part is red (not up to date). Document needs to be updated.

FMP_8 (2) Part Design A functional modifier is trying to modify features from another part.

The modifiers' target list contains features from another part.

Remove the targets (from list) that are not in the same functional body.

Part is red (not up to date). Document needs to be updated.
FS4_1 (3) V4V5integration ENOVIAVPM User views some ghost links pointing a V4 Model in a part created by V4toV5Interoperability. Declaration of a invalid Extension. Internal not used Extension. Deletion of Unwanted Extension. No more invalid V4 ghost links in V4ToV5Part.
FTA_1 (1) (*) 3D Functional Tolerancing & Annotation Sometimes, unused external links (shape representation of a product) shown in Edit Links or File Desk. The TTRS ( Technologically and Topologically Related Surface ) features become invalid because their StartUp has been removed from the container. Deletion of the invalid TTRS features. In Edit Links, there are no more unused external links.
FTA_2 (3) 3D Functional Tolerancing & Annotation No visibility. Unused elements (RGE, Reference Geometrical Elements) are present. Deletion of unused elements. Document is the same but smaller.
FTA_3 (3) 3D Functional Tolerancing & Annotation No visibility. Unused elements (TTRS) are present. Deletion of unused elements. Document is the same but smaller.

FTA_4 (3)

3D Functional Tolerancing & Annotation

Deletion of FTA annotations does not delete all Drafting internal entities (the visualization of FTA annotations is based on Drafting). Data size of a document is abnormally huge regarding its elements.

When remove was called for FTA annotation, nothing was done in order to delete the Drafting annotations.

Delete all Drafting annotations which are not pointed by FTA one.

Reduce the size of the document. There is no link anymore between drafting annotations and FTA annotations.They are not used anymore in CATPart, CATProduct, CATProcess documents (they are in fact lost). Document needs to be updated.

FTA_5 (1) 3D Functional Tolerancing & Annotation Ghost link problem appears when opening a document or in the File / SendTo command. Some annotations keep pointers to other documents. They are not aggregated under any Tolerancing Set and must be removed. Check that current 3D Annotation is aggregated under a Tolerancing Set. Delete non aggregated 3D annotation. No more Ghost link warning when opening the document or in the File / SendTo command.
FTA_6 (1) 3D Functional Tolerancing And Annotation Inconsistent dimension representation. FTA dimension features are abnormally in the Annotation Set. Unfortunately it is not possible to provide any feedback to the user in order to let him know that some FTA dimension features have been partially rerouted. The user will have to run the cleaner command as soon as there is at least one FTA dimension feature in the Annotation Set. The FTA dimension features may not be fully rerouted on the new geometrical elements of the GSD upgraded features.
They can be differences between the geometry pointed by the TTRS, and the geometry pointed by the drafting annotation under the FTA dimension.
Check if the drafting dimension, created under the FTA dimension, points to the same geometry.
It compares drafting pointed Topology and FTA TTRS pointed Topology. If different, the drafting annotation is deleted and recreated on the new topology.
Document needs to be updated.
FTA_7 (3) 3D Functional Tolerancing And Annotation In Pattern dimension case: When selecting a dimension pattern, the multiplier of the pattern is greater than the number of highlighted faces. That means that some geometrical elements under the user surface might be redundant. The components of a user surface (TTRS) are unique. But in seldom cases of modification of the geometry, it may happen that two components point to the same geometrical elements. Not Fixable.
The user has to clean the document manually, by reconnecting the given surface (TTRS) on the geometry, with the geometry connection management tool, or by deleting the redundant component.
GIE_0 (2) Drafting A generated item cannot be used while creating associative dimensions. Generated Item without any associated reference curve. Deletion of the generated item. No impact, reduce the size of the document.
GME_0 (1) Generative Drafting

Unrelated document can be pointed by the drawing document (it appears using Send To).

An object managing graphic properties of generated items is not aggregated.

Deletion of the object.

No more ghost links in Send To command.
GME_1 (1) Generative Drafting

Unrelated document can be pointed by the drawing document (it appears using Send To).

An object managing graphic properties of generated items has an invalid link to a 3D document.

Deletion of the invalid link.

No more ghost links in Send To command.
GNL_1 (3) Generic Naming Ghost links in SendTo or Edit Links item. An internal of a Brep feature refers to a ghost external document. The external reference is removed. Ghost links have been removed.
GNL_3 (3) (*) Generic Naming Abnormal size of a document. A GenericNaming Feature is not aggregated, resulting in a useless memory cost. The useless feature is removed. Reduce the size of the document.
GPT_0 (1) Generative Drafting

Unrelated document can be pointed by the drawing document (it appears using File / SendTo).

A generative point is not aggregated. Deletion of the object. No more ghost links in File / SendTo command.
GSD_0 (3) Generative Shape Design Sometimes, the user can only see invalid "Parent / Children" or impact analyses. An object is aggregated under "Component" attribute but it is never used elsewhere. Suppresses these useless objects. Visually no impact, better 'Parent / Children' or impact analyses, reduces the size of the document.
GSD_1 (1) Generative Shape Design The reference planes have the datum mask on their icon and can have been moved with the compass. The reference planes are turned into datum or flagged as contextual features. Reset the datum and\or contextual flags to 0. If a reference plane has been moved, a new one is created and added at the place of the moved reference plane. The moved reference place is renamed with the add of "moved by cleaner" to its alias. The icon of the reference plane has not the datum mask any more. A reference plane moved is renamed and a new reference plane is created.
GSD_2 (2) Generative Shape Design When updating a CATPart containing axis systems created before CXR12SP2, orientation is inverted for some of them. Axis system algorithm was modified without versioning. When we update the axis system, which was built using old algorithm, its orientation might change since it now uses the new algorithm. The axis system attribute has been modified, so that it maintains the same orientation with new algorithm. Update the axis system. Axis system orientation is not inverted. Axis System and dependent features seen not up-to-date.
Document needs to be updated.
GST_0 (2) Generative Shape Design The user opens a CATPart with an unidentified object (broken icon) called RollingOffset. The Start-up inheritance of the object is broken, it is due to incorrect CATHybridShape.feat catalog construction. Re-plugs the broken instance with the correct start-up in the CATHybridShape catalog. Object now corresponding to a valid Rolling Offset.
HIE_3 (3) SpecsModeler A product instance has too many sub-products. Hierarchy problem : the father of the reference is not the reference of the father. Over sub-products are deleted and product instance is synchronized. No more over sub-products.
HIE_4 (1) SpecsModeler When opening a CATProduct document or using the "Send to directory" command, a linked document is not found but that document should not be linked as it does not participate in the product structure. An internal object (connector) has an inconsistent state and retains an instance-reference link to a useless document. Remove the offending connectors. No more warning pop-up when opening the document
HIE_5 (3) SpecsModeler After first clean, DOC_3 error is still there. A change of reference is made during save as operation when a private component can not find its reference, this change must be done by the CATDUA. The CATDUA change the reference of this component. Error DOC_3 is fixed completely by first pass of CATDUA.
HIE_6 (1) Product Structure Impossible to update the model: some assembly data (constraints) are invalid. Instance / Reference model mapping error for CONNECTION objects leads to invalid constraints: CONNECTION reference objects aggregated by an instance of ASMDISCIPLINE object. Invalid connections deletion. Document is now updated or can be updated, invalid constraints are deleted.
HIE_7 (1) Product Structure Ghost links are seen in the File / Send to command on a given CATPart. ASMProduct features are instantiated in the PrtCont container of the CATPart document. Delete all ASMProducts instantiated in the PrtCont container of the CATPart document. Ghost links of the CATPart document are removed.
HLV_0 (1)

