ITEM: RTA000035897

PLATFORM: RISCSYSTEM                                                            
** This item contains information that is intended to be helpful,  **           
** accurate and act as a guide of HOW TO accomplish a given system **           
** task.  The provided explanations, techniques and procedures     **           
** have been reviewed for technical accuracy and applicability,    **           
** but have not been tested in every possible environment or       **           
** situation. Normal precautions should be taken in adopting these **           
** same techniques and procedures, because as product and system   **           
** interfaces change, so would the usage of this information       **           
** change.                                                         **           
NOTE:  ##############################################################           
##                                                                 ##           
## This item contains characters that may not print or display     ##           
## correctly on all systems.  A flag line has been placed BENEATH  ##           
## each line that contains one or more of those characters.  Flag  ##           
## lines can be identified by the characters "@@" in columns 71    ##           
## and 72.  The position of each unprintable or non-displayable    ##           
## character is identified by one of the following letters         ##           
## contained in the flag line and located directly beneath that    ##           
## character.                                                      ##           
##                                                                 ##          
##    A - left square bracket          G - logical not             ##           
##    B - right square bracket         H - exclamation point       ##           
##    C - left brace                   I - vertical bar            ##           
##    D - right brace                  J - back slash              ##           
##    E - percent sign                 K - tilde                   ##           
##    F - caret (circumflex)           L - back quote (accent)     ##           
##                                                                 ##           
I.   Introduction                                                               
   When you experience a problem with SNA Services on the RISC/6000,            
certain information is necessary to investigate your problem. The               
purpose of this document is to inform you of what information is               
available, how to create that information, and how to package that              
information to send to the support center.                                      
   The more information that is available at the time you report the            
problem, the quicker the problem can be resolved.                               
   All of the traces that are generated are memory traces.                      
It is necessary to turn off tracing to insure that the last buffer              
gets written to the trace file. (Stopping SNA will also flush the               
   It is very important that all information be collected at same               
time. Synchronize the clocks of all of the machines involved in the             
problem so that the time stamps of the events will be as close as               
    When a problem is reported, there are certain things that you               
should be prepared to send to the support center. The information               
should be put into a single directory. That directory should either             
be sent to the support center in compressed tar format on a diskette            
or uploaded to a mainframe (using binary format) and sent to the                
support center over the network.                                                
   Throughout this document, all files are copied to a directory                
called /tmp/pmr. This would be the directory that would be sent to              
the support organization.                                                       
Section II of this document shows how to create the information                 
needed using AIX commands. Commands are shown with a prompt                     
character (#) before the command to indicate the root user.                    
The character string "ProfName" will be used to indicate the name               
of the  SNA Services attachment profile.                                        
Section III gives additional information and shows how to use SMIT              
to do the same functions listed in section II. A list of the                    
contents of each section is listed below:                                       
                ITEM             Section           Smit                         
                            of this document    Description                     
     1). Problem definition      - II.A                                         
     2). SNA Services Profiles   - II.B                                         
     3). SNA Internal Error Log  - II.C           III.A                         
     4). SYSTEM Error Log        - II.D           III.B                         
     5). Attachment Trace        - II.E           III.C                        
     6). SNA API Trace           - II.F           III.D                         
     7). 888 Error Codes         - III.E                                        
     8). SYSTEM DUMP             - III.F                                        
     9). LU0 TRACE               - II.G                                         
    10). HCON TRACE              - II.H                                         
    11). SNA_ABEND               - II.I                                         
    12). USING HOOK ID's         - II.J                                         
II.  Basic Information Required                                                 
   Listed below are the items that should be provided to the support            
organization that you are dealing with at the time you report the               
problem. This list also shows the name of the file that needs to be             
moved to the directory that is sent to the support center.                      
