
Option Type Default Value #pragma options C C++
-qoption nofuncsect   x x


    -qfuncsect | -qnofuncsect 

Place instructions for each function in a separate object file, control section or csect. By default, each object file will consist of a single control section combining all functions defined in the corresponding source file.

Using multiple csects increases the size of the object file, but often reduces the size of the final executable by allowing the linkage editor ro remove functions that are not called or that have been inlined by the optimizer at all places they are called. If the file contains initialized static data or

#pragma comment copyright

some functions will be one machine word larger.

The #pragma options directive must be specified before the first statement in the conpilation unit.

List of Batch Compiler Options and Their Defaults
Equivalent Batch Compile-Link and Incremental Build Options