This page deals with the options concerning:

CDM Interoperability Administration

There are three push buttons in this section:
  • Selecting the Database Administration button lets you define the parameters for connection to the CDM databases you wish to use (see "Connecting an ORACLE or DB2 Database to Your CATIA Version 5 Environment" in the ENOVIAVPM User's Guide).
  • Checking the Database Server Dictionary box lets you define a CDM dictionary associated with a server.
  • Checking the ENOVIAvpm/Product Structure Mapping box lets you map CDM and assembly attributes (see "Mapping CDM and Assembly Attributes" in the ENOVIAVPM User's Guide).

PSN Display Options

  • Checking the Automatic Highlight in PSN box sets the automatic highlight for the identification of models in a PSN graph from a Version 5 session and vice-versa. This means that whenever you select one or more models in a PSN graph they are automatically highlighted in the Version 5 session. When selected in a Version 5 session, they are automatically highlighted in the corresponding PSN graph.
    If you do decide to use this option you should be aware that performance will be adversely affected.

Customize Session Building

  • Checking the Load all EnoviaVPM properties box means that when a session is built all the properties visualized in VPM that have not been mapped will be loaded as user properties.
    • If you do decide to use this option you should be aware that performance will be adversely affected.
    • When the cache mode is on, the user properties in the Product: Added Properties section of the Properties dialog box are not visible because the Part reference is not loaded.
  • Checking the Disable Applicative Object management box speeds up performance.
    If you do decide to use this option you should be aware that V5 applicative objects such as publications, constraints, etc. will neither be saved nor stored in the database.

V4 CDM Cache Management

  • Checking the Work with the V4 CDM cache system box enables you to use the cache system and provide the location of the V4 local cache in the field CDM Cache path.

You can also specify the access method in the field Access method.