                ITEM             Section           file                         
                            of this document    to be saved                     
     1). Problem definition      - II.A         README                          
     2). SNA Services Profiles   - II.B       You Name it                       
     3). SNA Internal Error Log  - II.C    /var/sna/snalog.1                    
     4). SYSTEM Error Log        - II.D    /var/adm/ras/errlog                  
     5). Attachment Trace        - II.E    /var/sna/bin/ProfName                
   Additional information that may be required as the problem is                
                ITEM             Section           file                         
                            of this document    to be saved                     
     1). SNA API Trace           - II.F       /var/adm/ras/trcrpt               
     2). 888 Error Codes         - III.E                                        
     3). SYSTEM DUMP             - III.F                                        
     4). LU0 TRACE               - II.G       /var/lu0/LU0Sec                   
     5). HCON TRACE              - II.H       hcon.trace                        
     6). SNA_ABEND               - II.I       /var/sna/SNA_ABEND                
     7). USING HOOK ID's         - II.J                                         
II.A. PROBLEM DEFINITION                                                        
   First and most important is a clear definition of the problem.               
This should be included in a file called README on the diskette. This           
file should also include a list of the files on the diskette and a              
brief description of those files. Be sure to answer the following              
questions in the problem description.                                           
     1). What happened?                                                         
     2). Is it reproducible? If so list the steps to recreate.                  
     3). What were the exact error messages that were generated?                
         This should include messages from all machines involved.               
         (AS/400, PS/2, MAINFRAMES).                                            
     4). What release of the SNA is active and committed?                       
     5). What release of the AIX is active and committed?                       
     6). What release of the HCON is active and committed?                      
     7). What fixes have been applied to the system?                            
     8). Has it ever worked? If so what changes occurred before it              
         stopped working?                                                       
II.B. PROFILES                                                                 
   You should always provide your profiles when you have a problem.             
This is done by:                                                                
     # exportsna -f /tmp/pmr/xxxxx.profiles                                     
   You may be requested to just provide the connection profile,                 
along with other profiles that are pointed to by the connection                 
profile. This is done by the following:                                         
     # exportsna -c ConnName -f /tmp/pmr/yyyyy.profiles                         
      where ConnName is the name of your connection profile.                    
II.C. THE SNA INTERNAL ERROR LOG                                               
    The sna internal error log is used to keep track of SNA errors.             
It is located in /var/sna/snalog.1. The internal error log can                  
be started automatically when SNA Services is started by changing               
the node profile. See III.A for SMIT instructions to do this.                   
The following can be used to capture the internal error log:                    
     # rm /var/sna/snalog.1  /* Remove old log                                  
     # startsrc -s sna           /* Start sna                                   
     # traceson -s sna           /* Turn on Internal Error Trace                
     *   Reproduce Problem   *   /* Run Test Case                               
     # tracesoff -s sna          /* Turn off Internal Error Trace               
     # cp /var/sna/snalog.1 /tmp/pmr/snalog.1   /* Save it                      
II.D. THE SYSTEM ERROR LOG                                                      
      CLEARING the SYSTEM ERROR LOG                                             
The errclear command deletes error log entries that are older than              
the number of days specified by the Days parameter.  To delete all              
error log entries, specify a 0 value for the Days parameter.                    
     # errclear 0                   /* Clear out system errlog                 
     *   Reproduce Problem   *                      /* Run Test Case            
     # cp /var/adm/ras/errlog /tmp/pmr/errlog       /* Save it                  
II.E. THE SNA ATTACHMENT TRACE                                                  
   The attachment trace can be set to automatically start up when sna           
is started by either using SMIT or by using the "chsnaobj" command.             
The following command turns on tracing for a token ring attachment.             
