PSF/AIX ASCII carriage control and channel codes

ITEM: RTA000099021

ABSTRACT:     PSF/AIX ASCII carriage control and channel codes                  
SEARCH ARG:   psf aix ascii control                                             
TOPIC THREAD: PRINT                                                             
My customer is currently using PSF/MVS to print to a channel attached           
3835 printer.  They are migrating all their applications to a UNIX              
platform and want to use PSF for AIX to drive the 3835 from UNIX.  Their        
AFP resources (pagedefs) today have channel codes defined for forms             
control.  Can a simple ASCII data stream include channel codes?  Will           
PSF/AIX and the pagedef recognize these ASCII commands?  Is there               
documentation that discusses how ASCII carriage control is handled              
by PSF/AIX when converting to IPDS?  Thanks.                                    
PSF for AIX can handle ANSI channel codes coded either as EBCDIC values         
(e.g., X'F1' for channel code 1) or as ASCII values (e.g., X'31' for            
channel code 1) through parameters you specify when processing the              
linedata file (line2afp, enq -odatatype=line, JsFileType=line, or smit          
psf with template_Unformatted ASCII--there's never just one way to do           
anything in AIX, you knowข).  Those parameters specify that you are             
using carriage controls (e.g., cc=yes) and which format those CCs are           
in (e.g., cctype=z if they're in ASCII or cctype=a if they're in                
EBCDIC).  This is best documented in PSF for AIX Print Submission,              
Note that PSF for AIX can also handle ASCII form feeds (X'0C') through          
the use of the ASCIINP or ASCIINPE input record exit on ACIF/line2afp.         
I hope that helps.                                                              
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
AIX PSF ASCII CONTROL CARRIAGE EBCDIC CHANNEL psf/6000 psf/aix cc               
cctype ansi acif asciinp asciinpe form feed                                     

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000099021 ITEM: RTA000099021
Dated: 02/1999 Category: XPSF6000
This HTML file was generated 99/06/24~12:43:33
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