
This tab provides settings for:

General environment

Grid Step

This is the default grid step setting that displays in the General Environment toolbar at the bottom of the 3D viewer. Even if you change the value in the toolbar during your session, the value entered in the Grid Step field will re-appear when you open a new session. Enter your preference for the Grid Step. Note: The Units (unit of measure) is set in the Units tab under Tools - Options - General - Parameters and Measure. See also Set Correct Working Units and Grid.

Snap Angle

It sets the degree of rotation of the plane manipulator.
See Using the Plane Manipulator for more information.

Resolved part storage for spatial objects


This is the location where resolved Spatial objects unique to the Plant Layout, Systems Routing and Systems Space Reservations products are stored.
Click the Open file button and navigate in the Resolved Part Storage Directory Browser window to set or change the location for the directory.

Resource attributes

Automatic creation of resource attributes

Certain attributes accompany Spatial objects (those created in Plant Layout, Systems Routing and Systems Space Reservations); objects such as item reservations, areas, runs, etc. These attributes, or properties, are generated specifically for the DELMIA product line and cannot be assigned or changed in other product lines.

Although you will not be making use of these resource properties, their creation will have no affect on the product you are working in. If you do not want these properties to be created, click to clear the check box Automatic creation of resource attributes and click OK.

Catalog placement Options

Display image while placing catalog object in 3D viewer

You can choose to hide or display a preview of the part you are placing. Check or uncheck the box Display image while placing catalog object in 3D viewer to obtain the effect you want.

Place at component's origin when placing in free space

By default, when you click (in free space) to place a part, the center of the part will be placed at that location. The application determines the center of the part by creating a box around it and selecting the center of the base of the box. You can also choose to place the origin of the part at the point where you click. To do this check the box Place at component's origin when placing in free space.

Dragging Options

Write to model while dragging

Check this box when, on the General tab for Tools - Options - Ergonomics Design and Analysis - Human Builder, you check Automatic under Constraint Resolution.