Selecting Using the Search Command 
(Favorites Mode)

This task explains how to use the Favorites mode of the Search command.
The Favorites mode lets you save your favorite queries in order to reuse them as many times as you wish, without having to reenter your search criteria. But keep in mind that you cannot create favorite queries requiring a selection. However, you can include predefined favorite queries.

Note that multiple Search dialog boxes can be open at the same time.

Open the document Search1.CATProduct.
  1. Select Edit > Search (or press Ctrl+F).

    The Search dialog box appears:
  2. Enter the workbench Sketcher in the Workbench list and the type Line in the Type list.

  3. In the Color list, select From Element from the list then select a line from the geometry area before clicking the Search button. In our example, we are searching for lines having the same color than line 2 (i.e. "Dark Grey Green").

  4. Click the Add to favorites... button to add this query to your favorites then click OK.

  5. Select the Favorites tab. Your query is displayed in the Favorites list. You can click the column headers to sort the queries alphabetically.

    Favorites are stored across sessions because they are stored with your settings in the SearchFavoriteQueries.CATSettings file. This enables you to recover your favorite queries from one session to another. 
    Note that your search queries can be stored independently from the language (they are called "transformat queries"), thus enabling you to run queries created by other users whatever the session language provided that they were not created before V5R9 SP1.
    You can select a query then use one of the three icons displayed to move up , move down or delete this query.
  6. Double-click the query to begin the search. 

    The scope option in the Look list is automatically updated to match your search criteria.

    The query is also generated in the Query box. Note that the generated query is not editable and is displayed for information only.

    Double-clicking a query in the Favorites mode automatically updates the data displayed under the General tab accordingly and the objects are preselected in the geometry area.
    A query may be modified directly in the Favorites list by clicking its name or its content under the corresponding column. 
  7. Click the query syntax in the Query column then replace the color Dark Grey Green with Pink Salmo.

  8. Click the Search button to run the search. You can also click the Search and Select button which lets you run a search AND select automatically the objects that have been found. However, note that the Search dialog box is closed once objects are selected.

    A warning message informs you that the color does not exist.

  9. Repeat steps 7 and 8 to edit the query syntax once again but, this time, the color name to enter is Pink Salmon.

  10. Click the Search button to run the search:

  11. Click the query syntax in the Query column then enter the following query:


  12. Click the query name in the Name column then enter:


  13. Click the Search button:

  14. Activate "My Part Number", then modify the query syntax once more by entering:

    (NAME=Sketch* & Color=Black),in


    This time, we also modify the search scope. 

  15. Click the Search button:

  16. Click OK to exit search mode.

You can use the power entry box to run a query. 
For instance, you can enter:

favorite=MyQuery1    or    f=MyQuery1

This gives a result but you may need to modify the scope option. This can also be done in the power input box by entering, for instance:

favorite=MyQuery1, all    or    f=MyQuery1, all

The search result is selected in the specification tree.

For detailed information on the search language using your favorite queries, refer to Using the Search Language.