PSF/AIX: Where is C0P07580 character set?

ITEM: RTA000152697

Topic thread:                                                                   
Printer Systems (PRINT - NA/ATS)                                                
Hi, I need your help. I have a customer with an RS/6000 (43P) with              
PSF for AIX V2.1 and IBM3900, They want to print with font C0P07580.            
I can't find this in CDROM AFP Font Collection: Fonts for AIX and               
OS/2. Where can I get this font??.                                              
Thanks in advance..                                                             
I need to a do a bit more research on possible alternatives for you,            
so let me ask you a few questions and then provide the information I            
currently have available:                                                      
Q1)  Which model of the IBM3900?  Is it the model -001 or is it one of          
     the 3900s with an AFCCU control unit?                                      
Q2)  It would help if you could confirm that you only need the font in          
     240-pel format.  Or do you need the font in 300-pel too?                   
Q3)  I'm guessing that this might be a LIST3820 file from DCF or                
     Bookmaster, but it would help if you could confirm that.                   
Q4)  If not DCF or Bookmaster, what application generated the output?           
Q5)  Do you have access to the source (so that it could be modified             
     and recompiled)?  Or do you only have access to the AFPDS                  
     (LIST3820, LISTAFP, etc.)?                                                
C0P07580 is a character set belonging to a font called Pi Sans Serif.           
It is part of a licensed font program called Pi and Specials, 5771-ABC.         
C0P07580 is a character set belonging to a font called Pi Sans Serif;           
specifically it is 8 point Pi Sans Serif Roman Bold.  The corresponding         
coded font is X0P0758P, and the associated code page is T1GPI363.               
It is part of a licensed font program called Pi and Specials, 5771-ABC,         
that is only available in 240-pel format for mainframe systems.  It has         
never been packaged for AIX or made available in 300-pel format.                
1)  If you have access to the source document, the best long-term               
    strategy is to change all references to the Pi and Specials font to         
    its nearest equivalent in the IBM Expanded Core Font set, which is          
    available on all PSF platforms in both 240 and 300 pel.                    
    The closest replacement in the AFP Font Collection would be                 
    Symbols: Helvetica Roman Bold 8 point.  There are two possible              
    coded fonts that each use a different code page:                            
    CODED FONT        CODE PAGE        CHARACTER SET                            
    ==========        =========        =============                            
    XnH47181          T1000259         CnH40180                                 
    XnH47189          T1001091         CnH40180                                 
    This information is from the IBM Technical Reference for Core               
    Interchange Digitized Type (S544-3708).  I have not compared the            
    layout of these codepages with the one used by the Pi and Specials          
    font.  There might be some differences in the allocation of the             
    code points that you would need to test.                                   
    I am checking with development to see if you were to recompile a            
    DCF document specifying DEV(AFPA) rather than DEV(3820A) if the             
    references to Pi and Specials are automatically changed to the              
    Symbols Helvetica font for you, or if specific action must be               
    taken.  I should have that answer in a day or two.                          
2)  If you do not have the source document (I'm assuming DCF or                 
    Bookmaster) but only the LIST3820 object, and are thus unable               
    to change which font is called in the object, then one option               
    would be that if your customer is licensed for and has the                  
    Pi and Specials font on a VM or MVS mainframe, then you can                 
    download the font components in binary format to the RS/6000                
    and put them in one of PSF/AIX's search paths.  They must have              
    read permissions (444) in order to be used.                                
    If you need the font in 300-pel format, then PSF/MVS and PSF/VM             
    have conversion utilities that let you create a 300-pel version of          
    a 240-pel font.  You would need to verify that the quality of the           
    converted font is satisfactory.                                             
3)  If the 3900 is one with an AFCCU, we may be able to do something            
    with resident fonts and GRD mapping tables, but before I go into            
    all that detail, I'd like to get the answers to the questions I             
    asked above.                                                                
Returning to you for additional information before proceeding.                  
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
psf/60q0 psf/aix infoprint psf aix C0P07580 pi specials sonoran                

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000152697 ITEM: RTA000152697
Dated: 11/1998 Category: XPSF6000
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