     # chsnaobj -t log_toknrng -cyes -hlong ProfName  /* Turn on                
                                                      /* tracing               
                                                      /* for T/R                
   The following senario can be used to start up an attachment trace            
with out changing the profiles.                                                 
      Starting an Attachment Trace                                              
     # startsrc -s sna                                /* Start sna              
     # traceson -l -t attachment -o ProfName                                    
     *   Reproduce Problem   *                      /* Run Test Case            
     # tracesoff -t attachment -o ProfName      /* Turn off tracing             
     # cp /var/sna/bin/ProfName /tmp/pmr/ProfName     /* Save it                
II.F. THE SNA API TRACE                                                         
      SNA API Trace                                                             
This trace logs the entry and exit points of the SNA API routines,              
detailing the API commands executed by the application.  Use the                
following procedures for:                                                       
     # startsrc -s sna                        /* Start sna                      
     # trace -a -j 271                        /* Start API trace                
     *   Reproduce Problem   *                /* Run Test Case                  
     # trcstop                                                                  
     # cp /var/adm/ras/trcfile /tmp/pmr/trcfile     /* Save it                  
II.G. LU0 Information                                                           
      LU0 Configuration                                                         
The lu0config command starts the LU0 configurator.  The LU0                     
Configurator provides a set of menus to define the LU0 support                  
configuration.  You can define, change, delete, or print a report               
of these records.                                                               
   To create a copy of the lu0 configuration:                                   
     # lu0config                                                                
         Select option to Print                                                 
         Select option to exit                                                  
   This will create a file containing the lu0 configuration file.               
The default is /var/lu0/lu0.cnf file.                                           
      LU0 Line Trace                                                            
The lu0 command initiates the LU0 Subsystem.  By default, this                  
command starts the LU0 Subsystem with the /var/lu0/lu0.cnf                      
configuration file.  The LU0 Subsystem initiates and centralizes                
control of both the LU0 primary and secondary support servers.  The             
servers' data paths are independent of each other.  However, passthru           
support provides for the logical coupling of the two servers.                   
The lu0 command provides a common operator interface through the                
interactive commands.  These commands allow you to manipulate the               
LU0 Subsystem while it is running as well as helping to minimize                
system resource consumption.  You can use the interactive commands             
to display status summaries, start a secondary server, stop a                   
server, terminate all servers, and exit the program.                            
In addition, a trace facility for the subsystem can be initiated                
with the lu0 command's -T flag.  The trace facility records the                 
first 20 bytes of the SNA PIU block for traffic going in either                 
If the /var/lu0/lu0.cnf configuration file for an active logical                
unit has the API trace enabled (a Y was entered in that field), then            
the /var/lu0/ProfName file will be written, where the                           
ProfName parameter specifies the LU name for the device.                        
 The /var/lu0/AttachmentName file is a text file, with fields in the            
following format:                                                              
|The /var/lu0/AttachmentName File Format     |                                  
I                                            I                        @@        
|Field Name        |Length     |Format       |                                  
I                  I           I             I                        @@        
|record type       |6          |string       |                                  
I                  I           I             I                        @@        
|length of piu     |5          |integer      |                                  
I                  I           I             I                        @@        
|sna traffic type  |3          |string       |                                 
I                  I           I             I                        @@        
|action            |6          |string       |                                  
I                  I           I             I                        @@        
|req/rsp code      |3          |string       |                                  
I                  I           I             I                        @@        
|transmit header   |12         |hex          |                                  
I                  I           I             I                        @@        
|req/rsp header    |6          |hex          |                                  
I                  I           I             I                        @@        
|req/rsp unit      |30         |hex          |                                 
I                  I           I             I                        @@        
Up to 15 characters of ru data is saved in the file.                            
