Which PSF/AIX manual contains operator commands that

ITEM: RTA000131966

ABSTRACT:     Which PSF/AIX manual contains operator commands that              
              are similar to JES functions like backspace, etc?                 
SEARCH ARG:   psf/aix jes commands                                              
TOPIC THREAD: PRINT                                                             
My customer asked my what commands on PSF/AIX are similar to JES                
functions like backspace, forward space, pause, drain, etc. I know              
that PSF/AIX has many more JES-like commands than PSF/2, but I don't            
know which manual to print for them to let them read about these                
operator functions.  Can you direct me to the correct manual?                   
There is a "PSF for AIX: Guide for Printer and COM Operators",                 
S544-5286.  It is intended for customers running the Production                 
Print Operator Interface (the set-up of which is described in                   
"PSF for AIX: Print Administration", S544-3817, page 52 in the -03              
level).  This interface restricts access to the AIX system, but                 
enables the operator to submit print jobs to PSF for AIX and to                 
perform job-management functions for those jobs.  It is very                    
similar to the "smit psf_main" panel, with the additional item                  
of "Look Up a PSF for AIX Message" and the omission of "Administer              
PSF for AIX" (which leads to adding/removing printers, customizing              
Input Manager, etc.--most of which you don't want the casual operator           
to do).                                                                         
Otherwise, the print management commands are documented in the                  
Print Submission book, S544-3878.                                               
I hope that helps.                                                              
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
psf aix psf/6000 psf/aix operator ppo interface commands backspace              
interrupt publication book jes reference                                        

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000131966 ITEM: RTA000131966
Dated: 09/1998 Category: XPSF6000
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