What key on a 3827 cancels a job when printing from

ITEM: RTA000099562

ABSTRACT:     What key on a 3827 cancels a job when printing from               
              PSF/6000?  No cancel key on the 3827.                             
SEARCH ARG:   psf cancel key                                                    
TOPIC THREAD: PRINT                                                             
The customer's environment is PSF AIX V1 and AIX 3.2.5.  Yesterday              
a file printed (both the beginning and ending banner pages were                 
printed), yet we discovered the entire file did not print.  Upon further        
investigation, we found that the page prior to the ending banner page           
was had the following messages:                                                 
0420-094:  The following messages were generated for file                       
           SG.G0MG240.Pxx.G0027v00 with Job ID 00277.  This file               
           printed on the PSF/6000 printer ibm3827, which is a 3827             
0420-257:  The printer Cancel key was pressed.                                  
0420-253:  PSF/6000 cancelled printing of the file.                             
The question is, what key (or sequence of keys) on the 3827 is acting           
as the 'CANCEL' key?  There is physically no cancel key on the 3827.            
Our guess is that the operator is inadvertently causing a 'CANCEL'              
function through some sequence of pressing of keys (perhaps STOPPING            
when they have to adjust or empty a paper tray).                                
I could not find this message documented in any of the PSF manuals.             
--> What key or sequence of keys causes the a job to be CANCELLED?              
These messages indicate that the job was cancelled from the printer,            
and that PSF/6000 is reporting this fact so that the user is aware. All         
PSF/6000 messages are documented online and can be accessed through             
use of the psfmsg command.  For example, 'psfmsg 0420-257' returns the          
0420-257 The printer Cancel key was pressed.                                    
EXPLANATION: Someone pressed the Cancel key on the printer while a job          
was printing.                                                                   
SYSTEM_ACTION: PSF/6000 cancels the print job in progress at the time          
the Cancel key is pressed.  PSF/6000 ignores the printer Cancel key             
during the processing of a trailer page.                                        
USER_RESPONSE: If the Cancel key was pressed intentionally, no action is        
required.  Otherwise, send the print job again.                                 
$ psfmsg 0420-253                                                               
0420-253 PSF/6000 canceled printing of the file.                                
EXPLANATION: PSF/6000 stops processing the file as part of PSF/6000             
error recovery.  See the explanations for other error messages in this          
message group.                                                                  
SYSTEM_ACTION: PSF/6000 stops processing the file at the point of the           
error.  If there are other files in this print job, PSF/6000 resumes            
processing starting with the next file in the job; otherwise, PSF/6000         
cancels the job.                                                                
USER_RESPONSE: Correct the causes of the other error messages in this           
message group.                                                                  
Although I don't have a 3827 manual at hand, the 3829 Operator's Guide          
has a section on Cancelling Print Jobs.  It describes the following             
1) Press STOP to stop printing and to display the Stop screen.                  
2) Open the stacker access door and look at the last printed page to            
   determine if it is from the job you want to cancel.                          
3) If the job is not the one you want to cancel, close the stacker              
   door and press START to resume printing.                                     
4) Repeat steps 1 to 3 until you find the job you want to cancel.               
5) Press F9 from the Stop screen to cancel the job.                            
6) Press START to resume printing.                                              
Since the 3827 and 3829 are very similar, I suspect the steps are               
the same on the 3827 but recommend that you check the 3827 Operator's           
Guide to make sure.                                                             
I hope this helps.  Thanks for using ASKQ.                                      
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
CROSS PSF/AIX PSF/6000 3827 PSFMSG CANCEL 0420-257 0420-253 KEY                 
psf 3829                                                                        

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000099562 ITEM: RTA000099562
Dated: 07/1998 Category: XPSF6000
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