-T Enables server trace facilities.  Two files are created                      
containing trace information for the primary server and the                     
secondary server, respectively: /var/lu0/LU0Prime and                           
     # startsrc -s sna               /* Start sna                               
     # lu0 -T -S ProfName -B                                                    
     *   Reproduce Problem   *       /* Run Test Case                           
     # lu0                           /* Send stop command                       
     # cp /var/lu0/LU0Prime  /tmp/pmr/LU0Prime   /* Save it                     
     # cp /var/lu0/LU0Sec    /tmp/pmr/LU0Sec     /* Save it                     
      LU0 API TRACE                                                             
   The lu0config command can also be used to turn on the API tracing            
for LU0 calls. To set tracing on:                                               
     # startsrc -s sna               /* Start sna                               
     # lu0config                                                                
         Select "Define LU0 SECONDARY/Primary                                   
     *   Reproduce Problem   *                      /* Run Test Case            
     # stopsrc -s sna               /* Stop sna                                 
     # cp /var/lu0/LU0       /tmp/pmr/LU0        /* Save it                     
II.H. HCON TRACE                                                                
      HCON Trace                                                                
   HCON has a trace capability built into the product. This can be              
used by:                                                                        
     # startsrc -s sna                   /* Start sna                           
     # e789 -D hcon.trace Sessionid                                             
     *   Reproduce Problem   *           /* Run Test Case                       
     # stopsrc -s sna                    /* Stop SNA services                   
     # cp hcon.trace  /tmp/pmr/hcon.trace       /* Save it                      
II.I. SNA_ABEND                                                                
      SNA_ABEND file                                                            
   The SNA_ABEND file is created any time that SNA Services                     
processes exits unexpectedly. Stopping Sna Services with the -c                 
option will also create this file.                                              
If the /var/sna/SNA_ABEND file is being when the problem occurs,                
it it will need to be sent to the support organization.                         
     # rm /var/sna/SNA_ABEND                                                    
     # startsrc -s sna               /* Start sna                               
     *   Reproduce Problem   *       /* Run Test Case                           
     # stopsrc -s sna                /* Stop SNA services                       
     # cp /var/sna/SNA_ABEND /tmp/pmr/SNA_ABEND  /* Save it                     
II.J. Event Tracing                                                             
      Event Tracing                                                             
  There will be times that you are requested to generate an event               
trace. All of the traces that we generate actually generate                    
arguments to the trace command. The trace command uses "Hook Id's:              
to decide what to trace. We want both a formatted copy and an                   
unformatted copy sent to us.                                                    
Listed below are various hook id's that can be given as arguments               
to the trace command. There are many more that are listed in                    
  Some of the hook id's that you may be asked to use are:                       
     HOOK ID          EVENT TRACED                                              
     1CD                 Ethernet Driver                                        
     1CE                 Token Ring Driver                                      
     224                 MPQP Driver                                           
     225                 X.25 Driver                                            
     227                 X.25 Performance                                       
     245                 SDLC Driver Performance                                
     246                 SDLC Driver monitor                                    
     254                 HKWD_MBUF                                              
     270                 SNA internal                                           
     271                 SNA 6.2 API                                            
     280                 SYSMSLA - HCON over DFT                                
     281                 SNA LU0 or FSNA API trace                              
     282                 SNA Network Management API                             
   To create a trace file that monitors a LU6.2 program running on an           
SDLC line, you would do the following:                                          
     # startsrc -s sna                    /* Start sna                         
     # trace -a -j 224 246 271 1CE                                              
     *   Reproduce Problem   *            /* Run Test Case                      
     # stopsrc -s sna                     /* Stop SNA services                  
     # trcrpt /var/adm/ras/trcfile  > /tmp/pmr/trcfile.fmt  /*Format            
     # cp /var/adm/ras/trcfile  /tmp/pmr/trcfile   /* Save it                   
III. Additional Problem Determination Information                               
III.A. THE SNA internal Error log                                               
 i.    Turning on Internal error logging in the node profile                    
Internal error logging can be started by:                                       
     1). Changing the NODE profile to always perform error logging              
     2). Using SMIT to start and stop error logging                             
The following procedure explains how to change the NODE profile to              
start the internal trace using the System Management Interface Tool             
 1. Start the SMIT Interface by entering on the AIX command line:               
     # smit                                                                     
     Entering smit sna takes you directly to step 4.                            
     Entering smit _snasnach takes you directly to step 8.                      
 2. From the first menu, select Communications Applications and                 
 3. From the next SMIT menu, select SNA Services.                               
 4. From the next SMIT menu, select Configure SNA Services.                     
 5. From the next SMIT menu, select Nodes                                       
 6. From the next SMIT menu, select Systems Network Architecture                
 7. From the next SMIT menu, select Change a Profile                            
 8. Enter "sna" for the name of the profile and press ENTER,                    
   Change Perform ERROR LOGGING? to yes and press ENTER                        
or you can enter the following at the command line:                             
     # chsnaobj -t sna -L yes sna                                               
 ii.   Starting an SNA Internal Error Trace                                     
The following procedure explains how to start an SNA internal error             
trace, using the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT). This is               
used after sna has been started.                                                
 1. Start the SMIT Interface by entering on the AIX command line:               
     # smit                                                                     
     Entering smit sna takes you directly to step 4.                            