Generative Drafting

Unrelated document can be pointed by the drawing document (it appears using Send To).

A generative view is not aggregated.

Deletion of the object. No more ghost links in Send To command.
HLV_1 (1)

Generative Drafting

 The drawing document size can be out of proportion regarding the useful data contained inside. Unrelated document can be pointed by the drawing document (it appears using Send To).  A generative view is not aggregated

Deletion of the non aggregated generative view.

The drawing document size is normal again. No more ghost links in Send To command.

HLV_2 (1) Generative Drafting A Ghost Link is displayed in File / SendTo command. A View is linked with another Drawing. Delete the link. No more Ghost Link in File / SendTo command.
HLV_3 (1) Generative Drafting An invalid link is created after CCP of generated shape from a drawing to another one. A View is linked with another Drawing. Delete the link. No more Ghost Link in File / SendTo command.
HLV_4 (1) Generative Drafting An invalid link is created after CCP of generated geometry from a drawing to another one. A View is linked with another Drawing. Delete the link. No more Ghost Link in File / SendTo command.
IGP_1 (1) Robotics

When cleaning any mechanism that has constraint created by FramesOfReference in Device Building, the constraint is deleted.

TagConnectors created on constraint definition is not aggregated to any parent. So when cleaning up the document for any reason, the LIF_8 rules deletes all the floating connectors, that is why this TagConnector is deleted too. Hence the parts associated with the constraints are disconnected.

Aggregate the floating TagConnectors with the TagGroup being its logical parent.

TagConnectors are no more deleted when  cleaning the document.

IGS_0 (3) Sketcher Use edges created when constraints created, then when deleting these constraints, use edges are not deleted and are therefore unnecessary (severity 3 since R9SP3). Use edges are not deleted when associated constraints are deleted. Unused elements (phantom operators) stay in the document. Deletion of unused elements. Document needs to be updated. Document is the same but smaller.
JNT_1 (1) DMU Kinematics Mechanism cannot be simulated One or more kinematics joint axis are corrupted Deletion of the corrupted joint. Some joints are deleted. If you want to play again the Mechanism, you have to recreate the deleted joints.
JNT_2 (1) DMU Kinematics Mechanism cannot be simulated. One or more geometries pointed by a kinematics joint are corrupted. Deletion of the corrupted joint. Some joints are deleted. If you want to play again the Mechanism, you have to recreate the deleted joints.
JNT_3 (1) DMU Kinematics This Message is displayed when trying to play a Mechanism: "There is no Kinematics Data". Several Mechanism containers exist in the same CATProduct document. Deletion of all Mechanism containers except the first non-empty one. All the previous Mechanisms are restored correctly.
JNT_4 (2) DMU Kinematics The user opens a document containing a mechanism, he modifies some constraints associated to the joints of the mechanism, updates the mechanism and saves his work. After reloading the document, the associated constraints are broken. When clicking on the "Mechanism Analysis" command, you can see "CATMacroPointCGM" or "CATSimCurveCGM" or any "CATXXXCGM" in the "Geometry 1" or "Geometry 2" columns. The problem was occurring at the joint creation. The joint creation command analyses the geometry selected by the user to create the joint and convert this geometry into "persistent" geometry. This conversion was not correctly done and the geometric stored objects were not understandable any more by the assembly model after saving it and reloading it.

Repair the joint and the associated constraints by replacing the incorrect pointed geometric element by a correct one.

When clicking on the "Mechanism Analysis" command, the geometry name is a correct name like "Point.1" or "Curve.1" for instance.
Document needs to be updated.

JNT_5 (2) DMU Kinematics The user opens a document containing a mechanism with at least one "Point on Curve" joint. He clicks on "Simulation with commands". One part involved in "Point On Curve" joint, jumps on a wrong position different from its current position.

A "Point on Curve" Joint simulation is not correct. The problem comes from the Point on Curve Joint creation. The Point on Curve joint as a regular kinematic joint contains among its internal data some local frames. These frames locate the joint position regarding the parts and are used in the kinematic solver for simulation. In some rare case, the internal frames of the joint can not be created correctly. Note that a Point on Curve joint can only be repaired if the joint is not broken (i.e. the point is effectively on the curve.)

Internal frames of the joint are updated.

User can click on the "Simulation with commands" without any strange displacement for parts involved in a point on curve joint.
Document needs to be updated

KWE_1 (1) Knowledge No visible symptom. Knowledge Objects not aggregated. If these objects are not pointed, they are destroyed. If it is a parameter that is pointed, it is added to the parameter set. If it is a relation that is pointed, it is added to the relation set. No Visibility.
KWE_2 (1) Knowledge A "!" information is displayed on a broken relation. A relation in a CATPart document points to elements in other documents. The relation is destroyed. Broken relation disappears.
KWE_3 (2) Knowledge The output value of a relation is not consistent. After forcing relation evaluation, its value changes. The output parameter has been saved with a wrong value. The evaluation is forced. The output parameter is set to the good value.
KWE_4 (2) Knowledge A Knowledge Check is broken. "!" information is displayed. An error in the stream involves bad pointing in the Check attributes. The links are restored correctly. The check is not broken.
KWE_5 (2) Knowledge A parameter external Reference was synchronized but with a wrong value. Even it was not possible to synchronize the External Ref and get the pointed value, the information of synchronization was stored. If the external Reference is synchronized and has a wrong value, the value is updated with the good one. The external Reference is synchronized and with a good value.
KWE_8 (3) Knowledge


