Simulation Trace   

This page deals with Simulation Trace options:

Simulation Trace Options

Show Point

Provides the color and symbol for each point within a simulation trace, if the Show point option is enabled.

DThe default value for the Show point option is off; the initial appearance settings for points are shown above.

Show Line

Provides the color, type of line, and line thickness for each simulation trace, if the Show line option is enabled.

DThe default value for the Show line option is on; the initial appearance settings for lines are shown above

Show Axis

Provides the color, line type, and thickness for the axis of each simulation trace, if the Show axis option is enabled.

DThe default value for the Show axis option is off; the initial appearance settings for axes are shown above.

Delete path when simulation starts again

This option means that each simulation's path will deleted when a new simulation is run.  Otherwise, each path will remain visible until the session ends. The setting here can be overridden on the Simulation Trace dialog box.

DThe default value for this option is on.

Show legends

Text appears when a point/line/axis is (pre)selected by the user. The text contains information related to the current point.  The text can contain any of the following data (if selected):
  • Name
  • Time
  • X axis
  • Y axis
  • Z axis
  • Yaw
  • Pitch
  • Roll

DThe default value for these options is that Name and Time are selected.