The following programming example displays how to use the pfxfer function to upload the binary file, bin_file, to a TSO host.
{***************************************************************} { } { This Pascal program uses the File transfer pfxfer function to } { upload the binary file bin_file to a TSO host. The program } { will prompt the user for a session profile to do the file } { transfer and will use the AUTOLOG script SYStso2 to logon to } { the host id johndoe with trace and time=10 being set. } {***************************************************************} program pname;
%include /usr/include/
%include /usr/include/ %include /usr/include/
strc2 : fxs; strc1 : fxc; source, destin: stringptr; profid : stringptr; login : stringptr; inputfld : stringptr; aixcodepg : stringptr; rtval1 : integer; rtval2 : integer;
begin new(source, 256); new(destin, 256); new(profid, 256); new(login, 102); new(inputfld, 64); source@ := '/bin_file'; destin@ := 'binfile'; { Prompt the user for the session profile to use } writeln('Enter a profile id: '); readln(profid@); { Set login Host user id to johndoe, Autolog profile to SYStso2 } { turn trace on, and set time to 10 seconds. } login@ := 'johndoe,tso2,trace,time=10'; inputfld := char(0); aixcodepg := char(0); strc1.fxc_opts.f_logonid := login; { Set the options to upload to a TSO host } strcl.fxc_opts.f_inputfld := inputfld; strcl.fxc_opts.f_aix_codepg := aixcodepg; strc1.fxc_opts.f_flags := FXC_UP + FXC_TSO; strc1.fxc_src := source; strc1.fxc_dst := destin; strc1.fxc_opts.f_lrecl := 0; rtval1 := pfxfer(strc1,profid); writeln('pfxfer return = ',rtval1); rtval2 := pcfxfer(strc2); writeln('pcfxfer return = ',rtval2); writeln('------------------------------------------------'); writeln('Source file = ',strc2.fxs_src@); writeln('Destination file = ',strc2.fxs_dst@); writeln('Byte count = ',strc2.fxs_bytcnt); writeln('Time = ',strc2.fxs_ctime@); writeln('Stats = ',strc2.fxs_stat); writeln('Errno = ',strc2.fxs_errno); writeln('------------------------------------------------'); writeln; end.