DMU Optimizer

The DMU Optimizer tab contains three categories of options:

Alternate Shape ManagementTop

Shape Name

Select the desired representation(s) to be managed as alternate shape(s)
i.e. Silhouette representation

For instance, if the Silhouette check box is selected, the resulting silhouette shape is managed as the silhouette component alternate shape (i.e. input component)

when you select a specific check box to manage a representation as an alternate shape, the Activate and Default options become available.

By default, all shape name check boxes are cleared.


Select this check box to visualize the selected shape in the current session.

For instance, if this check box is selected, the silhouette representation becomes the one visualized in the session.
By default, the check boxes are selected.


Select this check box to activate the selected representation as the default shape (i.e. the one loaded when opening the CATProduct document).

In our example, if both Silhouette and Default check boxes are selected, the silhouette representation becomes the default shape.
By default, the check boxes are cleared.
  • In DMU Optimizer, it is impossible to generate various alternate shapes with the same name. Only the last generated alternate shape is taken into account.
  • This option does not work with CATPart documents (i.e. when the initial selection is a CATPart document).

Path For Save

Specify the full path for save or select this path using the Browse button .
  • the path/directory you selected for one shape is now the default path specified in the Save as dialog box. You can still change it, if you need to, when saving.
  • You can customize a specific path/directory for each alternate shape.
By default, this field is left blank.

 Wrapping ColorTop

Vibration Volume Color

Use part color when possible, otherwise...

Select the Use part color when possible, otherwise... check box to swap from the part color to another color when it is appropriate (default color or a color of your choice)

By default, this check box is cleared.

Default color

Use the color chooser to define the default color of wrapping or vibration volume.

By default, color is as shown above.

Save Management for Swept VolumeTop

Use one directory and save in one click

Select the Use one directory and save in one click  check box to save in a single directory, multiple swept volumes, in one click (when dealing with several moving products, for instance when performing a swept volume on a shuttle).
For more information, read Swept Volume section in DMU Optimizer User's Guide.

By default, this check box is selected.