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DoIT resells IBM RS/6000 and pSeries hardware at a substantial discount from IBM, and coupled with the support provided through the Platforms and Operating Systems group (POST) we are an excellent way to acquire your next IBM server. Below are some frequently asked questions (and answers) that will help you in choosing and ordering a machine.

Who can purchase an IBM?

The IBM sales program is restricted to University of Wisconsin - Madison departments, and the UW System.

How do I purchase an IBM?

There are several steps involved in the purchase of an IBM server: Contact DoIT for a configuration and price quote. Due to the complexities of sizing and ordering an RS/6000 or pSeries server, there are two consultants that can assist you with this: Dale Beske (3-4006 or or Bob Plankers (

How long does it take to receive the machine once it has been ordered?

IBM usually ships their machines in two weeks. However, if you are ordering a brand new model, or your configuration has specific needs, that time may be longer.

What services and software are included with my system?

Setup and Installation: DoIT can provide initial software setup and hardware configuration

Software: All new machines include the latest version of the AIX operating system. Compilers and additional software is available for free through the IBM Scholars program.

Support: DoIT can provide support for systems purchased through us.

For machines ordered through DoIT whose post-discount price is greater than $5000, DoIT POST will provide a complementary two hours of setup time.

Is there an academic discount?

Yes there is. Prices vary based on the server you select. If you order through DoIT any quotes provided will reflect that discount.

Where can I get more information?

You can contact Showroom & Solutions (265-7469, with any other questions concerning the IBM sales program at DoIT, or contact Bob Plankers or Dale Beske (information above).



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