     Entering smit _snainternerrs takes you directly to step 6.                 
 2. From the first menu, select Communications Applications and                 
 3. From the next SMIT menu, select SNA Services.                               
 4. From the next SMIT menu, select  Diagnose SNA Services.                     
 5. From the next SMIT menu, select SNA Internal Errors.                        
 6. From the next SMIT menu, select Start Trace.                                
or you can enter the following at the command line:                             
     # traceson -s sna                                                          
 iii.  Stopping an SNA Internal Error Trace                                     
The following procedure explains how to stop an SNA internal error              
trace, using the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT).                       
 1. Start the SMIT Interface by entering on the AIX command line:               
     # smit                                                                     
     Entering smit sna takes you directly to step 4.                            
     Entering smit _snainternerrs takes you directly to step 6.                 
 2. From the first menu, select Communications Applications and                 
 3. From the next SMIT menu, select SNA Services.                               
 4. From the next SMIT menu, select  Diagnose SNA Services.                     
 5. From the next SMIT menu, select SNA Internal Errors.                        
 6. From the next SMIT menu, select Stop Trace to stop the internal             
or you can enter the following at the command line:                             
     # tracesoff -s sna                                                         
 iv. Showing an SNA Internal Error Log                                          
The following procedure explains how to show an SNA internal error             
log, using the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT).                         
 1. Start the SMIT Interface by entering on the AIX command line:               
     # smit                                                                     
     Entering smit sna takes you directly to step 4.                            
     Entering smit _snainternerrs takes you directly to step 6.                 
 2. From the first menu, select Communications Applications and                 
 3. From the next SMIT menu, select SNA Services.                               
 4. From the next SMIT menu, select  Diagnose SNA Services.                     
 5. From the next SMIT menu, select SNA Internal Errors.                        
 6. From the next SMIT menu, select Show Error Log.                             
or you can enter the following at the command line:                             
      # pg /var/sna/snalog.*                                                    
III.B. THE SYSTEM ERROR LOG                                                     
 i.    Clearing the SYSTEM ERROR LOG using SMIT                                 
The errclear command deletes error log entries that are older than              
the number of days specified by the Days parameter.  To delete all              
error log entries, specify a 0 value for the Days parameter.                    
You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run the             
errclear command by:                                                            
     # smit errclear                                                            
or you can enter the following at the command line:                             
     # errclear 0                                                               
 ii.   Showing the  SYSTEM ERROR LOG using SMIT                                 
The errpt command generates an error report from entries in the                 
system error log.  The errpt command includes flags for limiting the            
report to events matching specified criteria.  A concurrent error              
report flag is provided that formats and displays each error entry              
at the time the entry is logged.                                                
The default report is a summary report consisting of a single line              
of data for each error entry.  Error log entries are displayed with             
the most recent entries first.  Error reports can be written to a               
file suitable for sending to a printer, instead of standard output.             
     # errclear 0                    /* Clear the System Error Log              
     *   Reproduce Problem   *                      /* Run Test Case            
     # tracesoff -s sna              /* Turn off Trace                         
     # cp /var/adm/sna/errlog /tmp/pmr/errlog       /* Save it                  
You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run the              
errpt command by:                                                               
     # smit errpt                                                               
or you can enter the following at the command line:                             
     # errpt -a                                                                 
III.C. THE SNA ATTACHMENT TRACE                                                 
 i.    Starting an Attachment Trace using SMIT                                  
The following procedure explains how to start an attachment trace,              
using the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT).                              
 1. Start the SMIT Interface by entering on the AIX command line:               
     # smit                                                                     
     Entering smit sna takes you directly to step 4.                            
     Entering smit _snastarttrattc takes you directly to step 6.                
