
The Drafting tab contains five categories of options letting you customize your lines drawings:

Geometry to Display

Select the option defining how the shape of the ship is shown on lines drawings: Wireframe only or Surface only, or Both.

By default, the option is Wireframe only.

For a body plan, ensure Wireframe only is selected.

Waterlines View

Select the option defining the view looking at the ship from above: Symmetrical  or Asymmetrical depending on whether or not the ship is symmetrical about the centerline. This generates a half-breadth or full-breadth view respectively.

Typical half-breadth view:

By default, the option is Asymmetrical.

Waterline Position

Select WaterLine reference plane

If this option is selected, the waterline is located at the selected reference plane in the 3D document.

Specify value (absolute z coordinates

If this option is selected, the waterline is located along the Z direction at the absolute coordinate entered in the Absolute Z coordinate box.

By default, the option is Specify value.

Body Plan

Select the option defining the view showing the shapes of the frame lines: Symmetrical or Asymmetrical depending on whether or not the ship is symmetrical about the centerline.

The generated view is made of two parts. If the ship is symmetrical, only one side of the ship is shown (usually the portside) and the right-hand part looks aft at the forward portside of the ship, while the left-hand part looks forward at the after half of the portside. If the ship is asymmetrical, both sides of the ship are shown.

Typical body plan:

To generate this drawing, you need to define the midship position (see below).

By default, the option is Asymmetrical.

Midship Position

Select middle station

If this option is selected, the midship is located at the selected reference plane in the 3D document.

Specify value (absolute x coordinates)

If this option is selected, the midship is located along the X direction at the absolute coordinate entered in the Absolute X coordinate box.

By default, the option is Specify value.

  For the options in this tab page to be taken into account, you need to select Project 3D wireframe, Project 3D points and Apply 3D specifications located in Mechanical Design -> Drafting -> View -> Geometry generation/Dress-up frame.
  By default, Project 3D wireframe and Project 3D points check boxes are cleared, and the Apply 3D specifications check box is selected.