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AIXLink/X.25 1.1 for AIX: Guide and Reference

X.25 Facilities

The X.25 standard facilities include:

Value Function Parameter Length
01 Reverse charging and fast select 1
02 Throughput class 1
03 Closed user group selection 1
04 Charging information request 1
08 Called line address modified notification 1
09 CUG with outgoing access 1
0A Quality of Service Negotiation - minimum throughput class 1
0B Expedited Data Negotiation 1
41 Bilateral closed user group selection 2
42 Packet size selection 2
43 Window size selection 2
44 Recognized Private Operating Agency (RPOA) selection (basic format) 2
49 Transit delay selection and indication 2
C1 Charging (call duration) variable
C2 Charging (segment count) variable
C3 Call redirection notification variable
C4 Recognized Private Operating Agency (RPOA) selection (extended format) variable
C5 Charging (monetary unit) variable
C6 Network User identification (NUI) variable
C9 Called Address Extension (OSI) variable
CA Quality of Service Negotiation - End to end transit delay variable
CB Calling Address Extension (OSI) variable

Packet Size Selection

The packet size selection facility has a parameter length of 2 bytes. The Packet Size Selection Call Packet figure shows the call packet coding.

Packet Size Selection Call Packet
0 0x42
1 Reserved Transmit packet size
2 Reserved Receive packet size


0x42 Specifies packet size selection.
Transmit packet size Indicates the requested size for packets transmitted from the calling DTE. Valid values are:
0x04 16 octets
0x05 32 octets
0x06 64 octets
0x07 128 octets
0x08 256 octets
0x09 512 octets
0x0A 1024 octets
0x0B 2048 octets
0x0C 4096 octets
Receive packet size Requested size for packets transmitted from the called DTE. Valid values are the same as those for the transmitted packet size.

Window Size Selection

The window size selection facility has a parameter length of 2 bytes. The Window Size Selection Call Packet figure shows the call packet coding.

Window Size Selection Call Packet
0 0x43
1 Reserved Transmission window size
2 Reserved Receive window size


0x43 Specifies window size selection.
Transmit window size Specifies requested size for the window for packets transmitted by the calling DTE. This value represents the maximum number of packets that can be received without an acknowledgment. Values are in the range from 0x01 to 0x07 inclusive.
Received window size Specifies requested size for the window for packets to be transmitted by the called DTE. Values are in the range from 0x01 to 0x07 inclusive.

Throughput Class

The throughput class facility has a parameter length of 1 byte. The Throughput Class Call Packet figure shows the call packet coding.

Throughput Class Call Packet
0 0x02
1 Outgoing Throughput class Incoming Throughput Class


0x02 Specifies the throughput class required facility.
Outgoing throughput Specifies throughput class requested for data to be sent by the calling DTE. Valid values are:
0x07 1200 bits
0x08 2400 bits
0x09 4800 bits
0x0A 9600 bits
0x0B 19200 bits
0x0C 48000 bits
Incoming throughput Specifies throughput class request for data sent from the called DTE. Supported values are the same as those for the outgoing throughput class.

Closed User Group (CUG) Selection

The closed user group (CUG) selection facility has a parameter length of 1 byte. The CUG Selection Call Packets figure shows the call packet coding for both the basic and extended formats.

CUG Selection Call Packets

Basic Format
0 0x03
1 First BCD digit of CUG Second BCD digit of CUG
Extended Format

Extended Format
0 0x47
1 First BCD digit of CUG Second BCD digit of CUG
2 Third BCD digit of CUG Fourth BCD digit of CUG


0x03 Specifies CUG selection required (basic format).
0x47 Specifies CUG selection required (extended format).
CUG Specifies the value of a CUG as follows:
1 to 99 Basic format
1 to 9999 Extended format

CUG with Outgoing Access

The CUG with outgoing access facility has a parameter length of 1 byte for the basic format and 2 bytes for the extended format. The CUG with Outgoing Access Call Packets figure shows the call packet coding for both the basic and extended formats.

CUG with Outgoing Access Call Packets

Basic Format
0 0x09
1 First BCD digit of CUG Second BCD digit of CUG
Extended Format

Extended Format
0 0x48
1 First BCD digit of CUG Second BCD digit of CUG
2 Third BCD digit of CUG Fourth BCD digit of CUG


0x09 Specifies CUG with outgoing access (basic format)
0x48 Specifies CUG with outgoing access (extended format)
CUG Specifies the value of a CUG as follows:
1 to 99 Basic format
1 to 9999 Extended format

Bilateral Closed User Group Selection

The bilateral CUG selection facility has a parameter length of 2 bytes. The Bilateral CUG Selection Call Packet figure shows the call packet coding.