File/SendTo command shows a Ghost link between a parameter and a product. The attribute valBy of a parameter references an unreachable Product. Modify parameter by removing invalid link. No more Ghost Link in the File/SendTo command.
LIF_1 (1) Mechanical Modeler Size of CATPart abnormally huge comparatively to the number of elements or some mechanical features are absent from the specification tree although detected in some commands. Unused Elements (Geometrical feature) are present or used elements should appear in the specification tree. Deletion of unused elements. Some used elements (such as GSD features, Geometrical Sets and PartBodies) are regenerated properly under the CATPart in the specification tree Part is the same but smaller. Used GSD features, Geometrical Sets and PartBodies are all visible in the specification tree
LIF_2 (3) Product Structure Unused external links (shape representation of a product) shown in Edit Links or FileDesk. An external link is not used anymore by the CATProduct but has not been suppressed. The unnecessary external links are deleted. In Edit Links, there are no more unused external links.
LIF_3 (3) Mechanical Modeler No visibility except size of the CATProduct document (constraints deletion cases). Unused Elements (mechanical constraints) are present. Deletion of unused elements. Document is the same but smaller.
LIF_4 (3) (*) Product Structure No visibility except size of the document (when an Isolate command has failed). Unused objects are (PRDCTXREPO and PRDCTXINPUT) persisted in to the product container (CATPrdCont). These objects are not functional, they are pure dead weight. Deletion of unused elements. Document is the same but smaller.
LIF_5 (3) Mechanical Modeler Ghost links displayed during SendTo or Save in ENOVIA. After deletion of some elements in Part or Product, links are kept in SelectionSet. Deletion of useless element. No more ghost links.
LIF_6 (1) (*) Analysis Measure is no more seen, not updateable. Result can be wrong in the edit window. Measure has lost the link to the dimensions which are feature pointed by measure. The link is CATSpecObject_Broken. If user delete measure in the tree dimensions remain in the measure container. The measure and its dimensions are deleted from the measure container. Dimensions are stored in the measure container. There are not seen in the tree. The measure is deleted and disappears from the tree.
Document needs to be updated.
LIF_7 (3) (*) Product Structure Internal product geometry access is corrupted. Connector object has no owner. Deletion of the Connectors without father. Document size is reduced, can have an impact if geometry access is used by a contextual input (impact on other documents) or is Published (impact on same document).
Document needs to be updated.
LIF_8 (3) (*) Product Structure Connection linking 'Internal product geometry access' is corrupted. Connection (old or new) object has no owner. Deletion of the Connectors without father. Document size is reduced, Constraints are removed at the same time.
Document needs to be updated to handle impacts on constraints deletion.
LIF_9 (3) Product Structure User is prompted with error window containing some ghost links with other documents. Some bag representation Objects are not used, not aggregated and stored in a wrong location. Deletion of the unused objects. No more window is displayed, ghost links has been removed.
LIF_10 (3) Mechanical Modeler Ghost link in SendTo command. Some objects of type "CATAsmCstProxy" or "CATPrdInputProxy" point external document but are no more used. Destruction of the not used "CATAsmCstProxy" or "CATPrdInputProxy". No more ghost link.
LIF_11 (3) Product Structure Ghost Link in SendTo command. A link still exists to the pointing documents due to unused internal feature of infrastructure. Deletion of the Unused internal feature. No more ghost link in SendTo command.
LIF_12 (3) Product Structure When opening a product and going to save management, there is a Ghost Link to another document. The Ghost Link is due to a publication or a constraint. The attribute "_ToProxy" is not unset. Unset the attribute "_ToProxy". No more ghost link.
Document needs to be updated .
LIF_13 (1) Product Structure

A Ghost link is visible in Send To command.

During a replace operation, an internal object (proxy) maintains a link to a document which has been removed from the product structure. Removes the invalid proxy.

No more Ghost link in Send To command.

LIF_14 (3) Body in White A Ghost link pop up is displayed when opening a CATProduct or using File/SendTo command. There is an unused Body in White object in the CATProdCont container. This object has a link on an invalid document. Delete unused Body in White object. No more Ghost Link nor pop up when opening the CATProduct.
LIF_15 (1) Space analysis The File / SendTo command shows a ghost link. The problem appears when a part or a product (used to make a measure) disappears from the structure. When it happens, the measure does not know where is its input and it is not clean.
Moreover, when the user opens the CATProduct or the CATPart containing these measures, there is always a problem of link.
Remove the input selection (link) of the corrupted measure. No more Ghost Link in the File / SendTo command.
Document needs to be updated.
LIF_16 (2) Analysis The File/SendTo command shows a ghostlink. Feature measure inertia keeps information for selection, this attribute was corrupted because the feature pointed a "ghost" CATPart. Unset the attribute selection of the measure inertia. No more GhostLink in File/SendTo command.
LPR_1 (1) Drafting When deleting a specific Profile, other Profile2DL objects are impacted, and seen as not up-to-date.
If automatic update is selected in Tools / Options, the update error panel is triggered with the error "Unable to evaluate the profile. No profile definition found in the layout view".
An internal structure definition for Profile2DL is shared by many Profile2DL objects, instead of being unique for one Profile2DL. When a Profile2DL is deleted, it deletes its internal definition, and deletes it for all Profile2DLs sharing this definition.
The remaining Profile2DLs cannot access their internal structure, and cannot be rebuilt afterwards.
Two corrections exist depending on the geometrical result of the Profile2DL:
  • if the Profile2DL has a geometrical result, the profile is isolated. The profile can be used as a datum geometry.
  • if the Profile2DL does not have a geometrical result, the profile is destroyed, as nothing can be done with it: it cannot re-build its geometrical result because it does not have any more definition specifications.
All profiles that shared the same internal structure definition are either isolated or deleted. It means that all children of these profiles are impacted by CATDUA execution.
  • If a profile is isolated, children objects are not up-to-date.
  • If a profile is deleted, children objects can have an update error.

Document needs to be updated.

