Kernel Parameters

ITEM: RS4000013328

Hello dear support,                                                             
I am requested to set some Kernel parameters before the installation            
of an application software, as follows:                                         
Message Queues:                                                                 
MSGMAX  to  4096    Max. size of a single IPC message                           
MSGMNB      4096    Max. Nbre of bytes on a single message queue                
MSGMNI      50      System wide number of message queues                        
Semaphore Resources:                                                            
SEMMNS      128     Number of semaphores                                        
SEMMNU      150      Number of semaphore undostructure                          
SEMMNI      36       System wide number of unique semaphores                    
Shared Memory Resources:                                                        
SHMMNI      100      System wide number of shared memory resources             
SHMMAX      1500000  Max. size of single shared memory segment                  
Other Resources:                                                                
NFILE        3000    Max. no of open files system-wide                          
NFLOCKS      3000    Max. no of file locks system-wide                          
NPROC        1000    Max. no of processes system-wide                           
MAXUPRC      500     Max. Nbre of processes per user id                         
As much as I know the MAXUPRC can be set thru SMIT and that                     
AIX does not need to set its Kernel parameters in the way it is                 
designed.Is that true?                                                          
Do I have to set all or part of these parameters and how?                       
Thanks a lot.                                                                   
There is only one of the above parameters that you can change.                  
MAXUPROC can be changed to 500 with "chdev -l sys0 -a maxuproc=500".            
For the other parameters I am including a fax that talks about                  
what these are hard coded to be:                                                
IPC (Inter-Process Communication) Limits                                        
                                        AIX 3.2     AIX 4.1    AIX 4.2          
    Semaphores                          -------     -------    -------          
Maximum number of semaphore IDs          4096        4096       4096            
Maximum semaphores per semaphore ID   65535       65535      65535              
Maximum operations per semop call        1024        1024       1024            
Maximum undo entries per process         1024        1024       1024            
Size in bytes of undo structure          8208        8208       8208           
Semaphore maximum value                 32767       32767      32767            
Adjust on exit maximum value            16384       16384      16384            
Message Queues:                                                                 
Maximum message size                    65535       65535      65535            
Maximum bytes on queue                  65535       65535      65535            
Maximum number of message queue IDs      4096        4096       4096            
Maximum messages per queue ID            8192        8192       8192            
Shared Memory:                                                                  
Maximum segment size                   256MB       256MB      256MB             
Minimum segment size                       1           1        1               
Maximum number of shared memory IDs.    4096        4096       4096            
Maximum number of segments per process    10          10         10             
Thank you for using AIX Support services.                                       
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====> THIS TEXT HAS BEEN ENTERED BY IBM IN ITALY                                
Hello dear support,                                                             
I am requested to set some Kernel parameters before the installation            
of an application software, as follows:                                         
Message Queues:                                                                 
MSGMAX  to  4096    Max. size of a single IPC message                           
MSGMNB      4096    Max. Nbre of bytes on a single message queue                
MSGMNI      50      System wide number of message queues                       
Semaphore Resources:                                                            
SEMMNS      128     Number of semaphores                                        
SEMMNU      150      Number of semaphore undostructure                          
SEMMNI      36       System wide number of unique semaphores                    
Shared Memory Resources:                                                        
SHMMNI      100      System wide number of shared memory resources              
SHMMAX      1500000  Max. size of single shared memory segment                  
Other Resources:                                                                
NFILE        3000    Max. no of open files system-wide                          
NFLOCKS      3000    Max. no of file locks system-wide                          
NPROC        1000    Max. no of processes system-wide                           
MAXUPRC      500     Max. Nbre of processes per user id                         
As much as I know the MAXUPRC can be set thru SMIT and that                     
AIX does not need to set its Kernel parameters in the way it is                 
designed.Is that true?                                                         
Do I have to set all or part of these parameters and how?                       
Thanks a lot.                                                                   
**************> ANSWER   level 2 --> level 1 SPECIALIST <**************         
====> THIS TEXT HAS BEEN ENTERED BY IBM IN USA                                  
PMR 00176,998,758 was created on 97/04/18 at 15:02:41.                          
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====> THIS TEXT HAS BEEN ENTERED BY IBM IN USA                                  
====> ASGN: SGARDNER AT WTSCPOK  ================= DATE:970418                  
Received by Austin ITSC and assigned to AIXOPSYS.                               
Your question has been received and assigned to a specialist. Please            
wait for a reply. Thank you                                                     
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====> RESP: AIXOPSYS AT WTSCPOK  ================= DATE:970418                  
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====> THIS TEXT HAS BEEN ENTERED BY IBM IN USA                                  
====> RESP: AIXOPSYS AT WTSCPOK  ================= DATE:970419                  
There is only one of the above parameters that you can change.                  
MAXUPROC can be changed to 500 with "chdev -l sys0 -a maxuproc=500".           
For the other parameters I am including a fax that talks about                  
what these are hard coded to be:                                                
IPC (Inter-Process Communication) Limits                                        
                                        AIX 3.2     AIX 4.1    AIX 4.2          
    Semaphores                          -------     -------    -------          
Maximum number of semaphore IDs          4096        4096       4096            
Maximum semaphores per semaphore ID   65535       65535      65535              
Maximum operations per semop call        1024        1024       1024            
Maximum undo entries per process         1024        1024       1024            
Size in bytes of undo structure          8208        8208       8208            
Semaphore maximum value                 32767       32767      32767            
Adjust on exit maximum value            16384       16384      16384           
Message Queues:                                                                 
Maximum message size                    65535       65535      65535            
Maximum bytes on queue                  65535       65535      65535            
Maximum number of message queue IDs      4096        4096       4096            
Maximum messages per queue ID            8192        8192       8192            
Shared Memory:                                                                  
Maximum segment size                   256MB       256MB      256MB             
Minimum segment size                       1           1        1               
Maximum number of shared memory IDs.    4096        4096       4096             
Maximum number of segments per process    10          10         10             
Thank you for using AIX Support services.                                       

WWQA: ITEM: RS4000013328 ITEM: RS4000013328
Dated: 04/1997 Category: AIX
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