ITEM: RTA000042249

Customer has a scanned image file and is trying to display on an                
Xstation 130.  It appears distorted with characters backwards and               
almost Cyrillic.  However when same image is displayed on a 6091 console        
or Xstation 150 it worked fine.  We are hence trying to determine what          
the cause and solution is to display the image on the Xst130.                   
I compared the output from the command xdpyinfo and found the following         
Attribute       Xstation 130 (image fails)            6091 (image works)        
---------       --------------------------            ------------------        
a) image byte order      LSBFirst                           MSBFirst            
b) bitmap unit,          32, LSBFirst, 32                32, MSBFirst,32        
   bit order,                                                                   
c) number of extensions:     5                               11                 
   with the 6091 Console                                                        
   having xColormapExtension,                                                   
d) options:                                                                     
   backing-store              Yes                             No                
   save-unders                Yes                             No                
e) red, green,blue       0x0,0x400000,0x1                 0x0,0x0,0x0           
Q: From the above differences, is there any characteric(s), we can              
   change so that the image appears correctly on the Xstation 130.              
   If yes, please provide the procedure to change it.                          
---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ----------                
A: To test this question I displayed a tiff image on an Xstation 130,           
   an Xstation 150, and a model 250 6091 console.  In each case                 
   the image displayed correctly.  From my testing, I conclude                  
   that the problem is probably due to one of two things.                       
   1) The application you are using does not take into account                  
      the LSBFirst MSBFirst byte ordering.  The specifications                  
      for Xwindows allows both LSBFirst and MSBFirst ordering.                  
      If you application is assuming MSBFirst ordering and does                 
      not take into account the possibility of LSBFirst ordering,               
      it may display images as you described.  The application                  
      I used, 'xtiff', must take byte ordering into account.                    
      If this is the case, then you should see if your application             
      has some option to take into account LSBFirst ordering or                 
      use an application like xtiff that does take this into                    
   2) The only other difference I saw was your green and blue                   
      masks on the Xstation 130.  My Xstation 130 had a color                   
      mask similar to your 6091.  I was unable to determine                     
      if this could be changed or how to change this.                           
   The problem is most likely due to #1.  If you can find                       
   an application like xtiff that seems to take the byte ordering               
   into consideration, and the image still displays incorrectly,                
   please respond back and I will research the second possibility               
   If you do respond back, please provide the following information.            
   1) How much VRAM and DRAM does the Xstation 130 have?                        
   2) What type of display is on the Xstation 130?                              
   3) What is the corresponding xdpyinfo (a-e) from the Xstation 150.           
   4) Also, please provide any additional information that will                 
      allow me to recreate or reproduce this problem.                           
---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ----------                
Thanks for a thorough response.                                                 
1) VRAM is 2MB; DRAM is 8MB on Xst130                                           
2) Display is a 6091-19i                                                        
BUT HERE's the CRUX:                                                           
The output from xdpyinfo on the xstation 150 that works fine shows the          
image byte order as: MSBFirst                                                   
It appears that the image byte order is the culpritĒ                            
Customer has asked if there is a way to change this on the XST130 from          
LSBFirst to MSBFirst??  We ARE checking the applications capabilities           
as you suggested.                                                               
---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ----------                
A: There is no way to change the Xstation 130 to use MSBFirst instead           
   of LSBFirst.  This property is hard-coded in the Xstation 130's              
   This issue did come up once in the past when someone was trying              
   to import images into WordPerfect.  The image displayed incorrectly         
   on the Xstation 130.  In that case, the customer had to go to                
   WordPerfect because it was the application that was not written              
   to handle the LSBFirst possibility.  Again LSBFirst is allowed               
   in the specifications for X.                                                 
   I agree that you are taking the proper steps by checking the                 
   applications capabilities.                                                   
---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ----------                
This item was created from library item Q659000      CRKQS                      
Additional search words:                                                        

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000042249 ITEM: RTA000042249
Dated: 03/1996 Category: RISCXSTA
This HTML file was generated 99/06/24~12:43:17
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