LVW_1 (2) Drafting File/Send to Command shows a Ghost link. Bad management of View2DL copy/paste when copying from a container to another. A View2DL points to a Filter2DL in the same container. When copying a View2DL to another container, we must reset this reference. When a View2DL has an external link as the "ViewFilter" attribute, it is unset. No more ghost Link.
MAT_1 (1) Material Abnormal behavior on some materials (For edition, deletion, visualization....). More than one material container in the document. Deletion of over material containers. Some materials are deleted, visualization may changed. Model size is reduced.
MAT_2 (3) Material No Visible symptom. Orphans elements in the material container. Deletion of orphan members. Model size can be reduced significantly.
MAT_3 (2) Material Wrong visualization of material. Material has lost some internal data. Reapplication of the same material (if it has been applied as a link and if it can be retrieved in the original catalog).
Note that this error could sometimes be impossible to repair if the material can not be retrieved (for example, if the material is located in an inaccessible material catalog.
Visualization may change.
MAT_4 (3) Material Invalid material links (In Send/To command). Incorrect data in material container. Deletion of incorrect data of material container. No more invalid material links (In Send/To command).
MAT_5 (2) Material A material parameter disappears from specification tree after a new parameter creation. The material parameter contains wrong data. Modify the material parameter. Document needs to be updated.
MAT_6 (2) Material A Ghost Link on another document appears when performing a SendTo operation. The Ghost Link is due to an applied material that appears as copied material in the specification tree. Modify the material application information to obtain a correct linked material. No more invalid material links (In Send / To command). Document needs to be updated.
MAT_7 (3) Material A blank line is displayed in the window of the "SendTo" command (ghost link).

A material is located in a wrong container (not the material container). This can lead to ghost links. This material is unused and should be destroyed.

Deletion of material.

No more Ghost Link in the SendTo command.

MFG_0 (1) Manufacturing No visibility except abnormal size of CATProcess document. Unused machining feature is not deleted (activities cases). Delete the unused machining feature. Document is the same but smaller.
MFG_1 (1) Manufacturing No visibility except abnormal size of CATProcess document. Unused pattern definition is not deleted (pattern cases). Delete the unused pattern definition. Document is the same but smaller.
MFG_2 (2) Manufacturing No visibility except abnormal size of CATProcess document. The body referenced by a manufacturing geometry in SMART NC mode is duplicated. Delete the duplicated body. Document is the same but smaller.
MFG_3 (1) Manufacturing No visibility except abnormal size of CATProcess document. Toolpath not referenced by an activity is not deleted. Delete the unused toolpath. Document is the same but smaller.
MFT_0 (2) Mechanical Modeler Wrong behavior during activate/deactivate of solids. The status activated/deactivated (which can be seen in F(x) through parameter activity) does not correspond to the data structure of the solid. The data structure is reset in accordance with the active/inactive status. Document needs to be updated.
MFT_1 (1) Mechanical Modeler When a solid is deactivated, the previous solid's result is damaged. Inactive feature storing the result of the previous feature. Reconstruction of the internal result when possible. Document needs to be updated.
MFT_2 (1) Mechanical Modeler When a solid is deactivated, the previous solid's result is damaged. Result of a shape feature valuated with the result of the previous active shape feature. Reconstruction of the internal result when possible. Document needs to be updated.
MFT_3 (1) Mechanical Modeler Trouble with activation/deactivation behavior for solids. An internal attribute dealing with solid's activation is unset or missing. Attribute is regenerated or reset with a proper result. Document needs to be updated.
MGN_0 (2) Mechanical Modeler The result of an update (geometric) is not correct. No errors are reported.

Copy/Paste operation aborts.

Internal information has multiple values instead of one. Deletion of unnecessary values. Document needs to be updated. The result of the update is correct.
MGN_3 (2) Mechanical Modeler Information computed on a feature could be false (ex length...). No errors are reported. Invalid update state. Restore a valid update state. Document needs to be updated. The result of the update is correct.
MGN_4 (3) Mechanical Modeler The size of the model is abnormally huge comparatively to the number of elements. Or the size increases abnormally quickly comparatively to the number of interactions. The generic naming of the BRep features duplicates data. Remove duplicated data. Reduce the size of the document.
MGN_5 (3) Mechanical Modeler User is prompted with an error window during PowerCopy or Copy Paste operation. Useless synchronization data remain on a feature. Remove useless synchronization data. Reduce the size of the document.
MGN_6 (1) Mechanical Modeler Size of a CATPart on disk is abnormally huge.

Useless Mechanical modeler data.

Remove useless data. Reduce the size of the model.
MGN_7 (2) Mechanical Modeler Some cells of Datum Feature cannot be selected.

Copy/Paste operation aborts.

Cells cannot be selected because they have no naming. Add a naming to the cells.

All cells can be selected, and other features may be applied.
Document needs to be updated.

MGN_8 (1) Mechanical Modeler Some existing cleaning rules do not work correctly (MGN_4) and are not solved. Setting Applicative Attributes and colors using dedicated CAA interface takes long time. Problem should occur only with part import (as result with link or as result not saved) when the user puts applicative attributes and colors on faces and then changes the reference part and resynchronizes the imported part. If geometry changed, BRep features for applicative attributes and colors are lost but not destroyed. This often occurs when import is based on publication and when this publication changes. In R17, this problem should not occur any longer on imported parts as synchronization of colors and applicative attributes is automatically done and imported part is clean at this moment. Delete invalid BRep features for colors and applicative attributes. Existing cleaning rules work correctly, reduce size of the document, improve applicative attributes and color setting performances.
MGN_9 (1) Mechanical Modeler Some existing cleaning rules (LIF_1) are too generic and delete data, and there is no easy way to repair them. Problem should occur only when the user create publication in the Part on not aggregated Feature BRep by using a batch. If geometry is changed, publications are not put to non updated status and feature using them are not updated. Delete invalid BRep features and re-plug the publication on equivalent BrepAccess.

In some particular case, error may be returned as 'Non fixable'. Then a detailed comment explain to end user how to clean manually its data.

Existing cleaning rules LIF_1 will no longer appear in these cases, publications will be pointing correct geometry, and update / no update status will work correctly.
MGN_10 (3)
Mechanical Modeler


Bad performances during the update of a part containing big import features. There are useless data in the Generic Naming model of the part. Some algorithms have to scan this kind of data, and the performance of this scan can be bad when there are a lot of useless data.
Delete useles data.


