
This page deals with Simulation options.

Process Authoring


State Management

The State Management option controls the execution of the start conditions while creating or modifying simulation activities.

  • If this option is set, the simulation synchronizes to the start condition of any simulated activity before executing the simulation details.

  • If the start condition is not available or if the State Management check box is not selected, only the simulation details for the current activity are executed.

DThe default value for this option is disabled.

Apply End Condition

The Apply End Condition option is only available when the State Management check box is selected.

If the State Management option is selected, but Apply End Condition is not, then as a user navigates from one activity to another, 3D context, start condition, and real time simulation output are executed (in that order) for the activity navigated.

If the State Management and Apply End Condition check boxes are both selected, the user sees the 3D window getting updated with the end condition, in addition to 3D context, start condition, and real time simulation output for the activity. The order in which these conditions get applied is:

  • 3D context
  • start condition
  • simulation execution
  • end condition.

DThe default value for this option is that is unavailable.

Text Message/Viewpoint/Hyperlink/Annotation Activities

Enabling any or all of the activities (i.e., Text Message, Viewpoint, Hyperlink, or Annotation) listed means that you see the effect of those types of activities as you create your simulation.  Not selecting the activities means the activities are be saved as part of your process whenever you create them, but you do not see their effects as you create the process.

DThe default is that Viewpoint Activities and Text Messages are enabled; Hyperlink and Annotation are not enabled.

Disable Synchronization

Selecting the Disable Synchronization check box means that synchronization does not work during process creation. This is useful when you do not need to see the status of the simulation while creating activities. 

DThe default is that synchronization is enabled (i.e., Disable Synchronization is not selected).

Display dialog for Activity Selection Agent

Selecting the Display dialog for Activity Selection Agent check box means that you are prompted for the location of each new activity prior to creating it.  Your options are before or after a selected (reference) activity, or, for non-simulation activities, you can opt to make an activity the child of the reference activity.   

DThe default is that this option is selected.

Common Simulation Options

State Management

The State Management option controls the execution of the start conditions in the other simulation commands. If this option is enabled, the simulation synchronizes to the start condition of any simulated activity before executing the simulation details. If this start condition is not available or if the State Management option is disabled, the simulation engine will only execute the simulation details for the current activity.

This option provides the default value for the State Management option exposed in the Process Simulation command and in the Automatic Synchronization commands.

DThe default value for this option is disabled.

Apply End Condition

As with process creation, the Apply End Condition option is only available when the State Management check box is selected.

If the State Management and Apply End Condition check boxes are both selected, the user sees the 3D window getting updated with the end condition, in addition to 3D context, start condition, and real time simulation output for the activity. The order in which these conditions get applied is:

  • 3D context
  • start condition
  • simulation execution
  • end condition.

DThe default value for this option is that it is unavailable.

Text Message/Viewpoint/Hyperlink/Annotation/Pause/Visibility Activities

For these types of activities, you determine whether the activities are enabled, and then what the activity's behavior is.

As with process creation, enabling any or all of the activities listed means that you see the effect of those activities as you run a simulation, automatic synchronization, or process verification.  Disabling the activities means that you do not see their effects as you run a simulation, automatic synchronization, or process verification. Visibility Activities are always enabled.

When you run a simulation, automatic synchronization, or process verification, the dialog boxes for process simulation, automatic synchronization, and process verification options enable you to override any defaults set here on a per-view basis.

The possible behaviors are:

  • Process (default value) or Parent for the Text Message Activities, Annotation Activities, and Visibility Activities.
    • When users select Process, the scope of the activity is the whole process (e.g., a Text Message Activity remains visible from its insertion point to the end of the process, unless another Text Message Activity is inserted to delete the original).
    • When users select Parent, the scope of the activity is limited to the parent activity (e.g., a Text Message Activity remains visible from its insertion point to the end of its parent activity; a second Text Message Activity is not required to delete the original).
  • N/A for the Viewpoint Activities and Pause Simulation Activities. The scope of these activity types cannot be controlled during simulation.
  • Continue (default value) or Pause for the Hyperlink Activities. When Continue is selected, the simulation continues to play after displaying the hyperlink window. When users select Pause, the simulation pauses after displaying the hyperlink window, to allow users to inspect the information displayed. To continue the simulation, users perform an action specific to the simulation playback command they are currently using (e.g., in the case of Process Simulation, pressing the Play Forwards button).

For most simulation commands (i.e., Process Simulation, Process Verification, and Auto Synchronization), these behaviors are only applied if the activities of that type are enabled for simulation (i.e., marked Yes in the Enabled column). For the Compile Simulation and Compile Video Simulation commands, the behavior options apply for the supported activity types even if the corresponding activity types are not enabled.

DThe default Enable value is that all the activities except Visibility Activities are enabled. The default Behavior value for all activities except Hyperlink, Viewpoint, and Pause Simulation Activities is Process; the default for Hyperlink Activities is Continue; the default for Viewpoint and Pause Simulation Activities is N/A.

Step Size

Altering the step size here will alter the step size shown during process verification or simulation.  You can override the step-size default on a per-view basis.

DThe initial setting is 0.1.

Process Simulation

Dynamic Clash

This option allows the user to control the dynamic clash representation during simulation. Possible values: Curves (default), Highlight.

This value will be used as a default value for the corresponding field in the Visualization Options dialog box available in the Process Simulation command

  • Selecting Curves (the default) means only the the curves in clash are highlighted in red
  • Selecting Highlight means the clash object's edges are highlighted in orange.

DThe initial setting is Curves.

Update Cycle Time

The Update Cycle Time option controls the update of the calculated cycle time during the execution of the Process Simulation command. This option provides the default value for the Update Cycle Time option in the Process Simulation command. If this option is checked and the user does not change the default value in the command, then the Process Simulation command updates the calculated cycle time for the simulated activities and their parent activities. The default value for this option is disabled.

DThe default value is to have Update Cycle Time disabled.

Process Verification

This option is set for the Process Verification command (performing dynamic verification). State Management (local) controls the execution of start conditions during the Process Verification. Selecting this check box provides the default value for the State Management option in the Process Verification dialog box.

When State Management is enabled and there is a start condition defined for an activity, Process Verification synchronizes to the start condition of that activity before executing the simulation details. Navigating through each activity executes the start condition of the activity before executing the simulation details.

When the State Management option is disabled, only the simulation details are executed for each activity.

Selecting the Apply End Condition check box provides the default value for the Apply End Condition option in the Process Verification dialog box.

DThe default value for State Management is enabled; the default value for Apply End Condition is that it is not enabled.

Automatic Synchronization

Depending on what you select, synchronization occurs as steps or as animation.
  • If you select the Smooth Animation option, you are able to specify a default value to be used as a step size during synchronization.
  • You can override this default per-synchronization session.

DThe default value is Step.