ITEM: RTA000028780

Can you tell by the names of the following files in the                         
system /tmp directory if I can use cron each night and                          
delete them? With the exception of tape* and temp*                              
I did not create the other files and I personally do not                        
need them.                                                                      
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A: From the operating system point of view, all files in /tmp                   
   can be removed (release 3.2 and higher).  User run applications              
   may violate this rule and store data there, but the operating                
   system does not.  A good rule of thumb for removing files                    
   in this directory is to remove by date last accessed or created.             
   An example of this is in line 77 of /etc/skulker which is provided          
   to do this cleanup for you.                                                  
  Skulker is a very good command to use to remove unwanted files from           
  a system.  This is a shell script so you can look at it and find out          
  the logic behind it.  If you need more than what skulker does then you        
  can modify it to meet your specifications.  As for using cron to run          
  this command, there is already an entry for the skulker command.  You         
  can use this entry or if you are using you own modified version of            
  the skulker command then you can make your own entry following the one        
  made for the skulker command.  For more information on the skulker            
  command look in the List of Command in InfoExplorer or at the skulker         
  script in the /etc directory.                                                 
  Unfortunately, there is not a plain English write up of what all              
  skulker does.  So I will give you a listing of the files and                 
  directories that skulker affects.                                             
    1.  Removes all regular files that have not been modified or accessed       
        in the last 2 days from the '/usr/spool/structmail' directory.          
    2.  Removes all regular files that have not been modified in the last       
        4 days from the '/usr/spool/qdaemon' directory.                         
    3.  Removes all regular files that have not been modified in the last       
        4 days from the '/usr/lpd/qdir' directory.                              
    4.  Removes all files that begins with "tmp" or a number between 0          
        and 9 (i.e.  tmpfile, tmp.3, 3file, 2night) and have not been           
        modified in the last 2 days from the '/usr/spool/qftp' directory.       
    5.  Removes all regular files that have not been modified or accessed       
        in the last day from the '/tmp' directory.                              
    6.  Removes all regular files that have not been modified or accessed       
        in the last day from the '/usr/tmp' directory.                          
    7.  Removes all regular files that hove not been modified in the last       
        45 days from the '/usr/news' directory.                                 
    8.  Removes all '*.bak', '.*.bak', 'a.out', 'core', 'proof',                
        'galley', '...*', and 'ed.hup' files that have not been accessed        
        or modified in the last day from the '/', '/usr', '/tmp', and           
        '/u' filesystems.  You may want to move the *.bak and core              
        deletions to a job you submit yourself.  If you encounter               
        a problem and want our Software Support center to investigate          
        a bug, they will need the core files created.                           
    9.  Removes everything from all '.putdir' directories that have not         
        been modified in the last day in the '/', '/usr', '/tmp', and           
        '/u' filesystems.                                                       
  This is the exact order that the original skulker command will remove         
  files.  You should be able to follow the logic by looking in the script       
  file and using these as reference points.  Everywhere that you see the        
  'find' command in the skulker script is where one of these steps is           
  taking place.                                                                 
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This item was created from library item Q617957      7HFWM                      
Additional search words:                                                        

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000028780 ITEM: RTA000028780
Dated: 11/1996 Category: RISCOC
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