DLUR(CS 4.2 for AIX) AND SNA Client Access for AIX

ITEM: RS4000003019

**************> QUESTION level 1 --> level 2 SPECIALIST <**************         
My user has a APPN network and TCP/IP network.                                  
He would like to use his 3270 application such as cics on es/9000               
through tcp/ip network using tn3270 client as follows.                          
ES/9000              RS/6000                       pc/3270                      
+----+     APPN      +------+    TCP/IP network    +------+                     
|cics|      N/W      |cs 4.2|                      |tn3270|                     
|vtam|...............|      |......................|      |                     
+----+               +------+                      +------+                     
I think that in this environment we need CS 4.2 DLUR function and               
SNA Client Access for AIX for using cics on es/9000 from pc/3270.               
Can dependent LU server of SNA Client Access for AIX work with DLUR            
of Communication Server V4.2 for AIX ?                                          
Thank you                                                                       
**************> ANSWER   level 2 --> level 1 SPECIALIST <**************         
====> THIS TEXT HAS BEEN ENTERED BY IBM IN USA                                  
PMR E0805,998,760 was created on 96/11/18 at 08:43:20.                          
**************> ANSWER   level 2 --> level 1 SPECIALIST <**************         
====> THIS TEXT HAS BEEN ENTERED BY IBM IN USA                                  
====> RESP: NHL      AT WTSCPOK  ================= DATE:961118                  
We have received your question and assigned it to a specialist.  We             
will respond as soon as possible.                                               
**************> ANSWER   level 2 --> level 1 SPECIALIST <**************         
====> THIS TEXT HAS BEEN ENTERED BY IBM IN USA                                 
====> ASGN: NHL      AT WTSCPOK  ================= DATE:961118                  
The question has been re-assigned to SADTLER.                                   
**************> ANSWER   level 2 --> level 1 SPECIALIST <**************         
====> THIS TEXT HAS BEEN ENTERED BY IBM IN USA                                  
====> RESP: SADTLER  AT WTSCPOK  ================= DATE:961118                  
 Without DLUR in the picture, a tn3270 request coming from                      
 the TCP/IP network would then be converted to an dependent                     
 SNA LU2 flow to the ES/9000.  With DLUR, the dependent SNA LU2                 
 flow should then be able to traverse the APPN network courtesy                 
 of DLUR.  Unfortunately, the DLUR support in Comm Server 4.2                   
 does not cover applications written to the GSNA API, of which                  
 Client Access is one.  This means that Client Access traffic                  
 CANNOT take advantage of the DLUR function.  Thus, any                         
 tn3270 traffic must still flow upstream over a traditional                     
 PU2.0/PU2.1 link.                                                              

WWQA: ITEM: RS4000003019 ITEM: RS4000003019
Dated: 11/1996 Category: AIX6000
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