ITEM: RTA000053033

We have just received AIX 3.2.4.  I am reading in the "AIX 3.2.4                
Release Notes" about "AIXwindows 1.2.4 Installation".  The procedures           
talk about what to do if you are at AIXwindows 1.2.0 (X11R4); however,          
we have already upgraded to AIXwindows 1.2.3 (X11R5) and it is not              
clear to me from the instructions what we need to do.  It sounds as             
though there is some maintenance we need to install to bring us to              
AIXwindows 1.2.4--is this true?  If so, what PTF's do we need to select         
from the install tape; or, how do we recognize which items we need to           
select to install?                                                              
---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ----------                
A:  In order to go to AIXwindows 1.2.4 from AIXwindows 1.2.3, you can           
    still follow the same instructions given in the "AIX 3.2.4 Release          
    Notes" under the section "AIXwindows 1.2.4 Installation".  However,        
    you will skip the preparatory instructions and begin with                   
      - To install your new AIXwindows 1.2.4                                    
        1.  Enter "smit install_latest"                                         
        2.  Use F4 in the field "SOFTWARE to install"                           
        3.  Select the options of AIXwindows 1.2.4 that you want to             
        4.  Accept defaults, or make changes to SMIT as desired.                
     This set of steps amounts to installing the latest level of                
     AIXwindows 1.2.3 (in other words, AIXwindows 1.2.4).  Because              
     you are already at AIXwindows 1.2.3, you do not need to perform            
     the preliminary steps that AIXwindows 1.2.0 customers need to              
     To address your questions:                                                 
       1.  You will not need to select individual PTFs from the                 
           install tape.                                                        
       2.  You will recognize the items you should select to                    
           install because they will be listed with the latest                  
           level of AIXwindows 1.2.3.  They will be indicated by                
           a level of "1.2.3", so do not look for them as "1.2.4"               
     As a final note, you should remember that AIXwindows 1.2.4                 
     is actually AIXwindows 1.2.3 (X11R5) plus its maintenance level.           
     Thus, if you do an lslpp after installing AIXwindows 1.2.4, it             
     will register as 1.2.3.  This is nothing to be alarmed about.              
     In the past, people have been confused because AIXwindows 1.2.4           
     shows up as 1.2.3 and not 1.2.4.                                           
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This item was created from library item Q676737      CJVVH                      
Additional search words:                                                        
SOFTWARE UPGRADING X11R5 1.2.3 1.2.4                                            

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000053033 ITEM: RTA000053033
Dated: 10/1996 Category: RISCXWIN
This HTML file was generated 99/06/24~12:43:20
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