PSF/AIX: 3900 printer drains when we get a paper jam.

ITEM: RTA000096297

ABSTRACT:     PSF/AIX Direct: 3900 printer drains when we get paper jam         
SEARCH ARG:   psf/aix  jam                                                      
TOPIC THREAD: PRINT                                                             
My customer is experiencing a problem with 3900 narrow duplex printers          
attached to PSF Direct under PSF/AIX. When the 3900 gets a paper jam,           
the SDSF console shows INT REQ for the printer instead of DRAINING or           
STARTING. The PSFSTAT command shows INTERVENTION for the printer.  On           
the RS/6000 we get a message that says:                                         
    0420-466 The printer reported a paper jam; clear the jam.                   
followed by:                                                                   
    message from printer prt25                                                  
    0420-469 The printer transport mechanism requires corrective                
followed by:                                                                    
    0105-2735 Session DYNAMIC {59} LS:prt24pf DALSWB00.PRT0025 /                
    DALSWB00.PSF6025/  has become inactive.                                     
The jam is cleared and the paper web reattached. Now the operator               
does a thread to align on the printer and when it completes, the                
job hops off the printer. The printer goes drained to JES2 and                  
IDLE to PSF/AIX.                                                                
Is this the way it's supposed to work? It does not work this way                
for other interventions such as out of toner. Thanks for the help.             
One question we need to ask is where is the jam occurring?  Does the            
customer have any pre- or post-processing equipment?  Knowing more              
about the customer's configuration would help.  At any rate, one thing          
to check would be that the operators are following the correct                  
operational procedures for clearing the paper jam.                              
Another question we need to ask the customer is what value is set for           
Device INTERVENTION timer (under PSF/AIX TUNING options). If he has             
the device intervention timer set to something other than 9999, then            
when they get a paper jam, the host will eventually be notified of              
a "permanent" condition and the MVS writer will go down.                        
Next, please have the customer check their PSF/MVS startup PROC to see         
what their FAILURE parameter is set to (described on pg. 39 in PSF              
Direct manual). If they have:                                                   
 FAILURE=STOP     - that means PSF/MVS must be restarted by the                 
                    operator after a printer or communication failure.          
 FAILURE=WCONNECT - that means PSF/MVS will attempt to communicate              
                    again with PSF Direct if there has been either              
                    a printer or communication failure.                         
If there is no FAILURE parameter set in their writer proc, it defaults          
to WCONNECT.                                                                    
When the tester tried a paper jam in the lab, she was running on AIX            
AIX 3.2.5, SNA Server/6000 1.3, PSF/AIX 2.1.0 with the latest PTF              
(PTF# U441774).  The PSF/AIX device intervention timer was set at 999           
and the PSF/MVS startup proc had FAILURE=WCONNECT (more details below).         
She was notified at the AIX system that there was a paper jam and got           
the "inactive" message:                                                         
    0105-2735 Session DYNAMIC {xx} LS:xxxxxxx USIBMBQ.PSFDDENB /                
    USIBMBQ.PSFFSA2/  has become inactive.                                      
The psfstat command showed "intervention" just like the customer's.             
When she cleared the paper jam, the printer recovered and continued             
printing.  She checked the status of the 3900 on MVS during and after           
the paper jam, and both times the status was ACTIVE.                            
There is a good explanation of intervention conditions on pg. 228               
of the PSF Direct Network Configuration Guide (S544-5287-01).  You             
might look at that or have the customer take a look at that.  It                
describes the differences between attaching a channel printer directly          
to a S/390 host and attaching a channel printer through PSF Direct;             
a PSF Direct-attached printer behaves as an SNA-attached printer, so            
there are some operational differences.                                         
If the customer's device intervention timer is set to 9999, if they have        
FAILURE=WCONNECT in their PSF/MVS startup procedure, and if they are            
following the correct operational procedures as described in the Network        
Configuration Guide, then they should open a PMR with the Support               
Center. We will ask for some SNA and/or PSF Direct traces, and will need        
to know what level of PSF/MVS they are running.  We can also get the            
PSF/MVS folks involved if it doesn't look like a PSF Direct problem.            
In the meantime, the tester will also try this scenario on an AIX V4            
system since that is what your customer is running.                            
I hope that helps--let us know. Thanks for using ASKQ.                          
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
psf aix mvs                                                                     

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000096297 ITEM: RTA000096297
Dated: 06/1998 Category: XPSF6000
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