Editing Diameter using Formula  


This task shows you how to edit the diameter in fasteners using:
Open the MeasureDistance.CATProduct document.

Edit Formula Capability


  1. Double-click the fastener Joint Element.3 from the specification tree or 3D geometry.

    The BiW SpotPoint Fastener Definition dialog box is displayed.
  2. Right-click in the Diameter field to display the contextual menu.

  3. Select Edit formula....

    The Formula Editor dialog box is displayed.
  4. Select Length from the Members of Parameters column.

  5. Enter the formula for the diameter. In this case use the parameter Thickness of the material (from the specification tree) to define the formula for the diameter.

  6. Click OK.
    You can see that the diameter field is grayed out in the BiW SpotPoint Fastener Definition dialog box with a value of 8mm.

  7. Modify the Material Thickness parameter to modify the diameter of fastener.
    Double-click Thickness1 and modify the thickness value to 2mm and keep Thickness2 as it is.

  8. Update the CATProduct.

  9. Double-click the Joint Element.3. You can see that the diameter has changed to 13mm.


Formula Editor Capability


  1. Select the fastener Joint Element.9 from the specification tree or 3D geometry.

  2. Click Formula in the Knowledge toolbar.

    The Formulas dialog box is displayed.
  3. Click Add Formula button or double-click the parameter Constraints\AssemblyJoint.1\Joint Body.1\Joint Element.9\DIA.

    The Formula Editor dialog box is displayed.
  4. Select Length from the Members of Parameters column.
    You can enter the formula for the diameter. In this case the Material Thickness parameter is used to define the formula for the diameter.

    Click OK.
    The fastener diameter is updated to this new value in the
    Formulas dialog box.

  5. Double-click Joint Element.9 from specification tree or in the 3D view.

    The BiW SpotPoint Fastener Definition dialog box is displayed with the new value of diameter 7.5mm with the diameter field is grayed out.
  6. Modify the Material Thickness parameter to modify the diameter of fastener.

  7. Double-click Thickness1 and modify the thickness value to 3mm and keep Thickness2 as it is.

  8. Update the CATProduct.

  9. Double-click the Joint Element.9. You can see that the diameter has changed to 12mm.


Add Multiple Values Capability


  1. Double-click the fastener Joint Element.2 from the specification tree or 3D geometry.

    The BiW SpotPoint Fastener Definition dialog box is displayed.
  2. Right-click in the Diameter field to display the contextual menu.

  3. Select Add Multiple Values....

    The Value List dialog box is displayed.
  4. Add three new values of diameter in the Enter new values one after the other field.
    For instance, we added 11mm, 9mm and 12mm.

  5. Click OK.
    You can see that the
    Diameter field is updated with the first value entered in the list.
  6. Modify the diameter using the drop-down list.

  7. Modify the diameter values by right-clicking in the Diameter field to display the contextual menu.
  8. Select Multiple Values > Update Values... to display the Value List of dialog box.
  9. Add or remove the diameters.
    In this case remove the diameter value 9mm and add a new diameter value 14mm in the
    Value List dialog box.
  10. Click OK in the Value List dialog box
  11. The newly added value is updated in the drop down list.
  12. Similarly, select Multiple Values > Suppress Values... to suppress all the declared diameter values. The value present in the Diameter field will be taken as the default diameter.
For pre-R18 fasteners, it is not possible to define a formula on a diameter attribute.