 2. From the first menu, select Communications Applications and                 
 3. From the next SMIT menu, select SNA Services.                              
 4. From the next SMIT menu, select  Diagnose SNA Services.                     
 5. From the next SMIT menu, select Attachment Trace.                           
 6. From the next SMIT menu, select Start Trace.                                
This displays a name select dialog asking for the ATTACHMENT profile            
name.  If you do not know the attachment profile name, press the F4             
key (F4=List) to display a list of all known attachments.                       
 7. Select the attachment you wish to start and press Enter                     
or you can enter the following at the command line:                             
     # traceson -l -t attachment -o ProfName                                    
 ii.   Stopping an Attachment Trace using SMIT                                  
The following procedure explains how to stop an attachment trace,               
using the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT).                              
 1. Start the SMIT Interface by entering on the AIX command line:               
     # smit                                                                     
     Entering smit sna takes you directly to step 4.                            
     Entering smit _snaapitrace takes you directly to step 6.                   
 2. From the first menu, select Communications Applications and                 
 3. From the next SMIT menu, select SNA Services.                               
 4. From the next SMIT menu, select  Diagnose SNA Services.                     
 5. From the next SMIT menu, select Attachment Trace.                           
 6. From the next SMIT menu, select Stop Trace.                                 
This displays a name select dialog asking for the ATTACHMENT profile            
name.  If you do not know the attachment profile name, press the F4             
key (F4=List) to display a list of all known attachments.                       
 7. Select the attachment you wish to stop and press Enter                      
or you can enter the following at the command line:                             
     # tracesoff -t attachment -o ProfName                                     
 iii.  Showing an Attachment Trace Report using SMIT                            
The following procedure explains how to show an attachment trace                
report, using the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT).                      
 1. Start the SMIT Interface by entering on the AIX command line:               
     # smit                                                                     
     Entering smit sna takes you directly to step 4.                            
     Entering smit _snatracereport takes you directly to step 6.                
 2. From the first menu, select Communications Applications and                
 3. From the next SMIT menu, select SNA Services.                               
 4. From the next SMIT menu, select  Diagnose SNA Services.                     
 5. From the next SMIT menu, select Attachment Trace.                           
 6. From the next SMIT menu, select Show Trace Report.                          
This displays a name select dialog asking for the ATTACHMENT                    
profile name.  If you do not know the attachment profile                        
name, press the F4 key (F4=List) to display a list of all                       
known attachments.                                                              
 7. Select the attachment for which you wish to see a report                    
    and press Enter (Enter=Do).                                                 
or you can enter the following at the command line:                            
     # trcrpt /var/sna/bin/ProfName                                             
III.D. THE SNA API TRACE                                                        
 i.    SNA API Trace using SMIT                                                 
This trace logs the entry and exit points of the SNA API routines,              
detailing the API commands executed by the application.  Use the                
following procedures for:                                                       
      Starting an API Trace                                                     
The following procedure explains how to start an API trace, using               
the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT).                                    
 1. Start the SMIT Interface by entering on the AIX command line:               
     # smit                                                                     
     Entering smit sna takes you directly to step 4.                            
     Entering smit _snaapitrace takes you directly to step 6.                   
 2. From the first menu, select Communications Applications and                 
 3. From the next SMIT menu, select SNA Services.                               
 4. From the next SMIT menu, select Diagnose SNA Services.                      
 5. From the next SMIT menu, select SNA API Trace.                             
 6. From the next SMIT menu, select Start Trace to start the API                
or you can enter the following at the command line:                             
     # trace -a -j 271                                                          
 ii.   Stopping an API Trace using SMIT                                         
The following procedure explains how to stop an API trace, using the            
System Management Interface Tool (SMIT).                                        
 1. Start the SMIT Interface by entering on the AIX command line:              
     # smit                                                                     
     Entering smit sna takes you directly to step 4.                            
     Entering smit _snaapitrace takes you directly to step 6.                   
     Entering smit trcstop issues the command.                                  
