Graphic Reporting  

This page deals with the Graphic Reporting options for Resource Detailing products.


XSL Style Sheet/ VBA Directory

This directory lists the XSL Style Sheet or VBA directory defaults.  These directories are used to generate the format of customized simulation reports

  • To add a directory, select the Add button; a navigation window appears so that you can browse to the appropriate directory.

  • To remove a directory, select the directory in the box and then select the Remove button.

The initial setting is a directory under the startup directory named Reporting.

Default Style Sheets

This directory lists default style sheets used to create simulation reports.  The choices are:

  • RunStats.xslt
  • XMLtoPieChartSVG.xslt
  • XMLtoSVG.xslt
  • VBAXMLexample.catvba

The initial setting is RunStats.xslt.

Result Output Directory

This field provides the full path name of the result output directory.  When simulation reports are generated, the system prompts users to save the the data in the result output directory, although users can navigate to different output directories when prompted.  Within the output directory, the data is stored in folders named according to the .CATProcess file from which the reports were generated.  Within each .CATProcess folder are folders containing a specific simulation run.  Within each simulation run's folder are the files containing the .xml and the formatted output.

The default value is your local temp directory.

SVG Viewer

You can opt to use either the default SVG viewer or a web browser.

The initial setting is Web Browser


Java Executable

This directory lists the location of the Java executable.

The initial setting is java.

Jar Files for XSL Translations

  • To add a directory, select the Add button; a navigation window appears so that you can browse to the appropriate directory.

  • To remove a directory, select the directory in the box and then select the Remove button.