Reduce the size of the document, improve performances during Update.
MIR_0 (2) PartDesign While updating a corrupted mirror feature an error with message " One or several features of the list have been deleted. Data is no longer consistent. You must delete the transformation feature." is thrown. One or more than one reference elements kept in Generative Tool for mirroring is lost. The reference elements kept in Generative Tool are created again. Document needs to be updated.
MMR_0 (1) Mechanical Modeler Severe global malfunctioning in the Part. One at least of the reference plane of the Part (xy, yz, zx) is damaged or missing. The reference planes of the Part (xy, yz, zx) are regenerated or repaired. Document needs to be updated.
MMR_1 (2) Mechanical Modeler An old CATPart cannot be used in an assembly (Insert Component fails). The link between the shape representation and the product is broken. Recreation of the link. The CATPart can be inserted in the assembly.
MMR_2 (2) Mechanical Modeler Severe global malfunctioning in many operations expecting the main body to exist. There is no main body (PartBody) in the Part. Creation of a main body. Apparition of a main body in the Part.
MMR_4 (2) Mechanical Modeler Visualization misbehaviors and unexpected restrictions to the capabilities to move an instance elsewhere in the Mechanical Part.
  • The position whithin the Mechanical Part specification graph is incorrect.
  • Upgrade Solid Body into Body (Hybrid) is not available since the Solid Body is wrongly/unexpectedly aggregated.
A Mechanical Feature is wrongly aggregated under another feature of the Mechanical Part. Checks Solid Body aggregation under a set. A Solid Body, which is a mechanical set for solid features and sketchs, can only be aggregated under the Mechanical Part or under a boolean operation. In case of a set, it is reordered under the Mechanical Part. In the other cases, a new set is created under the Mechanical Part and the wrongly aggreagted feature is reordered inside this new set. Mechanical Part needs to be updated. All the links but aggreagtion are remaining the same. The Mechanical Part and the set that originally aggregated the Solid Body are not updated.
Document needs to be updated.
MMV_1 (3) Mechanical Modeler Visualization of a part is black. Invalid graphic property on the part. Deletion of the invalid property. Part is correctly visualized.
MMV_2 (3) Mechanical Modeler The visualization of previously dressed-up geometry (used in Free Style workbench) can be wrong: the dress-up can still be visualized after removal. This problem can only occur for documents created before CATIA V5R10. In some cases, dress-up properties could be duplicated, so that one property remained even after removal. Restore correctly the dress-up properties. Correct visualization, corresponding to the dress-up properties.
MMV_3 (3) Mechanical Modeler If multiviewer infrastructure is available on the PartBody (e.g. in SheetMetal workbenches), wrong view names appear in the panels "Views" and "Add view" of the contextual menu of the PartBody. These view names appear in addition to the correct ones (i.e "3D View" and "Flat View"). This problem can only happen for CATPart documents created on CXR10 level. On that level, wrong attribute values were streamed on the PartBody. Erase the wrong attribute names. Both multiviewer windows contain only the correct view names.
MTR_0 (2) Mechanical Modeler Generated drafting view is not complete : some elements are missing compared with the 3D visualization of the Part. Wrong plug of attribute from the mechanical Body to its last solid. Attribute reset correctly. Document needs to be updated.
MTR_1 (3) Mechanical Modeler Ghost Link in SendTo command. MechanicalTool has a reference to a lost part. Change reference to the startup. No more ghost link.
MTR_2 (2) Mechanical Modeler Visualization and / or update errors among solids. Wrong plug between solids. Re-plug solids correctly. Document needs to be updated.
MTR_3 (3) Mechanical Modeler Wrong visualization of a Body, i.e: an operated Body is visible as if it was not operated. Wrong set of attribute. Resets the attribute correctly. Document needs to be updated.
NUM_0 (3) Numbering When opening a CATProduct, a warning informs you that the document contains ghost Links, or differences between SendTo and EditLinks commands. The attribute "_RefProduct" in the container "CATPrdNumberingCont" is wrong. Remove the phantom numbering objects. No more warning pop-up when opening the document
OLE_0 (2) (*) Drafting No visibility. A DrwOLE object point to a startup not located in the same CATDrawing. The OLE startup will be imported into the same drawing as the DrwOLE object if necessary. The DrwOLE object will then point to the right OLE startup. No visibility.
PAT_0 (1) Part Design

Document cannot be updated. Error obtained when update is called on the Part having user Pattern, which has redundant instances in its GenerTool.

If user pattern is having a user defined feature as one of its item to pattern and if there are any redundant instances of features to pattern in GenerTool of the pattern object, the model is corrupted.

Redundant instances in GenerTool of User Pattern are deleted.

The instances available in GenerTool of User Pattern are correct. Document can be updated.
Document needs to be updated.

PIC_0 (3) Drafting A Drawing Picture disappears after a copy/paste. Non aggregated Picture. Deletion of non aggregated Drawing Picture. The document is smaller.
PSP_0 (3) PlantShipModeler Piping or Tubing specification attribute should not be set by the user. The specification attribute value should only be set on the instance when a part is placed. Reset the Specification attribute value. The specification attribute value should be grayed out in the properties panel without any value.
Document needs to be updated.
RSN_0 (2) Equipment & Systems Arrangement Routable SegmentsStrings have RoutableNodes or RoutableSegments pointing a ghost link. There are bad model resulting RoutableNode and RoutableSegment aggregating CKE parameters pointing to ghost links. Recreate a new parameter and delete the old which has the ghost link. No more Ghost Link in File/SendTo.
Document needs to be updated.
SAC_2 (1) Drafting

Ghost links appear in the File/SendTo command from a CATAnalysis.

Analysis Connector Links are not well re-rooted. Remove the invalid Analysis Connectors. No more ghost link from the CATAnalysis in File/SendTo/Directory.
SAF_2 (2) Analysis Missing result view of an Analysis feature. Some of the Finite element model objects are no more linked their original feature. Initialize a default result view for next update. Concerned Features are no more up-to-date.
Document needs to be updated.
SAF_3 (1) Analysis Invalid result view of an Analysis feature. Some of the Finite element model objects are not valid according to FE rules. Re-initialize a valid default result view for next update. Concerned Features are no more up-to-date.
Document needs to be updated.
SAF_4 (2) Analysis

Missing links between mesh and physical data attach on mesh .

Some mesh can no more be referenced in order to define preprocessing.

Re-initialize a valid default result view for next update.

Concerned Features are no more up-to-date.
Document needs to be updated.

SAF_5 (2) Analysis Errors in mesh or post processing visualization . Nodes with wrong activity status according to mesh part activity status. Correct activity status. No visibility.
SCH_0 (3) PlantShip Modeler In some cases, the connectors' locations are not well defined. Mismatched update state on an extension. Update state set to TRUE. Document needs to be updated.
SCH_1 (3) PlantShip Modeler


One of the extremity connector of the route object (that is connected to itself) is not displayed. In some route objects, under very special circumstances, a branch connection is connected to itself. And branch connector are not removed after the branch connection is removed. Find all the branch connections that connect connectors belonging to the same object. Remove those connections. Also remove any unconnected branch connections in a route. No user-visible symptom. The user has to explicitly run the CATDUA-checker again to make sure no error exists.
SCH_2 (3) PlantShip Modeler User can see a defected annotation "jumps" at the first move during direct manipulation. Some annotations contain inconsistent data for the associated object (route object). During direct-manipulation, the positions of the associated annotation cannot be initialized correctly. Consequently, the first move of the annotations look incorrect. Check all the annotation objects that are associated to routes in schematic extension container. In particular, perform a consistency checking for the persistent data stored in the annotation objects. If inconsistent data is found, replace it with consistent one. No more "jump" when moving the document.

