ITEM: RTA000039399

My customer is trying to install and configure an Xstation 150.  We             
have just discovered that the application they developed is using               
Port 9000.  Is there a way to change the port that x_st_mgrd is using           
to another port number?                                                         
---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ----------                
A:  It is possible to change the port that x_st_mgrd is using to another        
    one.  Do this in the following manner:                                      
         1) Change your "services" file.                                        
            i) Enter "vi /etc/services/" at the command line.                   
           ii) Find the line "x_st_mgrd   9000/tcp   #ibm X terminal".          
          iii) Change the "9000" to "9001".                                     
           iv) Save change and Exit.                                           
         2) Configure your Xstation 150 with the new Port Number                
            (root authority is required to follow this procedure).              
            i) Enter "smit x_config" at the command line.                       
           ii) Select the option "Define an Xstation Network Type".             
               Enter a new name for the Network Type, for example,              
               "test150" in the "Xstation Network TYPE Name" field.             
          iii) Specify the new port number (9001) in the field                  
               "SERVER PORT Number".                                            
           iv) Make sure all the other fields are set up correctly.             
            v) Press "F3" to get back at the previous screen.                   
           vi) Select "Add an Xstation".                                        
          vii) Move the cursor down to "Xstation 150".                          
         viii) Re-specify the "Xstation Network TYPE Name" as in step           
           ix) Enter all other information required.                            
            x) Press  and then,  to Exit.                           
         3) Change the Port Number in your Xstation 150.                        
            i) Power ON your Xstation 150.                                      
           ii) Press  for the Main Menu.                                   
          iii) In the "Information" Screen select "Main Menu".                  
           iv) Click on "Xstation Configuration".                               
            v) Select "File Servers".                                           
           vi) Change the "File Server Port" to 9001. Click on "Xstation        
               Configuration" to get back.                                      
          vii) Set up the Network Parameters.  Do so by selecting the           
               "Network Parameters" box.  Fill in all the information           
               required.  Click on "Xstation Configuration".                    
         viii) Click on "Main Menu" to get back to the Main Menu.              
           ix) Save Changes.                                                    
         4) Reboot the host machine.                                            
         5) Reboot the Xstation 150 by clicking in the "Reboot" box.            
    NOTE:  The Network Port No. 9001 is arbitrary.  You may choose              
           the Port No. you desire.                                             
    The current level of Xstation manager checks the availability of            
    Port No. 9000.  If it is not available, it automatically defaults           
    to Port No. 9001.                                                           
---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ----------                
This item was created from library item Q653677      CPTKK                      
Additional search words:                                                        
RISCSYSTEM RISCXSTA ST XSTATION 1.4 9000                                        

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000039399 ITEM: RTA000039399
Dated: 03/1996 Category: RISCXSTA
This HTML file was generated 99/06/24~12:43:15
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