PSF/AIX or InfoPrint: Need JCL detail for IEBCOPY when using t2file to put MVS AFP resources to tape to move to RS/6000

ITEM: RTA000155084

Topic thread:                                                                   
Printer Systems (PRINT - NA/ATS)                                                
Customer has recently installed PSF/AIX and needs to use the t2file             
utility to move AFP resources from their MVS host to their RS/6000 AIX          
The manual does not elaborate on JCL that should be used when                   
creating the tape with IEBCOPY.  The customer is requesting JCL so that         
he uses the correct blocksizes, etc. when creating the tapes.  Can you          
send me sample MVS JCL that will be compatible with the t2file utility          
so I can pass it to my customer?  or is all this information documented        
elsewhere or available online elsewhere?                                        
The developer says that t2file really has no special requirements.              
  Blocking and record length shouldn't be a concern; the t2file code            
  usually takes the default of the original file. If it's poorly                
  blocked, it'll just take slightly more time to unload it, but since           
  you're only going to do it once, who cares?                                   
I'll comment that the product directory for some our fonts indicates           
that the values for SMP/E was DSORG=PO with RECFM=VBM, LRECL=12284,             
and BLKSIZE=12288.  Back in the "old days", some of our original fonts          
were shipped with LRECL=8205, BLKSIZE=8209 (she said from memory (?)),          
I'd just see what the characteristics of the PDSes are on MVS and use           
those values.  Keep in mind that the AIX operating system doesn't know          
anything about BLKSIZE or LRECL; to it, everything is a stream.                 
Back to the developer's comments:                                               
  The requirements that come to mind are:                                       
   - that the records need to be variable length,                               
   - input must be a PDS with individual members,                               
   - tape must be created using IEBCOPY,                                       
   - all members need to be valid afpds resources,                              
   - the tape is IBM Std Labelled,                                              
   - spanned records should work, but less testing was done on them             
   - I think 32760 is the longest supported record length.                      
  A couple of warnings might be needed.                                         
   - If they are loading multiple PDS's on the same tape, they'll want          
   to make sure there's no like named members, or the processing stops          
   (there's not a way to have the program ask the user what to do in            
   case of duplicates, so it was decided that stopping was a good               
   option. If they have lots of PDS's with same names, I'd recommend            
   getting separate tapes for each PDS, bu they don't have  to do it            
   that way. If they run the utility from smit, the default is to              
   unload all PDS's until it reaches the end of the tape or until               
   there's an error. If they end up with multiple PDS's on the same             
   tape with duplicate members, they can run the command from the               
   command line, manually positioning the tape, then unloading one PDS          
   at a time into different directories (which might be best anyway).           
   (See the sample t2file invocation below).                                    
   I think this step should do it (with appropriate local                       
   modifications). I typed this so it may be off a column here or               
   there on MVS.                                                                
   //STEP1     EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY                                                 
   //SYSPRINT  DD *                                                             
   //SYSUT1    DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(15,2))                                
   //IN1       DD  DSN=SYS1.FONTLIB,DISP=(OLD,KEEP,KEEP)                        
   //OUT1      DD  DSN=SYS1.FONTLIB,DISP=(SHR,PASS),                            
   //SYSIN     DD *                                                             
               COPY INDD=IN1,OUTDD=OUT1                                         
   On the RS/6000, a manual (non-smit way), assuming Std Label tape..           
   Position tape at beginning (use smit or manually rewind)                     
           tctl -f rmt0.1 rewind                                                
   t2file -d /var/psf/directo tctl -f rmt0.1 fsf 3                              
   (forward 3 tape marks)                                                       
           tctl -f rmt0.1 rewind                                               
           tctl -f rmt0.1 fsf 3                (forward 3 tape marks)           
   t2file -d /var/psf/directory2 -t rmt0 -s                                     
           tctl -f rmt0.1 rewind                                                
           tctl -f rmt0.1 fsf 6                (forward 6 tape marks)           
   This process can also be used to skip over files (in case they put           
   JCL or something in the first file on the tape).                             
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
psf/6000 psf/aix psf aix infoprint jcl iebcopy t2file tape dcb mvs              
lrecl record length block size blksize recfm record format afp                  

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000155084 ITEM: RTA000155084
Dated: 02/1999 Category: XPSF6000
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