SCS_0 (2)

Sketcher Sketch solving result is not stable. Geometries can move when the user edits a sketch. Some geometrical constraints do not have "Help" parameter. This parameter is used by the constraint solver to help solving the sketch. Add the missing "Help" parameter to sketcher constraint. Solving result is stable. When editing a sketch, geometries do not move.
Document needs to be updated
SHC_1 (3) DMU Fitting

Performance issue when loading a CATPart.

A CATPart contains a wrong 'Shuttle' container. When loading this CATPart, CATIA tries to load the Shuttle container and initialize it and load the huge DMU Fitting libraries.

Deletes the unwanted Shuttle container. Correct performance when loading the CATPart.
SHM_0 (2) SheetMetal Somme sheet metal object cannot be deactivate. The information which is managing the activity is not present on some sheet metal object. Adding the information. The activity will be at Yes after the operation. The activity is at Yes
Document needs to be updated.
SHM_1 (2) SheetMetal User is prompted with error window "The Extrude XXX has a data problem". Before V5R9, some internal BRep Edges features were pointed but not aggregated. Aggregate the involved BRep Edge features. No more error window.
SHM_2 (2) SheetMetal Some functionality like CutOut, Hole, ... fail if they are created on the part. The failure occurs during unfolding transaction because all cylindrical transformation are not defined correctly. Restore the invalid cylindrical transformation to a valid one. CutOut, Hole, ... can be applied successfully.
Document needs to be Updated.
SKS_0 (2) Sketcher Modeler User cannot use sketch absolute or a sub-element (O,H,V) of a sketch absolute axis to create a volumic or a surfacic feature (ex: User cannot select H axis to define revolution axis of a revolve volume). User cannot create a projection, an intersection or an offset curve in the Sketcher workbench. Absolute axis, H axis, V axis and Origin features have no result body.

CATDUA puts absolute axis feature out of date.

All sub-elements of the sketch can be used to create feature. Sketch feature is not up-to-date and the user has to update the sketch (or the part)
Document needs to be updated
SKS_1 (2) Sketcher Modeler Update cycles not detected when features are using origin, h direction or v direction of the sketch absolute axis. Update data structure of the origin, h direction or v direction of the sketch absolute axis is not correct. Update data structure corrected. Sketches are seen as non up-to-date.
Document needs to be updated.
SKT_0 (1) Sketcher Modeler Sketch absolute axis seen as up-to-date, but no resulting associated geometry. Operations within the Sketcher cannot be performed properly. mark non up-to-date absolute axis. Sketches are seen as non up-to-date.
Document needs to be updated.
SKT_24 (3) Sketcher No visibility (severity 3 since R9SP3) Unused elements (Brep aggregated under sketch) are present. Deletion of unused elements. Sketches are seen as non up-to-date.
Document needs to be updated.
SKT_25 (3) Sketcher Modeler Cleaning of data structure updates of sketches created before V5R3SP2. Bad update links management. Modify internal update links between sketch elements. Sketches are seen as non up-to-date.
Document needs to be updated.
SKT_26 (2) Sketcher Modeler When opening a CATPart document, a warning with the following error message appears: "The files in the following list could not be found or contain the wrong information for the active document", but a document mentioned in the list does not appear when using File/Desk or Edit/Links command. The user cannot correct the ghost link. After pasting in a Sketch geometry coming from View of a CATDrawing containing a ditto, the Sketch can contain geometry features on which some instance/reference links were kept with the CATDrawing data.

Unplug the geometry with ghost links on their details/dittos in the CATDrawing and re-plugg them to their startups in current CATPart document.

