System User's Guide: Operating System and Devices
Collapsed About This Book
Collapsed Login Names, System IDs, and Passwords
Collapsed User Environment and System Information
Collapsed The Common Desktop Environment
Collapsed Commands and Processes
Expanded Input and Output Redirection
Standard Input, Standard Output, and Standard Error
Redirecting Standard Output
Redirecting Output to a File
Redirecting Output and Appending to a File
Creating a Text File with Redirection from the Keyboard
Concatenating Text Files
Redirecting Standard Input
Discarding Output with the /dev/null File
Redirecting Standard Error and Other Output
Using Inline Input (Here) Documents
Using Pipes and Filters
Displaying Program Output and Copying to a File (tee command)
Clearing Your Screen (clear Command)
Sending a Message to Standard Output (echo Command)
Appending a Single Line of Text to a File (echo Command)
Copying Your Screen to a File (capture and script Commands)
Displaying Text in Large Letters on Your Screen (banner Command)
Command Summary for Input and Output Redirection
Collapsed File Systems and Directories
Collapsed Files
Collapsed Printers, Print Jobs, and Queues
Collapsed Backup Files and Storage Media
Collapsed File and System Security
Collapsed Customizing the User Environment
Collapsed Shells
Collapsed AIX Documentation
Collapsed Appendix. Notices