Documentation for PSF/AIX OTF transform feature?

ITEM: RTA000144736

ABSTRACT:     Documentation for PSF/AIX OTF transform feature?                  
SEARCH ARG:   otf                                                               
TOPIC THREAD: PRINT                                                             
We ordered and received the OTF Transform feature.  All we got was a            
little tape, and no documentation.  There's no doc file on the tape.            
Seems strange to get just a tape and nothing else.  I checked the               
ordering info in HONE and saw no indication that I had missed something         
in the course of placing the order.                                             
How can I find out what documentation exists for the OTF Transform              
feature - should something else have shipped?  THANKS.                          
This is a bit confusing, and I apologize.  The publication for the OTF          
transform feature is only available in softcopy from the PENPUBS disk           
owned by BPCTOOLS at BLDVMB.  The specific file is SAP2AFP LIST3820 and         
is part of the PSF6DOC PACKAGE.  If you are unable to get the file for          
some reason, please reopen this item so that I can ship it to your VM           
I would also recommend that you read the text of the APARs for this             
feature as some PTFs changed certain behaviors, particularly in the             
area of formdef selection.                                                      
Thanks for using WWQ&A.                                                        
(Reviewed 01 Sep 1998)                                                          
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
psf/6000 psf/aix psf aix sap otf sap2afp otf2afp book publication               
documentation instructions feature transform penpubs APAR PTF           

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000144736 ITEM: RTA000144736
Dated: 09/1998 Category: XPSF6000
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