No more warning pop-up when opening the CATPart document. Document needs to be updated.
SKT_27 (2) Sketcher Modeler Output features are badly aggregated. Output features are aggregated as brothers of the sketch they are from and not under the dedicated node in the sketch. Modify the aggregation of such outputs. The outputs are replaced under the dedicated node under the sketch they belong to. The outputs are replaced under the dedicated node under the sketch they belong to.
SMG_4 (2) Sketcher Updates of use edges not performed properly. Update data structure of use edges not consistent. Update data structure corrected. Sketches are seen as non up-to-date.
Document needs to be updated.
SMG_5 (2) Sketcher Updates of use edges not performed properly. Update data structure of use edges not consistent. Update data structure corrected. Sketches are seen as non up-to-date.
Document needs to be updated.
SMG_6 (2) Sketcher Updates of use edges not performed properly. Update data structure of use edges not consistent. Update data structure corrected. Sketches are seen as non up-to-date.
Document needs to be updated.
SMG_9 (2) Sketcher A modification of a constraint is not taken into account by an update of the sketch. Internal value to determine if a constraint impact a sketch is not correctly valuated. Set the attribute to the correct value. Sketches are seen as non up-to-date.
Document needs to be updated.
SMG_16 (2) Sketcher Updates of sketches must be performed many times to get sketches updated. Constraints re-impacted during the feature update. Constraints update data structure corrected. The result of the update is correct, Sketches are seen as non up-to-date.
Document needs to be updated.
SMG_17 (2) Sketcher Update errors appearing for features using sketched geometry. Inconsistent update data structure. Geometry update data structure corrected. The result of the update is correct, Sketches are seen as non up-to-date.
Document needs to be updated.
STD_0 (2) Drafting No visibility. Only one standard per document is allowed. Only the first standard will be kept, the others will be deleted. No visibility.
STD_1 (2) Drafting No visibility. The current sheet is not associated with the standard of the document. The standard in the document is replaced by a new standard (import) corresponding to the standard of the current sheet. No visibility.
SYN_1 (3) Product Structure Some new instances are created during the open of a CATProduct. Synchronization mechanism does not detect the newly created object, so it creates a new one. Deletion of the newly created instance. The CATProduct has the good number of instances.
SYN_2 (1) Product Structure When working in context of corrupted CATProduct, the Parts cannot be visualized and the shapes cannot be activated correctly. The PRDBAGREP attribute of the ASMPRODUCT does not reference the PRDBAGREP of the reference ASMPRODUCT. Reset the BagRepsList attribute of the ASMPRODUCT. The CATPart is correctly visualized.
TFC_0 (2) Mold Design
When opening a sub-product of a Tooling Assembly only, some products that are not part of the loaded sub-product are also loaded.
One or several Tooling Feature Extensions have an attribute pointing on non first rank instances of products.
The pointing attribute is reset on the first rank instance of the product.
The symptom disappears. Products are no more loaded.
TFC_1 (2)
Mold Design
A product takes a very long time to be closed.
One or several Tooling Feature Extensions have attributes that points several times on the same product.
Suppress the duplicated links.
The symptom disappears. Products can be closed with a correct performance.
TFC_2 (2) Mold Design When opening a sub-product of a Tooling Assembly only, some products that are not part of the loaded sub-product are also loaded.
Some Tooling Feature extensions have been duplicated.
Resets to 0 all the attributes of the useless extensions (their complete removal is not possible).
The symptom disappears. Products are no more loaded.
THD_0 (3) Part Design Using SendTo Directory, a part from CATPart, thread reference file is also sent and should not. The link between a design table and the standard reference file is not broken but should be. Break the invalid link. Send To Directory command send the correct set of data.
THD_1 (3) Part Design A relation has been defined on the Thread Description attribute of Thread with an external parameter. Change in the value of the external parameter does not lead to the update of Thread Description through the relation causing the Thread feature to go in error. The Thread Description attribute of Thread is sp_NEUTRAL. This attribute is linked to an external parameter through a relation. Change in value of the external parameter does not lead to update of Thread Description through the relation before the update of the Thread feature. Hence, Thread feature goes in error. Thread Description attribute is made an sp_IN attribute, thus change in value of external parameter leads to the update of Thread Description through the relation, before the update of PartBody. This results in valid update of the Thread feature. The CATPart needs to be saved due to change in attribute quality.
TRC_1 (3) DMU Fitting The name of an invalid CATProduct appears when using the "Send To" command on a specific CATPart. A CATPart contains a wrong "Track" container. When using "Send To" on this CATPart, CATIA tries to load an unwanted Track container which points on an invalid CATProduct. Due to some earlier implementation problem, the user was able to create a Track container in CATParts. Deletes the unwanted Track container. No more invalid CATProducts listed in the SendTo.
UAV_0 (2) Product Structure An instance does not seem to have exactly the same geometry than the reference. In the worst case, it is not visible at all, and CATIA is unstable in when trying to create 2D projections or solving 3D constraints. Instance positioning is not an isometric transformation. In worst case it cannot even be inverted. Restore the positioning matrix to the nearest isometric transformation. Correct visualization of instance.
Document needs to be updated if it contains 3D constraints.
UAV_1 (1) Product Structure The move commands are not able to change position of a particular instance. This object's position is not synchronized with its reference. Flexibility rules are not fully respected even if position is overloaded, thus the move command does not apply on the good object. Sub-assembly containing the instance is made correctly flexible (so overloaded instance is kept). Sub-assembly has the flexible icon mask, and move works as expected.
Document needs to be updated.
UAV_2 (3) Product Structure Unused Links (connectors from constraints) are shown in the Send To command. Internal attribute to determine the constraint pointed by a connector is not correctly valuated. Set the attribute to the correct value. Those links are not visible anymore.
UAV_3 (1) Product Structure Connection with an incorrect associated constraint. A constraint is not in the right container. Deletion of the constraint. None.
UAV_4 (3) Product Structure Ghost link in the Send To or Edit Links command. "Hole" in tk_list,tk_compo attribute. Maybe inter-document aggregation onto a document that is not found. Remove aggregation in children list. No more Ghost Link in the command.
UAV_5 (2) (*) Product Structure Publication node in sub-product is broken whereas it is OK in reference document. Empty links attributes on instance of publication feature. Reset the publication instance from its reference. Publication node is OK in sub-product.
UAV_6 (3) Product Structure After the use of Flexible/Rigid command, the flexible assembly can not be correctly updated. Product instances are not positioned at the correct location. The ConnectorsFamily of the flexible instance is pointing a connector into the reference scope instead of a connector belonging to the instance scope. Call the ObjectSpecModeler API CATSpecSmart SynchroAllInstances in order to reroute the pointing schema. The model is repair. Assembly needs to be updated.
UAV_7 (2) Product Structure In some cases, the command defined contextual link has not impact on the contextual part. The contextual instance associated to the contextual part can not be changed by the command. Some instances overload the definition of the contextual instance. Instead to use the definition of the context at the Part level as expected, the system is using the context overloaded by the instance. Reset the overload context for product instance. The model is repair, the command Define Contextual Link will work again.
UAV_8 (2) Product Structure No visualization of instance or instance badly positioned. (It depends not only of data corruption case, but also on load settings). Attribute which is supposed to store the object owning instance's position matrix and reference's shape representation information is overloaded. Two cases: no object at all, or too many objects. Restore the position and representation information from the original data. (Reset attribute). Correct visualization and position.
UAV_9 (3) Product Structure Ghost link in the Send To or Edit Links command. A connector has in his list of usages a link to a connection that is stored in a missing document. Remove the link. No more Ghost Link in the command.
UAV_10 (3) (*) Product Structure A part document is pointing at useless components. _component attribute is valuated for a Part. Empty the _component attribute. A CATPart has no children. The CATPart document is no more pointing to some useless component.
UAV_11 (3) Product Structure When working in context, the new from command is not working and / or a copy-paste action will create a ghost link on the paste assembly. The attribute Shape Connector of the connector is pointing an invalid document. The pointing document does not belong to the Instance-reference model or reference representation model.
In an ENOVIA context, the UAV_11 needs more information than in File context to be able to rule on the presence of an error. Therefore, it might not react as many times in ENOVIA as it would in File context.
Reset the attribute Shape connector. No Visibility.
UAV_12 (3) (*) Product Structure When opening a product there is a ! before a publication. When opening the CATPart containing the publication, there is no ! before the publication. The attribute _TechnoLinkAttr is wrong. Reset the attribute _TechnoLinkAttr. No more ! before the publication.
UAV_14 (3) Product Structure Same publication appears several times in the Specification tree. The publication appears several times in the instance is wrong. Remove all identical publications but one. The publication appears only one time in the Specification tree. publication.
UAV_15 (2) (*) Product Structure The publication is broken after the modification of CATPart PartNumber. The PUBLISHING_Pointage, PUBLISHING_Etiquette and / or PUBLISHING_PubName attributes are affected on Instance instead of reference. Transfer the PUBLISHING_Pointage, PUBLISHING_Etiquette and PUBLISHING_PubName attributes from instance level to reference level. Publication is no more broken.
UAV_16 (2) Product Structure Instance externals are locally set. Instance externals should not be locally set because they take settings of their reference.

Reset instance externals.


