ITEM: RTA000040893

Our customer is interested in a RS/6000 running a manufacturing                 
application on a ethernet LAN.  The headquarter location of our customer        
is "dictating" that they also buy a Novell Netware server for other             
applications.  The corporate standard is Microsoft Excel and Words.             
We are trying to convince them that they can consolidate  their servers         
so that they do not have manage two server platforms.  In fact, IBM             
statement of direction states that we will support, natively, DOS               
applications (and Apple applications) under WABI in future releases             
of AIX.  And Excel is one package that will be supported under WABI.            
(for word processing packages, so far is WordPerfect, and not Words,            
yet).  Our customer has few questions regarding DOS applications                
under AIX:                                                                      
1) Would price for DOS Excel in AIX be a lot more than price for Excel          
   in DOS?                                                                      
2) How does DOS Excel in AIX upgrade work?  When the regular DOS Excel          
   version has new releases or versions, would DOS Excel in AIX be              
   upgraded too?                                                                
3) If there are packages that they like now, say Words, and it's not            
   supported natively on AIX, how long should they wait for the                 
   applications to run in AIX as a DOS application?                             
I understand WABI is not yet announced, and not available.  Any input           
that you may have on this new feature would help us better position             
our strategy.                                                                   
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A:  I will address your questions and statements from your item:                
   Q1) IBM statement of direction states that we will support,                  
       natively, DOS applications (and Apple applications) under                
       WABI in future releases of AIX.                                          
   A1) In fact how IBM intends to support these different platforms             
       is in the following manor:                                               
         MS Windows Applications - WABI                                         
         DOS Applications - PC SIM                                              
         Apple Macintosh - Supported by AIX through the Power Desktop.          
       The WABI product slated to GA on 4/22/94 will support 13                 
       specific MS Windows applications.  DOS support in WABI will              
       require that PC-SIM also be installed on the system.  Apple             
       Macintosh support will not be available until a future                   
       release of the AIX Operating System.  Future versions of                 
       WABI are stated to be able to handle many more MS Windows                
       applications as well as provide PC-SIM support.                          
   Q2) Would price for DOS Excel in AIX be a lot more than the price            
       for Excel in DOS?                                                        
   A2) I don't fully understand your question here.  I am not                   
       aware of any special pricing for using DOS Excel in AIX                  
       versus using the DOS application in DOS.  Furthermore any                
       pricing questions need to be directed to AIX Marketing                   
       Headquarters at RHQMV01(AIXDESK) or your local coordinator.              
   Q3) How does DOS Excel in AIX upgrade work? When the regular DOS            
       Excel version has new releases or versions, would DOS Excel              
       in AIX be upgraded too?                                                  
   A3) Again your reference to DOS Excel in AIX is unclear.  When a             
       DOS product such as Excel is upgraded or is released in a                
       newer version, support for such an update is not automatically           
       supported.  After the new update for the DOS product is                  
       released and tested for operation within an AIX environment              
       then a statement concerning that product's support will be               
       released along with any PTF's required to use the DOS                    
       application.  Until that statement of support is made, then              
       I would not suggest trying to apply the new release of the               
       DOS software in an AIX environment.  Please keep in mind that            
       support for DOS applications will be through a product such as           
       PC-SIM and not natively through AIX.                                    
   Q4) If there are packages that they like now, say Words, and it's            
       not supported natively on AIX, how long should they wait for             
       for the applications to run in AIX as a DOS application?                 
   A4) Currently, PC-SIM supports MS Word (5.0) and MS Works (2.0).             
       However if your customer is using a DOS application that is              
       not covered in the list given in the Sales Manual for                    
       PC Simulator/6000, this does not mean that the application               
       will absolutely NOT work, rather it simply hasn't been tested            
       and cannot be supported by IBM's technical support.  Many                
       DOS applications not listed in the Sales Manual do work with             
       PC-SIM but all technical questions must be resolved by you               
       and not IBM.  The best way to determine if an application other          
       than the ones listed will work would be to check around with            
       your colleagues and does not informally imply support from               
       The WABI application set to GA on 4/22/94 has only been                  
       tested to run with 13 specific MS Windows applications.  DOS             
       application support under WABI MUST come from the PC                     
       Simulator/6000 application.  If all you want to do is run                
       DOS applications, you would not need to obtain WABI, only                
       an application such as PC-SIM.                                           
       The following is a list of the 13 MS Windows applications                
       to be supported by WABI when it GAs:                                     
            WordPerfect 5.2                                                    
            Lotus 123 Rel 1                                                     
            Lotus Ami Pro 3.0                                                   
            Harvard Graphics 1.0                                                
            Page Maker 4.0                                                      
            ProComm Plus 1.01                                                   
            Corel Draw 3.0                                                      
            Quattro Pro 1.0                                                     
            Paradox 1.0                                                         
            MS Word 2.0c                                                        
            MS Power Point 3.0                                                  
            MS Excel 4.0                                                        
            MS Project 3.0a                                                     
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This item was created from library item Q656261      CQNQB                      
Additional search words:                                                        
SYS WABI                                                                        

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000040893 ITEM: RTA000040893
Dated: 11/1996 Category: RISCOSO
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