Bilateral CUG Selection Call Packet
0 0x41
1 First BCD digit of CUG Second BCD digit of CUG
2 Third BCD digit of CUG Fourth BCD digit of CUG


0x41 Specifies the bilateral CUG selection required facility.
CUG Indicates the value of a CUG. Valid values are 1 to 9999.

Reverse Charging and Fast Select

The reverse charging and fast select facility has a parameter length of 1 byte. The Reverse Charging and Fast Select Call Packet figure shows the call packet coding.

Reverse Charging and Fast Select Call Packet
A        |       |       |       |              |       |       |       |       B


0x01 Specifies the fast select facility.
A Specifies whether a restricted response is required when fast select is also requested. Valid values are:
00 Indicates fast select not selected.
01 Indicates fast select selected.
10 Indicates fast select requested with no restriction on response.
11 Indicates fast select requested with restriction on response.
B Specifies reverse charge required. Valid values are:
0 No reverse charging requested.
1 Reverse charging requested.

Network User Identification (NUI)

The network user identification facility has a variable parameter length. The NUI Call Packet figure shows the call packet coding.

NUI Call Packet
0 0xC6
1 Length of NUI
2 NUI data


0xC6 Specifies the network user identification facility.
Length of NUI Indicates the number of bytes given in network user identification data
NUI data Indicates network user identification data in the format identified by the network administrator.

Charging Information Request

The charging information request facility has a parameter length of 1 byte. The Charging Information Request Call Packet figure shows the call packet coding.

Charging Information Request Call Packet
0 0x04
1        |       |       |       |       |       |              |       |       |       |       |       |       A


0x04 Specifies the charging information request facility. Valid values are:
A Specifies the requesting service value. Valid values are:
0 Indicates charging information not requested.
1 Indicates charging information requested.

Charging (Monetary Unit)

The charging (monetary unit) facility has a variable parameter length. The Charging (Monetary Unit) Call Packet figure shows the call packet coding.

Charging (Monetary Unit) Call Packet
0 0xC5
1 Length of charging information
2 Charging identification


0xC5 Specifies the charging information (monetary unit) facility.
Length of charging information Specifies the length of the charging information in bytes.
Charging identification Specifies monetary unit charging information.

Charging (Segment Count)

The charging (segment count) facility has a variable parameter length. The Charging (Segment Count) Call Packet figure shows the call packet coding.

Charging (Segment Count) Call Packet
0 0xC2
1 Length of charging information
2 Charging Identification


0xC2 Specifies the charging information (segment count) facility.
Length of charging information Specifies the length of the charging information in bytes.
Charging identification Specifies segment count charging information.

Charging (Call Duration)

The charging (call duration) facility has a variable parameter length. The Charging (Call Duration) Call Packet figure shows the call packet coding.

Charging (Call Duration) Call Packet
0 0xC1
1 Length of charging information
2 Charging identification


0xC1 Specifies the charging information (call duration) facility.
Length of charging information Specifies the length of the charging information in bytes.
Charging identification Specifies call duration charging information.

Recognized Private Operating Agency (RPOA) Selection

The RPOA selection facility has a parameter length of 1 byte for the basic format and a variable length parameter for the extended format. The RPOA Selection Call Packets figure shows the call packet coding for both the basic and extended formats.

RPOA Selection Call Packets

Basic Format
0 0x44
1 First BCD digit of RPOA Second BCD digit of RPOA
2 Third BCD digit of RPOA Fourth BCD digit of RPOA
Extended Format

Extended Format
0 0xC4
1 Length of RPOA information
2 First BCD digit of RPOA #1 Second BCD digit of RPOA #1
3 Third BCD digit of RPOA #1 Fourth BCD digit of RPOA #1
* First BCD digit of RPOA #n Second BCD digit of RPOA #n
* Third BCD digit of RPOA #n Fourth BCD digit of RPOA #n


0x44 Specifies the RPOA selection required facility (basic format).
0xC4 Specifies the RPOA selection required facility (extended format).
RPOA Specifies the requested RPOA transit network identification code. Valid values are 1 to 9999.
Length of RPOA information Specifies the length in bytes of the RPOA information in the facility.

Called Line Address Modified Notification

The called line address modified notification facility has a parameter length of 1 byte. The DCE-Redirected Call Packet figure shows the call packet coding when the DCE originates the redirection.

