STREAMS kernel parameters for AIX V4.1

ITEM: RS4000002900

**************> QUESTION level 1 --> level 2 SPECIALIST <**************         
 My customer demands to know some kernel parameters of AIX V4.1.                
 He wants to compare some general UNIX kernel parameters between                
 AIX and other UNIX.                                                            
 I can't find corresponding parameters on AIX to the followings.                
 Could you tell me what values are set in AIX kernel and how                    
 I can change them ?                                                            
 NQUEUE   - The number of STREAMS queues that the system will                   
            support. Typical value is 96.                                       
 NSTREAM  - The maximum number of STREAMS that can be open at                   
            any time. Typical value is 32.                                      
 Thanks in advance.                                                            
************** ANSWER   level 2 -- level 1 SPECIALIST **************         
==== THIS TEXT HAS BEEN ENTERED BY IBM IN USA                                  
==== RESP: AIXOPSYS AT WTSCPOK  ================= DATE:960930                  
 AIX does not have options which are equivalent to the parameters that          
you described. A no option "nstrpush" is defined as "Specifies the              
maximum number (should be at least 8) of modules that you can push              
onto a single Stream. Each module uses a pair of ques. There is no              
system parameter for directly limiting the number of ques for all               
 AIX has another no option called "strthresh" which is defined as              
"Specifies the maximum number of bytes Streams are normally                     
allowed to allocate. When the threshold is passed, does not allow               
users without the appropriate privilege to open Streams, push modules,          
or write to Streams devices, and returns ENOSR. The threshold applies           
only to output side and does not affect data coming into the system`            
(e.g. console continues to work properly). A value of zero means that           
there is no threshold.                                                          
 The strthresh attribute represents a percentage of the thewall                 
and you can set its value from 0 to 100. The thewall attribute                  
the maximum number of bytes that can be allocated by Streams and                
using the net_malloc() call. When you change thewall attribute, the             
threshold gets updated accordingly."                                           
 Thank you for using AIX Support Family Services.                               

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