Stability of AIX 4.1.5

ITEM: RS4000003302

Any help here is much appreciated.                                              
A customer is going to move from 4.1.3 of AIX to 4.1.5 .                        
However, they are concerned that 4.1.5 may not be as stable as 4.1.3            
Would you know if there is an excessive amount of PTFs required on 4.15         
Can I confidently say that 4.1.5 is as stable as 4.1.3?                         
Thanks for any advice                                                           
TECHLINE exists to support Software Business products. This includes            
many products that run on AIX but not AIX itself.                               
Can I suggest that you pose the question to someone in the AIX                  
business unit? Be aware that it is somewhat sensitive in nature.               
In fact I truly cannot imagine telling a customer that any product              
is any  less stable than its predecessor.                                       
Come back to us if you cannot find anyone to help.                              

WWQA: ITEM: RS4000003302 ITEM: RS4000003302
Dated: 02/1997 Category: TECAIXSW
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