 2. From the first menu, select Communications Applications and                 
 3. From the next SMIT menu, select SNA Services.                               
 4. From the next SMIT menu, select Diagnose SNA Services.                      
 5. From the next SMIT menu, select SNA API Trace.                              
 6. From the next SMIT menu, select Stop Trace to stop the API                  
or you can enter the following at the command line:                             
     # trcstop                                                                  
 iii.  Showing an API Trace Report using SMIT                                   
The following procedure explains how to show an API trace report,               
using the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT).                              
 1. Start the SMIT Interface by entering on the AIX command line:               
     # smit                                                                     
     Entering smit sna takes you directly to step 4.                            
     Entering smit _snaapitrace takes you directly to step 6.                   
 2. From the first menu, select Communications Applications and                 
 3. From the next SMIT menu, select SNA Services.                               
 4. From the next SMIT menu, select Diagnose SNA Services.                      
 5. From the next SMIT menu, select SNA API Trace.                              
 6. From the next SMIT menu, select Show Trace Report to show the               
    API trace report.                                                           
or you can enter the following at the command line:                             
     # trcrpt -d 271                                                            
III.E. FLASHING 888                                                             
A flashing 888 in the three-digit display indicates that there is a             
message to be displayed, encoded as a string of three-digit display             
 1. Turn the Key Mode Switch to the Normal or the Service position.             
Note: Every time you press the Reset button, hold it for about one              
second to allow the program to sense the change.                                
 2. Press the Reset button to display the first value in the string.            
 3. Record this value.                                                          
 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until a flashing 888 is displayed again.               
Up to 41 three-digit display values may be included in the string.              
If necessary, you can display the entire string of values again by              
repeating this procedure.                                                       
The first value following the 888  indicates the type of information            
contained in the remainder of the string.  Find the first value in              
the following list and take the action given:                                   
 i.    FLASHING 888-102                                                         
An initial values of 102 indicates an unexpected system halt during             
normal operation.                                                               
For unexpected system halts, the string of three-digit display                  
values has the following format:                                                
888 102 mmm ddd                                                                 
where mmm is a value indicating the cause of the halt and ddd is a              
value indicating whether or not a system dump was obtained.                     
- Refer to the hardware problem determination procedures in the IBM             
RISC System/6000 Diagnostics Programs: Operator Guide.  If these                
procedures return an SRN, record that SRN in item 4 of the  Problem             
Summary Form and report the problem to your service organization.              
If Diagnostics does not detect a problem, record SRN 101-mmm in item            
4 of the Problem Summary Form and report the problem to your                    
service organization.  If a system dump was obtained, copy the dump             
to removable media and be prepared to make it available to your                 
service organization.                                                           
The following list gives the possible values of mmm, the second                 
value following the 888; and the cause of the system halt invoking              
that value:                                                                     
 200 Machine check due to memory bus error (RAS/CAS Parity).                    
 201 Machine check due to memory timeout.                                       
 202 Machine check due to memory card failure.                                  
 203 Machine check due to address exception: address out of range.              
 204 Machine check due to attempted store into ROS.                            
 205 Machine check due to uncorrectable ECC due to address parity.              
 206 Machine check due to uncorrectable ECC.                                    
 207 Machine check due to undefined error.                                      
 300 Data storage interrupt - processor type.                                   
 32x Data storage interrupt - input/out exception - IOCC.  The                  
     number represented by x  is the BUID.                                      
 38x Data storage interrupt - input/output exception - SLA.  The                
     number represented by x  is the BUID.                                      
 400 Instruction storage interrupt.                                             
 500 External interrupt - Scrub - memory bus error (RAS/CAS Parity).            
     External interrupt - DMA - memory bus error (RAS/CAS Parity).              
     External interrupt - undefined error.                                      
 52x External interrupt - IOCC type - channel check.                            
     External interrupt - IOCC type - bus timeout.                              
     External interrupt - IOCC type - keyboard external.                       
 The number represented by x is the IOCC number.                                
