
This page deals with the options concerning:

Translator properties

Defines the control points manipulator appearance.


Defines the color of the control points manipulator.
By default, the color is green as shown in the screen capture.


Defines the cross representation for the control points manipulator.
Four representations are available:
  • by lines
  • by arrows
  • by triangles
  • no representation
By default, the direction are represented by lines.


Defines the center representation for the control points manipulator.
Three representations are available:
  • by a plus
  • by a point
  • by a circle
By default, the center representation is a point.

Pre-selection feedback

Defines whether the pre-selected element, mesh or point, while editing control point is marked by a circle.
By default, this option is not selected.

Discrete manipulation

Defines whether the control points manipulator jumps from the control point position to the cursor position.
By default, this option is not selected.

Advanced Customization

All Mesh: This is the new default setting for the control point command. When checked, all the control points are selected by default when geometry is selected. When unchecked, all the control points are de-selected.


Defines the control points mesh options while editing a surface.

Color U

Defines the color along U of the control points mesh.
By default, the color is green as shown in the screen capture.

Type U

Defines the line type along U for the control points mesh.
By default, the type representation is a solid line.

Thickness U

Defines the line thickness along U for the control points mesh.
By default, the line thickness number is 1

Color V

Defines the color along V of the control points mesh.
By default, the color is green as shown in the screen capture.

Type V

Defines the line type along V for the control points mesh.
By default, the type representation is a solid line.

Thickness V

Defines the line thickness along V for the control points mesh.
By default, the line thickness value is 1.


Defines the control points mesh options while editing a face.

Color U

Defines the color along U of the control points mesh.
By default, the color is red as shown in the screen capture.

Type U

Defines the line type along U for the control points mesh.
By default, the type representation is a dashed line.

Thickness U

Defines the line thickness along U for the control points mesh.
By default, the line thickness number is 1

Color V

Defines the color along V of the control points mesh.
By default, the color is red as shown in the screen capture.

Type V

Defines the line type along V for the control points mesh.
By default, the type representation is a dashed line.

Thickness V

Defines the line thickness along V for the control points mesh.
By default, the line thickness value is 1.


Defines the control points mesh options while editing a point.


Defines the color of the control points mesh.
By default, the color is green as shown in the screen capture.


Defines the symbol type for the point.
By default, the symbol type is a x-cross.


Defines the cursor appearance while editing control points.
By default, the cross cursor is selected.