
This page deals with the Commands options for DPM - Fastening Process Planner.

Fastener Level of Details from PPR Hub

When Activate is selected, the fasteners that are planned are loaded from the PPR hub. A fastener is considered "planned" if it has been assigned to any process, or if it has joining parts information. If either of these conditions is met, an object in the fastener structure is eligible to manage the level of detail (LOD) of its children.

DBy default, Activate is not selected.

Read and Import Fastener from Text File

Default path and file name for text document

If you import fasteners to a process document from a text file, you must provide the path to the directory in which the text file resides and the text file's name.  In many cases, you will re-use the same text file, so you may specify the location here to avoid having frequently to provide the same information.

DThe default is to set the path as to My Documents;  the default file name is WeldText.

Read fastener attributes from text file

Default path and file name for text document

If you import fastener attributes from a text file, you must provide the path to the directory in which the text file resides and the text file's name.  In many cases, you will re-use the same text file, so you may specify the location here to avoid having to frequently provide the same information.

If the file is not found, the software provides a default set of attributes:

  • Fastener ID
  • Process Type
  • X(mm)
  • Y(mm)
  • Z(mm)
  • EndPtX(mm)
  • EndPtY(mm)
  • EndPtZ(mm)
  • Length(mm)
  • Yaw(rad)
  • Pitch(rad)
  • Roll(rad)

(where EndPtX, EndPtY, EndPtZ, Length are specific to curve fasteners)

DThe default is to set the path as to My Documents;  the default file name is FastenerAttr.

Fastener Assignment

The following BWP commands allow fastener assignment and make checks for assignment in PPR HUB:
Assign fasteners from product to an activity.
Open Preview Window

 Following APN commands allow fastener assignment and make checks for assignment in PPR HUB:
Process Based Assignment Assistant

Part loading constraints

If users choose part loading constraints, then only the candidates for assignment which obey part loading rules are displayed. If users uncheck the option, then the display shows all the available unassigned fasteners that are eligible for the type of activity to which they are to be assigned.

Part loading constraints depend on the type of fastener.  For:

  • Exo-fasteners (spot welds, clinches, stud welds, arc weld): All joined parts must be assigned for a fastener to be assigned.
  • Endo-fasteners (glue spot, sealant, adhesive bead): At least one of the joined parts must be assigned for a fastener to be assigned.

The following part assignments are valid for part loading constraints:

  • Part assigned to processes, which are previous to selected process in terms of process flow
  • Parts from processes previous to the parent process in terms of process flow.  Parts assigned to parent process is not taken into account.
  • Parts assigned to the process itself.
  • Parts from the children processes and children of children processes.

DThe initial setting is to not apply part loading constraints.

Check for Assignment in PPR Hub

If checked, if a fastener is already assigned to a process in PPR HUB which is not loaded to V5, then it can not be assigned to any other process in V5 forbidding multi-assignment. But if the process is loaded to V5, then the fastener can be reallocated to other process.
If unchecked, fastener can be assigned to V5 process even if it is assigned to any process in PPR HUB.

DBy default, this option is checked.

Allow Assignment to Alternate Process Version

This option can be used only with the above option. This option is grayed out if Check for Assignment in PPR HUB is not checked.

If a fastener is assigned to a process in PPR HUB and user is trying to assign it to an alternate version of the process in V5, then this option need to be checked. If not checked, fastener can not be assigned to any process in V5, if it is assigned to a process in PPR HUB.

DBy default, this option is checked.

Load from PPR Hub

This option performs the removal of unassigned fasteners from the process document in case of a detailing load. For example after doing the save as detailing if you un-assign some fasteners from an activity in E5 and then load the detailing to V5 session, this option enables the removal of these unassigned fasteners in process document.

DBy default this option is unchecked.

Task Specification Activity

This option enables the automatic deletion of TSA if nothing is assigned and all the fasteners are being unassigned.

DBy default this option is unchecked.