
This page deals with the following options:



This option lets you select the symbol and color you wish to assign to the node elements.

  • Symbol: lets you choose the symbol that represents a node element.

  • Color: lets you define the color of the chosen symbol.


This option lets you define:

  • 1D elements shrink: lets you define the shrink visualization of 1D elements.

  • 2D elements shrink: lets you define the shrink visualization of 2D elements.

  • 3D elements shrink: lets you define the shrink visualization of 3D elements.

You can modify the shrink value from 1.00 (default value) to 0.50 (minimum value).

By default, these values are equal to 1 (i.e. no shrink visualization).

  • Edge size limit: lets you define the mesh tolerance under which two circles is added to the BAR visualization.

By default, this value is equal to 0.01mm.