ITEM: RTA000038990

AIX 3.2.4, RS6k Model 970B.  25-30 users logged onto the system.                
Normal process listings show approx. 705 total processes with                   
397 of them being kprocs.  Is this an unusual amount of kprocs                  
running?  Please explain to me why this many kprocs need to be                  
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A:  This is an unusual number of kprocs.                                        
    Kprocs are kernel processes that run on the behalf of some                  
    device driver.   With some products it is normal to see a                   
    large number of kprocs.  This is known to occur with                        
    SNA services and some databases.  But for 30 users this                     
    sounds out of line.                                                         
    I would advise rebooting the machine, and occasionally checking             
    "ps avx".  If you notice the number of kprocs ever growing there            
    may be a problem with one of these device drivers not terminating           
    their kprocs properly.  If this is the case you need to report              
    the problem to Software Services at 1-800-237-5511.                         
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The guilty culprit is luxlns.  He has spawned 405 out of 417 kprocs.            
Please advise on action to take to fix this.                                    
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A: Luxlns creates one kproc for each active CP-LU or LU-LU session.             
   This process is used to provide the data path for all of the                 
   SNA layers below the application layer for an active session.                
   As such I can understand there being many such kprocs, but                  
   405 still sounds out of line.  I assume many are defunct.                    
   Please contact Software Services at 1-800-237-5511 for investigation.        
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Upon further investigation I believe this is not an unordinary                  
number of kprocs for our system.  We have 130 LU6.2 connections                 
that get started up.  Each connection allocates multiple sessions               
and the way I understand it, each session starts a kproc.  Is                   
this a dangerous amount of kprocs?  What I mean is could this                   
cause any type of system problem?                                               
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A: I had the SNA responders review your statement, and they agree.              
   Each connection can create several sessions; each session                    
   will have a kproc.  They also mentioned they hope this workload             
   is spread over multiple attachments.                                         
   From the system performance point of view, these kprocs are                  
   just like all other normal processes, and 800 processes is not               
   an unusual workload for a 970B.  The only performance impact that            
   large numbers of processes have, is the scheduler has a larger               
   process table to scan looking for a process to run, so more                  
   overhead is taken in process scheduling.  But with 800 - 1200                
   processes this is not a problem.                                             
   If you have configured more connections than you need and are                
   wondering about the overhead of the additional connections, and              
   what you could save if they were reduced:                                    
     issue the command  svmon -Pau > filename                                   
     Look at the detailed memory segment report (second half of output).       
     Each occurance of these kproc's will list a shared library                 
     segment, a code segment, a kernel segment, and others.                     
     Notice that many different processes all list these same                   
     memory segments.  Discard them from analysis, they are shared,             
     and don't count for our purposes.                                          
     Notice each of these kprocs has a private segment, and its                 
     memory Segid number is unique.  This memory segment is not                 
     shared.  Notice the pages of memory "inuse" and "pinned".                  
 --> This is the real, tangible overhead of the extra kproc.                    
     The pinned memory is a particularly sensitive resource since               
     pinned memory cannot be paged out when inactive.                           
     Let me anticipate the next question:                                       
     When you see a line of output like                                         
                    33b9 pers /dev/hd2:20554                                   
     This is the inode number 20554 in the hd2 filesystem.                      
     You can determine exactly what resource is referenced with                 
     the command:   ncheck -i                               
     such as:       ncheck -i 20554 /dev/hd2                                    
   Run "vmstat 1 10".  If the fre column is above the lowwater mark             
   then you have memory you aren't even using.  With 128 MB memory              
   your lowwater mark is 120.   If the fre column is at the                     
   lowwater mark, and pi, po, fr, and sr are mostly 0 then                      
   you are using all your memory, but aren't overextended.                      
   To the extent pi, po, fr, and sr are consistently non-zero,                  
   your system could use more memory.                                           
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Could you please xfer the sna config. issue (having this many                  
connections on an attachement) to the SNA responders.                           
My question to them is this too many connections and/or sessions for            
for one attachment to efficiently handle?                                       
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A:  Given the total number of connections and sessions do not exceed the        
    limits as defined in SNA Node profile, 160 LU6.2 connections per            
    single attachment is acceptable and should pose no additional               
    performance considerations other than memory allocation as outlined         
    in Item# BRPKC and appropriate bandwidth consumption required               
    for transmission between the nodes.                                         
    Referencing Item# BRPKC, the session memory allocation is detailed          
    as follows:                                                                 
    The following are the sizes of space MALLOCed by SNA Services when it       
    is started or when a connection is started.                                 
    STARTUP ---                                                                 
       Size of malloc space at startup:  This is required whether or not        
       the connections or attachments are stopped due to inactivity.            
         RCBSIZE (160K) * total conversations (from sna node profile) +         
         KCCBSIZE (188K) * total connections (from sna node profile) +          
         CIDSIZE  (124K) * total connections (from sna node profile)            
    Per Half Session --                                                         
       The HS space is required whenever a new Half Session is created         
       (result of ACTLU or BIND) and is freed when a HS is deleted              
       (DACTLU, UNBIND, DACTPU, or link failure)                                
          Size of malloc space per HS =                                         
                 HS IDX + HS TBL + HSCB = 536                                   
    Per Connection --                                                           
       The connection space is required whenever a connection is started        
       either from an open command or due to receipt of ACTLU (dependent)       
       or BIND (independent).                                                   
       Size of malloc space per connection (at start connection) =              
            KSCBSIZE  (268K)* total sessions (from sna node profile) +          
            KMODESIZE (140K) * total modes (from connection profile) +          
            KRTPSIZE  (168K)* total Remote TPN (from connection profile)       
    NOTE:  A Dependent connection (LU1,2,3 or LU6.2 ) will have 2 HS            
           (sscp-lu and (lu-lu)                                                 
    LU1,2,3 will have 2 modes per connection (sscp-lu and lu-lu) but no         
    Parallel connection will have an additional mode, session and RTPN          
    for the CNOS support.                                                       
    Our recommendation to distribute session traffic, and thus the              
    connections, over multiple attachments is advised when the bandwidth        
    of the transmission media becomes a factor in bottleneck analysis.         
    Commonly, this is monitored with a "sniffer" or simply by slow              
    user response time as a result of sessions competing for the                
    communication adapters bandwidth resource.  By providing additional         
    adapters (i.e. attachments), one effectively increases the                  
    bandwidth available for these sessions to flow and the bottleneck           
    is resolved.                                                                
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This item was created from library item Q652963      8SBMW                      
Additional search words:                                                        

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000038990 ITEM: RTA000038990
Dated: 11/1996 Category: RISCSNA
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