ITEM: RTA000034851

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   Abstract: HOWTO AIX:  SET UP SYSTEM ACCOUNTING IN AIX 3.2                    
   PLATFORM: RISCSYSTEM                                                         
   OPERATING SYSTEM:                                                            
   AIX FOR RISC SYSTEM/6000  Version 3  Release 2  Modification 0               
   ** This HOWTO item was written and tested with the above operating **        
   ** system(s).  The provided explanations, techniques and procedures**        
   ** have been reviewed for technical accuracy and applicability.    **        
   ** Though the techniques and information contained in this item    **        
   ** may work on other levels of the operating system(s), it has not **        
   ** necessarily been tested.  Normal precautions should be taken in **        
   ** adopting these same techniques and procedures in your own       **       
   ** environment.                                                    **        
   *          SETUP OF SYSTEM ACCOUNTING IN AIX 3.2                 *           
   The setup of system accounting as documented in the 3.2 AIX                  
   InfoExplorer has some errors.  This document describes the                   
   Version 3.2 setup procedures and provides the corrections to                 
   enable system accounting under AIX version 3.2.                             
   The InfoExplorer and system documentation for AIX Version 3.2                
   require the setup person to be root.  We will make the "root" user           
   the person that sets up system accounting and runs the reports.              
   You may want to modify the root user .profile as this will provide           
   access to the required executables.  The creation of root profile            
   is optional, but will probably help with administration.                     
   Steps for root/accounting administrator profile.                             
   - login as root                                                              
   - cp /etc/profile   ./.profile                                               
   - edit ./.profile and add the following PATH statement,                      
        all one line, no carriage return:                                       
      PATH= /usr/bin:/etc:/usr/sbin:/usr/ucb:/usr/bin/X11:/sbin:                
   - The PATH statement must precede the export of environment                  
     variables.  You will find the export statement which looks                 
     like this:                                                                 
      export LOGNAME MAIL MAILMSG TERM                                          
   - you will need to add the PATH variable to the list of                      
     exported environment variables. example:                                   
      export LOGNAME MAIL MAILMSG TERM PATH                                     
   Steps to setup System Accounting                                            
   1.  The first step in this procedure requires you to login to the            
       system as the root user. As described previously root is the             
       accounting administrator.                                                
   2.  The next step is to execute the command:                                 
          /usr/sbin/acct/nulladm  wtmp pacct                                    
       This command assures correct permissions and provides access             
       to the wtmp and pacct files.                                             
   3.  As of the creation of this document the InfoExplorer                     
       instruction's stated that the file /usr/sbin/acct/holidays would         
       require updating.  This file did not exist and we have requested        
       correction.  The correct holidays file you should update is              
        An astrisk (*) in column 1 denotes a comment.                           
        Define prime time on the first data line (the first line that           
        is not a comment), using a 24-hour clock. The line will consist         
        of three 4-digit fields, in the following order:                        
           -  current year                                                      
           -  When (hhmm) prime time begins                                     
           -  When (hhmm) prime time ends.                                      
           -  Leading blanks are ignored.  You can enter midnight as            
              either 0000 or 2400.                                              
         For example to specify the year 1992 with prime time beginning         
         at 8:00am and ending at 5:00pm specify:                                
            1992       0800       1700                                          
         Define the company holidays for the year on the next data line.        
         Each line contains four fields in the following order:                 
            -  Day of the year                                                  
            -  Month                                                            
            -  Day of  the month                                                
            -  Description of the Holiday.                                      
         The day-of-the-year field contains the number of the day of            
         the year in which the holiday falls,  and must be a number             
         from 1 thru 365 (366 on a leap year like 1992.)                       
   4.   Turn on process accounting by adding the following line                 
        to the /etc/rc file.                                                    
            /usr/bin/su - root  -c  /usr/sbin/acct/startup                      
        The startup command records the time that accounting was                
        turned on and cleans up the previous days accounting files.             
   5.   The file systems that will be included for accounting                   
        information need to be configured  in the "/etc/filesystems"            
        file.  Each filesystem that will be included will have the              
        following information added to it's stanza:                             
           account = true                                                      
   6.   Indicate the data file that will be used for printer data by            
        adding the following line to the  /etc/qconfig stanza for that          
           acctfile = /var/adm/qacct                                            
   7.   You will need to create a /var/adm/acct/nite directory, a               
        /var/adm/acct/fiscal directory and finally a /var/adm/acct/sum          
        directory if they do not already exist.                                 
   8.   The next step will require you to modify the crontabs file              
        for automated accumulation of accounting data.  We will need to         
        edit the crontabs file for the "root" user, located in                  
        Note of interest: In some traditional UNIX(tm) systems                  
        this was done in the  /usr/spool/cron/crontabs/adm directory.           
        You may need to add some entries as well as modify times to             
        suit your installations time requirements,  an example of the           
        entries needed follows:                                                 
         0 2 * * 4 /usr/sbin/acct/dodisk                                        
         5 * * * * /usr/sbin/acct/ckpacct                                       
         0 4 * * 1-6 /usr/sbin/acct/runacct 2>/var/adm/acct/nite/accterr        
        The first line starts disk accounting at 2:00am (0  2), each            
        Thursday (4).  The second line starts a check of the active             
        data files integrity at 5 minutes past each hour (5 *) every           
        day (*).  The third line runs most accounting procedures and            
        processes the related active data files at 4:00 a.m, (0  4)             
        every Monday thru Saturday (1-6).                                       
       Hints: You must be logged on as the "root" user to edit this             
              file, and you must use the "crontabs" command to edit             
              this file (i.e. "crontab -e ").                                   
   9.    Set the monthly accounting  summary to run automatically by            
         including the monacct command in the                                   
         "/var/spool/cron/crontabs/root" file, example:                         
             15  5  1  *  *  /usr/sbin/acct/monacct                             
         This example schedules the summary to start at 5:15 am on the         
         first day of each month.  You may want to adjust this to make          
         sure that the system has enough time to run the report without         
         having any effect on users.                                            
   AIX 3.2 InfoExplorer                                                         
   $IBM *****************************************************************       
   $IBM ** If you have found this information to be informative and    **       
   $IBM ** useful, please let us know via a HONE FEEDBACK or via ASKQ. **       
   $IBM ** Make sure in your evaluation to reference the appropriate   **       
   $IBM ** INFOSYS or FLASH number.                                    **       
   $IBM *****************************************************************       
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This item was created from library item Q642748      CLGSL                      
Additional search words:                                                        
SOFTWARE SYS SYSTEM UP 10 27 3.2 93                                             

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000034851 ITEM: RTA000034851
Dated: 03/1996 Category: RISCMGMT
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