ITEM: RTA000031440
Is it possible to disable the use of ALT-F4 by X Windows for a single
window? There is an application that makes use of Alt-F4 to mark text.
When the combination is used, the window is closed, which is obviously
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A: I successfully disabled the ALT-F4 window close action with
AIX 3.2.3 extended (X11r5) using the following steps:
To override the default window menu, I created my own menu.
This entry was placed in my user's $HOME/.mwmrc defaults file:
Menu BobDaveMenu
"Restore" _R AltF5 f.normalize
"Move" _M AltF7 f.move
"Size" _S AltF8 f.resize
"Minimize" _n AltF9 f.minimize
"Maximize" _x AltF10 f.maximize
"Lower" _L AltF3 f.lower
no-label f.separator
"Close" _C f.kill
Note: This is exactly the same window menu as the DefaultWindowMenu,
but the "AltF4" definition in the "Close" line has been removed.
The BobDave menu is enclosed within curly brackets which may not
translate properly.
So that the window manager knows to use the BobDave window menu,
I placed the following line in my $HOME/.Xdefaults file:
Mwm*BobDave*WindowMenu: BobDaveMenu
This instructs the window manager to use the BobDaveMenu for all
windows with the resource name BobDave.
To test the new definition, I restarted the window manager. I then
used the -name flag to identify this particular aixterm with the
resource name BobDave as below:
aixterm -name BobDave
Once the BobDave aixterm had been opened, it could not be closed with
the ALTF4 key combination. These changes only affected the
BobDave aixterm. No other operations of the BobDave aixterm were
When testing your question I made the following notes:
-This test was unsuccessful with AIX 3.2.2 and AIXWindows 1.2.2.
The problem was fixed with AIX 3.2.3 and AIXWindows 1.2.3 (X11r5.)
It is possible that your application was already written to suppress
the ALTF4 close action, but you may need to upgrade your
AIXWindows lpp to obtain this fix.
To suppress the AltF4 close action on AIXWindows 1.2.2, it was
necessary to redefine the DefaultWindowMenu to us an alternative
key combination to close the window. Unfortunately this change
affected all the windows on that Xsession.
-The 3.2.3 extended /usr/lib/X11/system.mwmrc, has a "NoAccWindowMenu"
menu defined that has all the Alt actions removed. If you have
further translation problems, it may be easier to use this window
menu for your application as opposed to defining your own. This
can be accomplished by assigning your application's resource name
in your $HOME/.Xdefaults to use the NoAccWindowMenu.
-You will need to find the resource name of your application.
Once the resource name of you application has been obtained, simply
replace the "BobDave" resource name from my example, with the
resource name of your application.
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This item was created from library item Q629335 CFTFF
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WWQA: ITEM: RTA000031440 ITEM: RTA000031440
Dated: 11/1996 Category: RISCXWIN
This HTML file was generated 99/06/24~12:43:12
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