DCE-Redirected Call Packet
0 0x08
1 0        |       |        |       | A


0x08 Specifies the called line address modified notification facility.
A Specifies one of the following values:
0x7 Call distribution within a hunt group
0x1 Call redirection due to original DTE busy
0x9 Call redirection due to original DTE out of order
0x0F Call redirection due to prior request from originally called DTE for systematic redirection

The DTE-Redirected Call Packet figure shows the call packet coding when the DTE originates the redirection.

DTE-Redirected Call Packet
0 0x08
1 1 B       


0x08 Specifies the called line address modified notification facility.
B Indicates a reason for the redirection. This value is passed from the remote DTE.

Call Redirection Notification

The call redirection notification facility has a variable parameter length. The Call Redirection Notification Call Packet figure shows the call packet coding.

Call Redirection Notification Call Packet
0 0xC3
1 Length redirection information
2 Call redirection reason
Length of called address
4 Called address (BCD)


0xC3 Specifies the call redirection notification facility.
Length of redirection information Specifies the length in bytes of the call redirection information in the facility.
Call redirection reason Specifies the reason for call redirection. Valid values are:
0x1 Call redirection due to original DTE busy
0x9 Call redirection due to original DTE out of order
0x0F Call redirection due to prior request from originally called DTE for systematic redirection
Called address Specifies the original called DTE address coded in BCD.

Transit Delay Selection and Indication

The transit delay selection and indication facility has a parameter length of 2 bytes. The Transit Delay Selection and Indication Call Packet figure shows the call packet coding.

Transit Delay Selection and Indication Call Packet
0 0x49
1 Transit delay (in milliseconds, binary, high byte first)
2 Transit delay (in milliseconds, binary, high byte first)


0x49 Specifies the transit delay selection and notification facility.
Transit delay Specifies the transit delay in milliseconds, coded in binary, high byte first.

Calling Address Extension

The calling address extension has a variable parameter length. The Calling Address Extension figure shows the call packet coding.

Calling Address Extension
0 0xCB
1 Number of bytes following
2 Use Length of calling extension address
3 Calling extension address (BCD)


0xCB Specifies the calling address extension.
Use May have one of the following values:
00 To carry an entire calling OSI NSAP address
01 To carry a partial calling OSI NSAP address
10 To carry a non-OSI calling address
11 Reserved
Calling extension address Specifies up to 40 decimal digits coded in BCD containing the calling address extension.

Called Address Extension

0 0xC9
1 Number of bytes following
2 Use Length of called extension address
3 Called extension address (BCD)
0xC9 Specifies the called address extension.
Use May have one of the following values:
00 To carry an entire calling OSI NSAP address
01 To carry a partial calling OSI NSAP address
10 To carry a non-OSI calling address
11 Reserved
Called address extension Specifies up to 40 decimal digits containing the called address extension coded in BCD.

Quality of Service Negotiation - Minimum Throughput Class

0 0xCA
2 Calling minimum throughput Called minimum throughput
0x0A Specifies the Quality of Service Negotiation - minimum throughput class.
Calling minimum throughput Specifies the throughput class requested for data to be sent by the calling DTE. Supported values are:
0x07 = 1200 bit/s
0x08 = 2400 bit/s
0x09 = 4800 bit/s
0x0A = 9600 bit/s
0x0B = 19200 bit/s
0x0C = 48000 bit/s
Called minimum throughput Specifies throughput class request for data sent from the called DTE. Supported values are the same as for the calling minimum throughput class.

Quality of Service Negotiation - End-to-End Transmit Delay

0 0xCA
1 Length of the following area
2 Cumulative transit delay in milliseconds ( in binary, high byte first )
3 Cumulative transit delay in milliseconds ( in binary, high byte first )
4 Requested end-to-end delay in milliseconds ( in binary, high byte first )
5 Requested end-to-end delay in milliseconds ( in binary, high byte first )
6 Maximum acceptable transit delay in milliseconds ( in binary, high byte first )
7 Maximum acceptable transit delay in milliseconds ( in binary, high byte first )
0xCA Quality of Service Negotiation - End-to-end transit delay.
Length Specifies the number of values in the stream. This can be one of 1, 2 or 3, as the requested end-to-end delay and maximum acceptable transit delay are optional.
End-to-end delay Specifies cumulative, requested end-to-end and maximum acceptable transit delays.

Expedited Data Negotiation

0 0x0B
1        |       |       |       |       |       |              |       |       |       |       |       |       A
0x0B Expedited Data Negotiation
A Can be one of:
0 Specifies no use of expedited data.
1 Specifies the use of expedited data.

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