 700 Program interrupt.                                                         
 800 Floating point unavailable.                                                
The value of ddd, the third value following the 888, indicates the              
current dump status.  The possible values and meanings of ddd are:              
 0c0 Dump completed successfully.                                               
 0c4 Partial dump completed.                                                    
 0c5 Dump failed to start.  An unexpected error occurred while the              
     system was attempting to write to the dump device.                         
 0c8 Dump failed.  No primary dump device is configured.                        
 ii.   FLASHING 888-103                                                        
An initial value of 103 indicates a diagnostic message.  Diagnostic             
messages are displayed in the three-digit display when the console              
display is not present or is unavailable because of a display or                
adapter failure, or when a failure is detected that prevents the                
completion of IPL.                                                              
The string of three-digit display values identifies the SRN and up              
to four Field Replacement Units (FRUs).  The string of three-digit              
display values has the following format:                                        
 888 103 nnn nnn c01 1ee 2ee  3dd 4dd 5 ss 6ss 7ff 8ff                          
 c02 1ee 2ee 3dd 4dd 5ss 6ss 7ff 8ff                                            
 c03 1ee 2ee 3dd 4dd 5ss 6ss 7ff 8ff                                           
 c04 1ee 2ee 3dd 4dd 5ss 6ss 7ff 8ff                                            
The two values nnn nnn represent the SRN.  The values c01, c02, c03,            
and c04 indicate the first, second, third, and fourth FRUs,                     
respectively. For each FRU, the value sequence 1ee 2ee 3dd 4dd 5ss              
6ss 7ff 8ff is the location code.  Refer to the IBM RISC System/6000            
Diagnostics Programs: Operator Guide for information on interpreting            
these location codes.                                                           
- Record the SRN in item 4 of the problem summary form and the                  
location codes in item 6 of the  Problem Summary Form.  Then, report            
the problem to your service organization.                                       
III.F. FORCING A SYSTEM DUMP                                                    
- If the system did not produce a dump automatically because of a               
hang condition, obtain a dump while the problem exists.                         
Note: The use of the RESET button is the preferable method of                   
obtaining dumps, because in a hang condition it is the dump trigger             
most likely to succeed.  If the system has dumped and halted                    
automatically, the RESET button will scroll the LEDs rather than                
trigger another dump.                                                           
Warning: Obtaining a dump overwrites a previous dump or other data              
stored on the dump device.                                                      
If the console or a tty is accepting commands, you can start a dump             
using the  sysdumpstart command.  The sysdumpstart command allows               
you to start a dump to the primary or the secondary dump device.               
If the system is accepting commands then:                                       
- To determine which devices have been assigned as the primary and              
secondary dump devices, enter:                                                  
     # sysdumpdev -l                                                            
- To start a dump to the primary dump device with the  sysdumpstart             
command, log into the system as root user and enter:                            
     # sysdumpstart -p                                                          
If the system is not accepting commands then try one of the following:          
a). If there is a keyboard attached to the system unit, you can start           
a dump using the dump key sequences (Ctrl-Alt-NumPad1 and                       
Ctrl-Alt-NumPad2). The dump key sequences allow you to start a dump             
to the primary or the secondary dump device.                                    
b). The Reset button can be used to start a dump to the primary dump            
device.  To start a dump, turn the Key Mode Switch to the Service               
position and press the Reset button.                                            
 ** If you have found this information to be informative and    **        
 ** useful, please let us know via a HONE FEEDBACK or via EQUAL.**         
 ** Make sure in your evaluation to reference the appropriate   **         
 ** INFOSYS or FLASH number.                                    **         
 ** We would like to develop as many HOWTO items as needed      **         
 ** and solicit your suggestions, comments and recommendations  **         
 ** on how to make these entries more useful. We need to know   **         
 ** the value of this information to determine whether it is    **         
 ** worth IBM time and resource to continue to create and       **         
 ** maintain HOWTO items.                                       **         
---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ----------                
This item was created from library item Q646343      NMTZ6                     
Additional search words:                                                        
SERVICES SNA SOFTWARE 3.2                                                       

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Dated: 11/1996 Category: RISCSNA
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