PSF for AIX V2 enhancements available via LPR command?

ITEM: RTA000094440

ABSTRACT:     PSF for AIX V2 enhancements available via LPR command?            
SEARCH ARG:   mvs psf/6000 tcp/ip line2afp/acif                                 
TOPIC THREAD: PRINT                                                             
As a follow-up to ITEM # RTA000090600 that I authored a few months ago:         
You mentioned that "production print enhancements included in PSF for           
AIX V2 are not accessible to jobs submitted" via an MVS LPR command.            
Specifically, what are the enhancements to which you are referring?             
The issue is for ALL remote submitters with the notable exception of            
MVS Download (which *is* TCP/IP-based).  In order to benefit from some          
of the production print enhancements in PSF for AIX V2, you must use            
the PSF smit panels or the psfin command to submit print jobs.  For             
remote users, jobs that are submitted using lpr come into the AIX               
lpd daemon and are submitted using enq, not psfin.  (MVS Download               
does invoke psfin.)                                                             
There is a table in two of the PSF for AIX books that shows what "enq"          
users can do vs. what "psfin" users can do.  Please see Table 1 in the          
Print Administration book (in S544-3817-02, it's on pages 5-6) and also         
in Print Submission (in S544-3878-02, it's on pages 11-12).  Please             
refer to those publications for complete details, but as a brief                
summary, psfin allows you to do some things in PSF for AIX Version 2           
that you cannot do with the standard AIX print commands, including:             
1) Move jobs from one queue to another (although you can do this                
   in AIX 4.1.x with or without PSF for AIX)                                    
2) Rerun a job                                                                  
3) Save all print parameters associated with a job as a "job script"            
4) Process several types of tape input (tape-to-print)                          
5) For IPDS printers, you can start printing a job before it is                 
   completely transformed (job segmenting)                                      
6) Process files in excess of the AIX file size limit of 2GB                    
7) psfin can be used with two SMIT user interfaces: one for end users           
   and one for operators, as well as a command-line interface.                  
I hope that helps.                                                              
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000094440 ITEM: RTA000094440
Dated: 02/1996 Category: XPSF6000
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