UAV_18 (2) (*)

Product Structure No shape representation on a part reference or the shape representation on a reference points to another part's shape.

Shape representation should never be empty and it should not point to the shape of another part.

The shape representation points to the own shape of the part.

Need to reload the product if the reference is not visible in the view.
UAV_19 (2) (*) Product Structure

A Contextual Link is always Not UpToDate, even after an Update.

The object pointed by this ContextualLink is not the good one, and cannot be used. The ContextualLink pointing is unset.

The ContextualLink is broken, but it can be updated.
Document needs to be updated.

UAV_20 (2) Product Structure Error pannel on PRDCONNECTION displayed when updating the assembly.

The PRDCONNECTION is corrupted. Some of its applicative extensions' attributes point to invalid objects (e.g. the applicative extension itself).

Compares the PrdConnection attributes to its direct reference, and resets the corrupted attributes according to the value held by this reference.

The update operation goes on correctly if launched.

UAV_21 (1) (*)

Product Structure

The number of publication of the part in the assembly count less than the number of publication in the part when opened separately. One Publication of the part instance has no reference in the reference Part. Check the integrity of all Publications by comparing it to its direct reference, and resets the corrupted list according to the value held by this reference.

The number of publication of the part is the same in the assembly count and when part is opened separately.
Document needs to be updated.

UAV_22 (1) Product Structure Error occurs during Update operation. A reference Connection is erroneously aggregated by a discipline instance. Deletion of the invalid reference Connection.

No more error during Update operation.

UAV_23 (2) (*) Product Structure A publication points a parameter which is defined in an excel document. If the parameter is changed out of the CATIA context, when the document containing the publication is loaded in CATIA session, the publication is wrongly seen as up to date. Therefore, all the objects (contextual link, …) pointing the publication will be wrongly seen as up to date as well. A Time Stamp is not updated. Adds the Time Stamp of the Parameter under the Publication attribute (_ModifiersTS) in case of a Publication pointing to a Parameter. Publication is no more seen as up to date.
UAV_27 (2) Product Structure Impossible to select a Publication under a Product Instance. The highlight is not correct too. On the aggregated Product Rerefence, the selection and the highlight are OK. The association -Publication and Connector- are not in the same document. Launch a SmartSynchro from the Publication reference and restore the association. Publication can be selected and highlighted.
UAQ_1 (3) Product Structure The dependencies of a publication is not up to date after an update. Some publications has the quality of the attribute "_Pointage" set to sp_NEUTRAL instead sp_IN. Quality is set to sp_IN. The design is not up-to-date and the update command is available in the assembly workbench.
Document needs to be updated.
UDF_0 (2) (*) Mechanical Modeler Lost inputs when editing a UserFeature. User-Feature with an invalid Input. Re-plug of inputs. A new input can appear on the cleaned UserFeature.
UFC_1 (2) DMU Fitting

When an effected CATProcess document is loaded and when the user tries to do File -> Send To -> Directory, the user will see "CATDMUFitting" file name without full path.

A CATProcess document has a track container in it. The catalog manager of the track container points to the non existing "CATDMUFitting" catalog file. So,
  1. when the user loads the CATProcess document and he tries to do File -> Send To  -> Directory, the application lists "DMUFitting" file name.
  2. when the user loads a particular project from the Hub to V5 and activates "Create PackandGo Data" command, the application lists the "CATDMUFitting" file name.

Unset the link to the non existing "CATDMUFitting" file.

When the user does one of the following operation, he will not notice that the application does not list non existent "CATDMUFitting" file.
  1. open the cleaned CATProcess document and do a File -> Send To -> Directory.
  2. load a specific project from the Hub to V5 and activate "Create PackandGo Data" command.
UPD_0 (2) SpecsModeler

Update cycle on the object not seen / editable by the customer.

An object has been created which is a direct input of itself in terms of update.

Unset the link to itself (break the cyclic dependency). Update should no longer fail due to update cycle.
UPD_1 (2) SheetMetal The SheetMetal unfolded and folded are not consistent. Some features are missing or some modifications are not taken in account. The internal components are not correctly updated, even if the update links are correct. Check the timestamp values of the components. If one anomaly is detected, the components are set in NotUpToDate status. The activity is at Yes
Document needs to be updated.
UPG_0 (3) Product Structure Product is not correctly visualized. The product keeps a previous representation for a link (V5R2 model) which is no more supported. Force the cleaning of the link to a supported representation. The Product is correctly visualized.
UPG_1 (3) (*) Product Structure After reordering the publications or deleting Part, the publications reference a wrong geometry. The attribute _Pointage of the Publication is built in a relative mode. Clean this attribute by a new Spec relation without relative mode. The publications reference a correct geometry.
URL_1 (3) (*) Knowledge Bad performance when opening a document. An URL points a document through an invalid attribute type. Attribute is turned into the correct type. Document is opened with correct performance.
VWN_0 (1) Drafting Ghost links are visible through File Send to. A formula valuating the name of the view is built upon a parameter that exists in an external document. The formula is deleted then rebuilt so that there are no external parameters. No more external links due to the formula associated with a view name.
CAM_2 (1)


Applicative cameras diseappear and some ghost links may appear in File/SendTo command.
The startup of the Camera feature is not found and the camera instances can not be instanciated anymore.
This problem appearsafter some copy paste operation of camera.


Retreive the SpecObject_broken data, instanciate a new camera with these datas and then delete the SpecObjet_broken feature. The corrupted camera reappears in the view and the document is in a modified state.
PSM_0 (2) PartDesign While trying File/SendTo/Directory, one of the documents cannot be sent to the specified directory since its location is not resolved. The symmetric relation between the first limit and the second limit is corrupted as it is pointing to some other document. The symmetric relation between the first limit and the second limit is re-established. No more Ghost link in file/SendTo command.
SCE_0 (3) DMU Navigator Some ghost links appear in the File/SendTo command. A scene feature is located in a wrong container (not the prodScenes container). This scene is unused and should be destroyed. Deletion of the useless scene feature. No more Ghost Link in the File/SendTo command.
TER_0 (2) MechanicalDesign The update status of the Technological Result node does not change when adding/modifying a feature in the body. The consequence is that the technological result informations may be inconsistant with the body content. A TROutput is not plugged to the last shape feature (or its ResultOut) of the tool in which it has been created, RePlug invalid TROutput to the last shape feature (or its ResultOut) of the tool in which it has been created. The update status change when adding/modifying a feature in the body.
Document needs to be updated in order to refresh the technological results informations.
To have the complete list of the return codes detected by the CATDUA V5, please refer to The List of the Return Codes Detected by the CATDUA V5.