ITEM: RTA000036933

Customer has a system that is on an ethernet. Users telnet into the             
RISC System to invoke applications such as hcon. We need to                     
restrict the access to hcon based on the physical device coming in.             
That is only certain pcs will be able to invoke hcon.                           
(1) Do you know a way to identifying the pc that is telneting in, so            
we can write a script to see if it is qualified device?                         
(2) We thought of using the IP address to identify if the device                
should have capability to run hcon. How do you capture the IP address?          
"who" will not work, since a user can be logged onto several pcs at             
the same time.                                                                  
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A: I will address your questions in the order presented.                        
   1. The easiest way to determine the hostname of the machine from which       
      an user is telneted in from is to parse out the hostname from the         
      'who' command.  At the bottom of this item I have included a sample       
      script which shows the steps necessary for parsing out the correct        
      field in the who command.  This script ensures that the correct           
      entry from the 'who' command is taken even if the user is logged in       
      from multiple locations.                                                  
      The script first determines which tty is associated with the              
      current session.  It then does the who command 'grep'ing out all          
      but the current session.  It also greps for the username in the           
      rare event that the pts number (pseudo-tty number) is contained in        
      someone's username.  If the user is not remotely logged in, it will       
      set the name to the output from the 'hostname' command.                   
   2. Unfortunately, capturing the IP address without using the                 
      information provided in the 'who' command is not at all feasible.         
      When a user telnets into a system, the telnetd daemon passes the          
      IP address of the user logging in to the login program                    
      (/usr/bin/login).  This is done with the '-h' flag.   For example,        
      if an user from the machine attempts a login, telnetd           
      will call /usr/bin/login with the flag '-h'.  If the            
      login is successful, login will attempt to resolve the hostname of      and that information will be entered into the 'utmp'            
      file.  It is not possible to capture this information from the            
      login program without rewriting the login program.                        
      The who command simply formats the binary information in the 'utmp'       
      file and displays it to the screen.  Other than the hostname as           
      entered in the 'utmp' file, there is no other way of determining         
      from what machine an user is logged in from.  Since the 'utmp' file       
      is in binary format, the who command is the normal way in which           
      scripts gain access to the information in that file.                      
      Below I have included a script which uses the 'who' command to            
      determine the hostname from which a user is logged in.  It is             
      intelligent in that if a user is logged in from multiple machines,        
      it will only look at the current session.  Unfortunately, other           
      than this, there is no official way of obtaining the IP address or        
      hostname of the machine from which a user is remotely logged in.          
   Please note, the script below is provided as a sample script on how to       
   implement your goal.  IBM in no way supports this script.  AIX               
   Technical Support does not write scripts as a matter of general              
   This script will set the variable SESSION equal to the hostname of the       
   machine from which the current user is logged in.  If the user is            
   logged in from the console, the session name will be set equal to the        
   hostname of the host machine.                                                
   #¢ /bin/ksh                                                                  
      SESSION=`tty | cut -f4 -d/`                                               
      SYSTEM=`who|grep $SESSION|grep $USER|cut -f2 -d"("|cut -f1 -d")"`         
      if .. "$SYSTEM" = "`who | grep $SESSION | grep $USER`" ..                 
   Character Legend:                                                            
      ` = Single Back Quote               | = Pipe (vertical bar)               
      . = Open square bracket             . = Close square bracket              
---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ----------                
This item was created from library item Q649079      CNJXW                      
Additional search words:                                                        
TCPIP TELNETING                                                                 

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000036933 ITEM: RTA000036933
Dated: 04/1996 Category: RISCTCP
This HTML file was generated 99/06/24~12:43:13
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