ITEM: RTA000044933

I've recently installed vsm on my 3.2.5 system.  I would like to                
be able to start vsm from my Xdesktop the way I can start Motif smit.           
Are there icons associated with vsm that will allow me to do this.              
Please provide the steps necessary to be able to start vsm from the             
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A: As you may know, VSM provides four different commands to invoke to get       
   VSM tools.  "xdevicem" for device management, "xprintm" for print            
   management, "xlvm" for storage manager, and "xuserm" for user and            
   group management.  The following is an example of how to make an icon        
   for xclock that you can extrapolate to each command for vsm.                 
   Add Icon to the Desktop                                                      
   Add an icon to the desktop that will start the xclock application.           
   The bitmap picture that will be used to represent the icon will              
   be created using the pixmap editor.                                          
   1.  Create a toolsheds directory in your home directory.                     
   2.  Create a myclock.obj directory in the toolsheds directory.               
   3.  Create bitmap picture.                                                   
     a.  Double Click the Power Desktop icon on the main desktop window.        
     b.  Double Click the Icon Editor icon of the Power Desktop window.         
     c.  Use the options on the right side of the pixmap grid to generate       
         a figure that will be used for you bitmap icon picture.                
       Once the picture is completed,                                           
     d.  Single Click on the File option of the Pixmap Editor window.           
     e.  Single Click on the Save As menu option.                              
     f.  Single Click on the Selection box of the window and enter the          
         following file name after the default provided path (for example       
         "/home/teamXX").  The file MUST use the name                           
         "toolsheds/myclock.obj/picture.px". This saves the newly created       
         picture into the myclock object directory.                             
     g.  Single Click on the OK box of the window to confirm the entry.         
     h.  Single Click on the Dismiss box to remove the window.                  
     i.  Single Click on the File option of the Pixmap Editor window.           
     j.  Single Click on the Exit menu option.                                  
       Close the Power Desktop directory window.                                
     k.  Single Click on the File option of the Power window.                   
     l.  Single Click on the Close menu option.                                 
   4.  Add icon rules                                                           
     a.  Double Click on the Editor icon on the main desktop.                   
     b.  Insert the following action into the edit session:                    
     c.  Write the edit session to a file with the name                         
     d.  Add the following options to the xclock command:                       
           xclock -geometry 600x600+175+0&                                      
     e.  Write the edit session to a file with the name                         
     You have now created two rules files for the myclock.obj icon.             
     The s1.objscr and s2.objscr files represent the actions that               
     will occur when double clicking on the icon with the left and              
     middle mouse buttons, respectively.                                        
   5.  Add icon to the desktop layout                                           
     The way desktop allows user customizations is by saving the                
     current layout and setup of the desktop to the file Power.dt               
     (or whichever desktop you are using) each time the user exits             
     desktop.  Thus, to keep any changes from being overwritten will            
     required that you exit the desktop before doing the next step.             
     a.  Single Click on the File option on the Desktop menu bar.               
     b.  Single Click on the Close This Desktop Option.                         
     c.  Single Click on the YES button to confirm that you wish to             
         exit desktop.                                                          
     d.  Edit the file Power.dt from an aixterm window.  The default            
         layout of your desktop is maintained in this file.  The                
         icons that will appear on your desktop will be kept in this            
         file.  Insert the following line into the file within the              
         dt structure.  "teamxx" is your userid.                                
           /u/teamxx/toolsheds/myclock.obj @G1,5;                               
         Note that "1" is the column; "5" is the row.  This is how              
         the user specifies where to place the icon.                            
     e.  Save and Exit this file.                                              
   You can follow this process for each VSM command and create it's own         
   icon via the icon editor.                                                    
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This item was created from library item Q664916      CTDJF                      
Additional search words:                                                        
SOFTWARE START SYS SYSTEM VSM XDESKTOP                                          

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000044933 ITEM: RTA000044933
Dated: 03/1996 Category: RISCMGMT
This HTML file was generated 99/06/24~12:43:17
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