Specific questions regarding PSF/AIX in MVS Download

ITEM: RTA000099599

ABSTRACT:     Specific questions regarding PSF/AIX in MVS Download              
SEARCH ARG:   psf download spool                                                
TOPIC THREAD: PRINT                                                             
I haven't found my proposed environment directly addressed by any               
of the documentation I've reviewed.  We are proposing MVS Download              
to PSF/AIX for 3900s to replace channel extenders.  We have both                
line mode data as well as AFPDS from Group1 Doc1.  We are recommending          
ACIF be run on MVS primarily for centralized resource control.  Don't           
know yet if DOC1 output will need to go through ACIF or whether it              
will have all resources inline & thus be able to bypass ACIF & be               
acceptable, as is, to PSF/AIX.  Does the Downloaded AFPDS file have            
to be received in its entirety by PSF/AIX before printing begins?               
If not, I guess the job could always be Segmented & presumably                  
the individual segments would then print before the entire job was              
Also, in the case of multiple PSF/AIXs is it possible to route a                
Downloaded print job from one PSF/AIX to another if desired?  If a              
given printer was down it would be highly desirable to route the                
received job to another PSF/AIX for printing to another printer.                
I haven't seen any discussion on whether PSF/AIX treats an ACIF'd               
file with data & resources concatenated together any differently than           
say an AFPDS file with all inline resources such as I'm assuming                
DOC1 produces.  I described our environment to get your view on                 
whether we're missing anything.  Any insight on our recommendation              
would be appreciated.                                                          
Q1) Do downloaded files have to received completely before printing             
R1) Download files have to be received completely before the psfin              
    command is invoked.  Once the psfin command is invoked, depending           
    on your configuration, if a transform (say, for line data) is               
    required, the transform need not complete before printing begins;           
    job segmenting allows you to print while transforming.                      
Q2) Is it possible to route a Downloaded print job from one PSF/AIX to          
    another, for example if a given printer is down?                            
R2) If you're talking about requeueing between PSF/AIX queues on a              
    single RS/6000 server, you can move jobs that are in QUEUED status.         
    If you're talking about requeueing between multiple servers, then           
    PSM should be considered (and PSM does interface with MVS Download).        
Q3) How does PSF/AIX treat an ACIF'ed file with data and resources              
R3) PSF/AIX can handle a file that has been ACIF'ed on MVS and                  
has the index (if any), resource and document files concatenated in             
that order.  You would specify a datatype of AFPDS or in the case               
of MVS Download, modify the mvsprs.sh shell script to change the                
datatype from line to AFPDS.                                                    
I have some additional considerations when sending different datatypes         
to MVS Download. I strongly recommend reading informational APAR II09442        
as it provides an overview of what to expect when using MVS Download            
with PSF for AIX.                                                               
It is applicable in your case because you wish to send down AFPDS files         
with inline or concatenated resources; PSF for AIX can handle that, but         
ACIF on AIX cannot.  Since your MVS files will already be ACIF'ed               
and in AFPDS format with concatenated resources, you do not want them           
them to be ACIF'ed again on the AIX platform.  The default mvsprs.sh            
shell script which is used on AIX with MVS Download assumes a datatype          
of line, which invokes ACIF. APAR II09442 discusses several alternatives        
for addressing this. In addition to the ones mentioned there (and we'll         
add this), you could also start two daemons on the RS/6000, each using          
a different shell script with the appropriate datatype hardcoded.               
In other words, if you find that your customer will need to send down           
both line data jobs and AFPDS jobs with inline resources, you can start         
one daemon with a shell script for line data (ACIF) and a second daemon         
with a shell script for AFPDS.                                                  
Another alternative mentioned in the APAR is coding some type of data           
stream sniffing, and we do have Services subcontractors who can assist          
with this.  What's not mentioned in the APAR is that PSM both supports          
data stream sniffing and works with MVS Download.  That might not be a          
feasible option for your customer, but I wanted to mention it for the           
sake of completeness.                                                           
I hope this helps.  Please reopen with any additional questions.                
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                 

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000099599 ITEM: RTA000099599
Dated: 07/1998 Category: XPSF6000
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